E. W. Jackson

Wilmore Deceived Audience with Edited Quotes to Smear FNC and Santorum
July 12th, 2015 8:44 PM
On his The Nightly Show on Comedy Central, in the aftermath of the Charleston church massacre, host Larry Wilmore tried to deceive his audience into believing that Fox News hosts as well as former Senator Rick Santorum had been clinging to the possibility that the Charleston church massacre was motivated by religion, even after reporting surfaced that the gunman had expressed blatantly racist…
WashPost Continues Attack on Va. GOP's Jackson, Buries Story on Dem Lt
June 3rd, 2013 4:15 PM
The Washington Post’s continued interest with Rev. E.W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia, has entered into obsession territory. On Monday June 3, the Post ran another front-page story in the Metro section attempting to show controversy between Jackson and the GOP candidate for governor, Ken Cuccinelli over whether Cuccinelli suggested to Jackson that he run…