Westboro Baptist Liberalism

January 12th, 2011 7:35 AM
Fred Phelps, crazed leader of the Westboro Baptist Church cult, has become infamous for blaming any bad event on the evils of homosexuality. Earthquake in Haiti? Blame the gays. Combat troop deaths in Iraq? Ditto. Phelps's logic works thusly: God literally hates people who engage in homosexual conduct and unless societies take the steps to ban and punish such action, God is going to…

Bozell Column: Liberal Sickos Exploit a Rampage

January 11th, 2011 10:48 PM
Imagine the Saturday morning of congressional aide Mark Kimble. Kimble told of going to a Safeway for a typical meet-and-greet event with his boss, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Kimble said he went into the store for coffee, and as he came out, Giffords was talking to a couple about Medicare and reimbursements, and federal judge John Roll had just walked up to her and shouted “Hi” – when a gunman…

Congresswoman Wants to Kill the Phrase ‘Job Killing

January 11th, 2011 9:46 PM
Despite the complete and thorough debunking of the media’s attempt to link common political discourse with the actions of a deranged lunatic in Tucson, one Congresswoman is taking politically correct rhetoric to ridiculous lows (h/t Michelle Malkin).  Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) took to the Huffington Post to voice her opinion on the Gabrielle Giffords assassination attempt.  She starts…

Chris Matthews' Violent Imagery: 'Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased as

January 11th, 2011 9:02 PM
While lambasting Sarah Palin for using violent imagery with her now infamous crosshairs election strategy map as well as her "Don't Retreat - RELOAD" Twitter posting, MSNBC's Chris Matthews used an expression concerning the former Alaska governor that could easily be misconstrued as a threat. As he chatted with Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on "Hardball," the host said, "If she doesn't…

On CBS 'Evening News,' Tucson Sheriff Dupnik Doubles Down

January 11th, 2011 6:07 PM
On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric announced that Democratic Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had "been thrust into the national spotlight for some remarks he made," adding, "he's not backing down." In the interview that followed, Dupnik asserted: "If you're in law enforcement and you're not a right-winger you get all kinds of heat from the right-wing nuts." Couric noted…

Aghast From Past: Ed Schultz Producer Suggested Obama 'Put a Gun' to H

January 11th, 2011 5:55 PM
Go figure, yet another example of allegedly non-existent rhetoric from a liberal using violent and/or gun-related imagery. Not to worry though, apparently it's only conservatives who set off left wingers when this occurs and and not the other way around. Back on Dec. 16, I wrote about  a conversation between liberal radio host Ed Schultz and his producer James "Holmy" Holm, who also helps…

The View's Whoopi Goldberg Compares Today's Politics to Talk That Got

January 11th, 2011 5:15 PM
The View's Whoopi Goldberg on Tuesday compared today's political environment to that of when she was a child, talk that led to people get "lynched." Discussing Last week's Arizona shooting, she warned, "When I was growing up, people talking and saying things, whipping folks up, caused a lot of people to get lynched." Continuing this theme, she added, "Now, had those people not done all that,…

Newsweek Stubbornly Pretends Loughner a 'Lone Wolf' Right-winger

January 11th, 2011 5:12 PM
Jared Loughner, the suspect arrested in Saturday's shooting death of a federal judge and critical wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), is no right-winger and certainly not a military veteran. All the same, Newsweek published an article today suggesting that Loughner's deadly rampage on Saturday was the consequence of conservative politicians dismissing the warnings of a Homeland…

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter Gives Obama Advice on Exploiting Tucson Trag

January 11th, 2011 4:53 PM
In light of all existing evidence, any attempt to blame "heated political rhetoric" for Saturday's shooting in Tucson is simply a lie. While most reporters are done peddling the lie that Sarah Palin caused the Tucson massacre, they've now moved on to this more nuanced lie. At present it seems that Jared Lee Loughner's hatred for Gabrielle Giffords, apparently the intended target, stemmed from…

Bill Maher: Giffords Shooter's Chalkboard 'Wouldn't Look That Differen

January 11th, 2011 4:53 PM
Bill Maher on Monday compared the psychological makeup of Jared Lee Loughner, the man accused of Saturday's Tucson massacre, to that of conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. Speaking with CNN's Anderson Cooper about the incident, Maher disgustingly said, "Glenn Beck is also a little nutty. You know, I mean, this Jared guy's chalkboard in his basement, I'm not sure it wouldn't look that…

Ed Schultz: Vitriolic Rhetoric Non-Existent From Democrats

January 11th, 2011 4:44 PM
Is Ed Schultz really this dumb or simply incapable of honesty? Within the first 10 minutes of his radio show yesterday, Schultz was bellowing about an alleged connection between the massacre in Tucson and remarks by Rep. Michele Bachman, House candidate Jesse Kelly and other Republicans (audio) -- SCHULTZ (initially referring to Congresswoman Giffords' medical condition): The latest…

CBS Attacks 'Permissive Gun Laws' And Gun-Toting Tea Partiers in Wake

January 11th, 2011 4:29 PM
On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric used the Tucson shooting to go after gun ownership: "As we reported, Jared Loughner purchased his gun legally....Saturday's attack is now putting the state's gun laws under a magnifying glass." In the report that followed, correspondent Dean Reynolds declared: "Arizona has among the most permissive gun laws in the nation." Reynolds portrayed…

Move Over, Palin: NYT's Matt Bai Uncovers New Bogeymen for AZ Shooter

January 11th, 2011 4:22 PM
On Sunday, New York Times political reporter/columnist Matt Bai wondered if we are at the start of a “terrifying new” moment in political violence in “A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?” Bai argued that the act of Republican politicians saying standard political things was somehow fueling the rhetorical flames. He at least appeared evenhanded at the beginning. Within…

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer: 'People' Are Blaming 'Vitriolic Right-Wing Ta

January 11th, 2011 3:28 PM
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer on Tuesday spread the blame for Saturday's spree shooting, singling out "vitriolic right-wing talkers and the Tea Party." Several groups seemed to be on Brewer's list, with the notable exception of Jared Loughner. He was only mentioned as a failure of the mental health system. Closing the 12pm hour of News Live, Brewer summarized, "We've been following the fallout…