Frank Wolf

Bozell Column: 'Dialogue' Required for Violent Video Games
February 23rd, 2013 8:08 AM
The Obama administration's assault on the Second Amendment in reaction to Newtown is not a serious solution. It's a Band-Aid on cancer. The NRA's call for armed guards in every school also misses the point. When is anyone going to get serious? The problem is violence, a violence of monstrous and horrific proportions that has infected America's popular culture.
The Hartford Courant reported on…

WaPo Ignores Rep. Jim Moran Race -- Even As Moran Sneers His 24-Year A
October 19th, 2010 5:32 PM
A letter to the editor of The Washington Times really underscored how little attention the D.C. media are paying to Congressman Jim Moran, who represents the easternmost part of northern Virginia (including MRC headquarters in Alexandria). A letter writer complained: