Donnie McClurkin

D.C. Mayor Pressured Ex-Gay Gospel Singer Out of MLK Concert, WashPost
August 13th, 2013 12:04 PM
The Washington Post reporter today that Mayor Vince Gray (D-Washington, D.C.) confirmed it was he who pressured gospel singer Donnie McClurkin to back out of Saturday's city-sponsored concert honoring the late Martin Luther King, Jr. McClurkin was the target of local gay activists because of comments he made in 2002 in which he testified about how he used to practice homosexuality but repented…
WaPo Praises Obama Gospel Gimmick, Skips McClurkin Spat
October 29th, 2007 12:33 PM
A major presidential candidate is straddling the fence between two key constituencies: gay voters and black churchgoers who tend to frown on homosexuality. Yet when profiling Barack Obama's gospel concert campaign swing through South Carolina, Washington Post staffer Sridhar Pappu all but left that verse out of his October 29 hymn of praise, "In S.C., Obama Seeks a Spiritual Reawakening."Gay…