Eliot Engel
Gloating Chris Hayes Suggests 'Neocons' Wanted 'Muscular Assertion of
November 27th, 2013 3:08 PM
On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, as he celebrated the "truly historic" news of President Obama's deal with Iran, Chris Hayes mocked "neocons" for having a "dark day" and played the part of liberal caricature by suggesting that "neocons' nefariously wanted war with Iran for the "muscular assertion of military dominance."
A bit later, as he admitted that even Democrats in Congress are…

MSNBC Panel: Israeli PM 'Agitating for War' and 'Oppos[ing] Peace,' Bu
November 26th, 2013 6:56 PM
On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, Chris Hayes accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of making himself into a "cartoon" by "tirelessly agitating for war" and "oppos[ing] peace," as the MSNBC host celebrated the "truly historic" news of President Obama's deal with the Iranian government over its nuclear program.
Before a clip of Netanyahu calling the agreement a "historic mistake…
MSNBC's Brewer Floats Unconstitutional Idea That Obama Could Unilatera
July 28th, 2011 3:39 PM
Shortly after noon today, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer followed her colleague Chuck Todd in using the anniversary of the 14th Amendment becoming law to cite the liberal fantasy of a clause in the amendment empowering President Obama to end-run Congress on raising the debt ceiling.
Like Todd she got her history and the text of the relevant clause wrong.
This occurred during a satellite interview…