Proto-Liz Warren: Celebrated Indian Victim Wasn’t

October 24th, 2022 2:03 PM

American culture has bizarrely moved so far away from MLK’s dream that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. 

This trend has been going on for decades. An example is actress and activist Sacheen Littlefeather (born Sacheen Cruz). In a political stunt, the Apache accepted Marlon Brando’s Best Actor Award at the 1973 Oscars. She…

OUTRAGE! Free Speech Advocate SLAMS Dem Senators’ Censorship Hypocrisy

July 13th, 2022 3:01 PM

A Washington free speech advocate lashed into two Democratic Party senators who recently challenged Facebook for censoring pro-abortion posts.

Pro-Censorship Dem Senators Complain Pro-Abortion Posts Being Censored

July 12th, 2022 5:17 PM

Democratic Party Sens. Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Amy Klobuchar (MN) complained in a letter to Facebook and Instagram that some pro-abortion posts have been censored online. Yet both senators have been pushing for increased censorship online.


Late Night Hosts Blast 'Masturbating' Critic, Tell Thomas to 'Suck It'

July 1st, 2022 11:23 AM

The trio of Chelsea Handler, Seth Meyers, and Stephen Colbert continued their lamentations at the downfall of Roe v. Wade on their Thursday night and Friday morning shows. The trio did everything from rage at random Twitter accounts, give the Supreme Court an “F” grade, and invited Justice Thomas to “suck it.”

The Real Reason for Record Gas Prices

May 20th, 2022 9:36 AM

The price of gas keeps rising. “The reason for that is because of Putin's war,” said President Joe Biden. But that's impossible. Most of the price rise came before Putin attacked Ukraine. So some politicians simply blame “corporate greed.” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the oil industry of collecting “excess profit.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren even introduced a bill to ban “price…


CBS Yawns at Warren's Abortion Rage, Left's Doxxing of SCOTUS

May 6th, 2022 12:13 PM

Apparently, rage and doxxing aren’t really a big deal, as long as it’s for the right reasons. CBS Mornings journalists on Friday interviewed far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren about the Supreme Court potentially overturning Roe, but had no questions for her about riling up a pro-abortion mob. They also ignored the shocking doxxing of conservative justices on the Supreme Court. 

The End of the Road for Roe?

May 5th, 2022 6:35 PM

This week, an anonymous leaker violated generations of Supreme Court norms by passing on to Politico a draft decision by Justice Samuel Alito in Dobbs v. Mississippi, the case considering overturning Roe v. Wade (1973).

Warren Pleads For New ‘Rules’ For ‘Unregulated’ Social Media

April 29th, 2022 8:17 PM

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) discussed social media regulations on MSNBC.


WOW: Elon Musk Says ‘The Far Left Hates Everyone, Themselves Included’

April 29th, 2022 8:40 AM

The world’s richest man went from liberating Twitter to blasting leftist extremism. Someone break out the popcorn. Wait But Why blog website founder Tim Urban retweeted a meme graph shared by Tesla CEO Elon Musk illustrating the current political divide in the country. The graph showed that as liberals pushed farther left, traditional liberals were left behind and now considered right-wing.…

Bad Government Brings Bad Inflation

February 3rd, 2022 11:03 AM

Inflation is the worst in 40 years. The price of cars is up 37%. Gas is up 49%. During the last few years, as politicians spent ever more money, experts told us not to worry. Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, said inflation would be “transitory.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said, “I don't anticipate inflation is going to be a problem.” Now she says, “I'm ready to retire the word…

Biased NewsGuard Partners With Teachers’ Union to Brainwash K-12 Kids

January 26th, 2022 1:53 PM

Biased online ratings firm NewsGuard is taking its information war to schoolchildren through a deal made with the American Federation of Teachers. School children depend on the internet for homework help. NewsGuard is now stepping in to “filter” online sources for so-called “misinformation.” The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union is buying NewsGuard licenses for its 1.7 million member…


OUT OF CONTROL: CBS Commiserates With, Puffs Up Warren on Voting

January 18th, 2022 1:32 PM

CBS News and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spent Monday night and Tuesday morning in open partnership and joined at the hip, strategizing over the course of 23 minutes a path forward on their so-called voting rights agenda, axing the filibuster, primarying Democrats who diagree with them, spewing lies about conservatives, and even permanently eliminating the “anti-Democratic” Senate.


Steve Forbes & Larry Kudlow Endorse Elon Musk for Fed Chairman

December 17th, 2021 9:55 AM

Billionaire Elon Musk has made a name for himself recently by mocking the left’s nonsensical multitrillion-dollar economic agenda. Two major media personalities have said he’s a good fit to replace Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

Musk RIPS Warren Whining Over Him Being TIME ‘Person of the Year’

December 15th, 2021 11:30 AM

Elon Musk used his Twitter account like a battering ram to troll the left for their hypocritical pontificating about class warfare.