Ed Rollins

Mika Muses: Did Liz Cheney Ask Rollins to Call Her 'Bored Housewife' A
July 19th, 2013 7:29 AM
Trying to decide which is the bigger story here: 1. Mika Brzezinski speculating that Liz Cheney asked Ed Rollins, as a favor, to call her a "bored housewife"; or 2. Joe Scarborough saying that whenever he imitates Zbigniew Brzezinski's accent, Brzezinski beefs that he's making him "sound like a rabbi."
You be the judge. Both happened on today's Morning Joe. Liz Cheney has taken some heat…

Liz Cheney Scolds Bob Schieffer for Discussing Cain 'Scandal' Rather T
November 6th, 2011 2:51 PM
While Bob Schieffer spent a goodly amount of time on Sunday's Face the Nation discussing the allegations made against Herman Cain this week as well as Rick Perry's strange speech in New Hampshire, Liz Cheney was the voice of reason asking why he was wasting so much time on these irrelevant issues.
"With all due respect, you know, the American people are out there afraid. They're afraid that…
CNN's Bash: Was Editing Tina Fey Mocking Conservative Women First Time
November 18th, 2010 10:00 AM
CNN's Dana Bash asked a great question on Tuesday: were Tina Fey's disgusting remarks about conservative women at the Mark Twain Awards "the first time that PBS has been accused of editing to favor Republicans?"
Almost as telling, CNN's Gloria Borger appearing with Bash on "John King USA" answered, "They edited out something Paul McCartney said that was offensive at one point to Republicans,…
Bonkers: CNN’s Spitzer Theorizes Obama Intentionally 'Wants to Lose
October 8th, 2010 11:58 PM
With insightful backwards logic like this, the new CNN show “Parker Spitzer” is certain to be a runaway hit – if just for the comedic value alone. On CNN’s Oct. 8 broadcast of “Parker Spitzer,” disgraced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, the co-host of this program, trotted out a theory that seems so peculiar one might think he was pre-excusing what many feel is the eventual Republican…
Roland Martin to Dems: 'Protect the Constitution' By Supporting Mosque
August 18th, 2010 2:59 PM
[Update, 8:10 pm EDT: The original version of this article identified Roland Martin as a "black talk radio host." He no longer has his own radio talk show. He is still a CNN contributor, columnist syndicated by Creators Syndicate, and analyst for for the Tom Joyner Morning Show, according to his own website.] On Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN contributor Roland Martin strongly pushed for the…
Questions to Political Panel From CBS's Schieffer Focus on GOP Problem
August 16th, 2010 6:15 PM
In a discussion of the midterm elections on Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS host Bob Schieffer asked members of his political panel a total of seven questions, six of which highlighted Republican difficulties, only one of which actually raised the problems for the Democrats in November. Instead of acknowledging the greater political challenges facing Democrats, Schieffer began by acting as if both…
CBS's Smith: Will GOP Tell Dems to 'Burn in Hell' On ObamaCare
February 22nd, 2010 3:15 PM
While discussing the Democrats' latest version of health care reform on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked GOP strategist Ed Rollins: "Are the Republicans better off just saying let the Democrats burn in hell with this, we're going to stay on the sidelines and win the House back this fall?"The segment also featured disgraced ex-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who Smith earlier…
Paul Begala Returns to Bashing Rush Limbaugh With Drug Reference
October 6th, 2009 9:02 PM
Democratic strategist Paul Begala can be relied upon to use the “drug card” against Rush Limbaugh whenever the talk radio host is brought up, and he was true to form on Tuesday’s Situation Room. When anchor Wolf Blitzer asked what it would mean if Limbaugh bought the St. Louis Rams, Begala snarked, “Just don’t put him in charge of the team’s drug policy....Don’t give him access to that medicine…
Dobbs vs. Kudlow: CNN Host Trashes Rival's Presence at Obama Dinner
January 15th, 2009 11:27 AM
"CNBC Reports" host Larry Kudlow believes free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. Too bad CNN "Lou Dobbs Tonight" host Lou Dobbs doesn't. Dobbs attacked Kudlow during the Jan. 14 broadcast of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" for commenting on a dinner meeting of conservative pundits at the home of Washington Post columnist George Will on Jan. 13. Kudlow was not included in person or by phone…
CBS’s Smith: No ‘Job Well Done’ on Bush Report Card
January 13th, 2009 4:59 PM
Reacting to President Bush’s Monday press conference, on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith remarked: "Not going to get a 'job well done'...on the report card, on the final report card." That observation was prompted by Republican strategist Ed Rollins declaring: "I think to a certain extent, we have a lot to be thankful to this president for his service, but he's not going to get a ‘…
CNN’s David Gergen Mocks Joe the Plumber, Asks Why McCain Didn’t V
October 17th, 2008 4:26 PM
On Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 program, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen followed the liberal talking points about how Joe the Plumber’s real first name is Samuel and how he doesn’t have a plumbing license. When host Anderson Cooper asked if John McCain benefitted from the attention on the Ohio laborer, Gergen replied, "Well, I think he was for a while. But I -- when we found out he…
Begala: President Bush 'a High-Functioning Moron
September 25th, 2008 10:53 PM
What is it with Democrats and their grotesque slurs upon the intelligence of their political rivals? Last week it was Charles Rangel calling Sarah Palin "disabled." Tonight on CNN, Paul Begala called President Bush "a high-functioning moron."Begala was on an Anderson Cooper-led panel with Republican Ed Rollins and CNN's Gloria Borger to discuss the state of the possible federal financial…
CBS’s Rodriguez: McCain Ad ‘Started This Negative Tide
August 7th, 2008 3:45 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez talked to Republican strategist Ed Rollins about the recent exchange of ads between the McCain and Obama campaigns and started the discussion by declaring: "Let's begin with the one that started this negative tide, John McCain's ad last week comparing Barack Obama to celebrities Paris Hilton and Britney Spears." Rodriguez went on to admit the…
CBS ‘Early Show’ Looks At ‘Struggling’ McCain Campaign
July 3rd, 2008 12:21 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith teased an upcoming segment on John McCain giving Republican strategist Steve Schmidt greater control of his campaign: "John McCain shakes up his campaign again. Is this the jump start he needs to get him to the White House?" Later, co-host Maggie Rodriguez teased the segment this way: "Up next here for us, John McCain shakes up his struggling…