Wash Post Columnist Who Wanted to Bash Tea Partiers' Teeth In Trashes

January 10th, 2011 12:02 PM
"I know how the "tea party' people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their 'Obama Plan White Slavery' signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads." That's how leftist Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy calmly and civilly…

ABC's Jake Tapper Pokes Holes in Attempts to Blame Conservatives for A

January 10th, 2011 12:01 PM
Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Monday provided some balance to the numerous journalists who are attempting to blame the spree shooting in Arizona on Sarah Palin. The ABC journalist said of Jared Loughner, "The shooter's motives remain unclear. One acquaintance from 2007 described him as liberal." Tapper discussed the "cross hairs" graphic created by Sarah Palin's Political Action…

AP: Giffords Shooter 'Believed the U.S. Government Was Behind

January 10th, 2011 10:54 AM
As media outlet after media outlet advances the bogus theory that Jared Lee Loughner was incited to kill innocent people by the rhetoric of prominent conservatives, details emerging about the life of the Tucson gunman completely refute such assertions. Adding to the growing list of evidence countering these claims is the following juicy tidbit buried in an Associated Press piece published…

Open Thread: 'The Politics of Blood Libel

January 10th, 2011 8:56 AM
In the Wall Street Journal, law professor Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame, recounts some tactics of the left's ongoing crusade to pin Saturday's tragic Tuscon, Arizona shootings on Sarah Palin. Reynolds recalls points made at NewsBusters and elsewhere, and concludes thusly: To be clear, if you're using this event to criticize the "rhetoric" of Mrs. Palin or others with whom you disagree,…

New York Times Blames 'Vitriol in Politics,' Palin's Campaign Map for

January 10th, 2011 7:50 AM
Sunday’s New York Times led with the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a three-term Democrat representing Tucson, in an assassination attempt in which six others were killed, including a federal judge and a nine-year-old girl. The suspect in custody is 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner. The suspect’s Myspace and Youtube pages are filled with crazed syllogisms, dominated by thoughts…

NYT: 'It's Legitimate to Blame Republicans and Their Most Virulent Sup

January 10th, 2011 1:52 AM
As we move into the second day following the horrendous attack on innocent citizens in Tucson, Arizona, the media's blame game continues. Although the New York Times editorial board stopped short of claiming Republicans and the Tea Party were responsible for inciting Jared Lee Loughner to commit this heinous crime, the Gray Lady made it clear it feels the Right are the cause of a "gale of…

Steve Malzberg Battles Rachel Sklar Over Giffords Shooting Blame Game

January 9th, 2011 10:28 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the Gabrielle Giffords shooting blame game has been in full swing since the moment shots were fired in Tucson Saturday. With this in mind, Howard Kurtz invited conservative talk radio host Steve Malzberg and Mediaite editor-at-large Rachel Sklar on Sunday's "Reliable Sources" to fight over whether all the finger-pointing at right-wing figures like Sarah…

Arizona Sheriff Admits There's No Evidence 'Vitriolic Rhetoric' Incite

January 9th, 2011 8:23 PM
Since making his claim Saturday that the Tucson shootings were caused by "vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and day out from people in the radio business and some people in the TV business," Pima County Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has become a media darling being regularly quoted by press outlets from coast to coast. On Sunday, during strong questioning from Fox News's Megyn Kelly,…

Network Journalists Advance Leftist Wish to Blame Palin (and Tea Party

January 9th, 2011 6:41 PM
“The shooter’s motivation is still unknown,” Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday’s CBS Evening News, but that didn’t deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday morning from forwarding attempts to blame Sarah Palin and, by implication, the Tea Party, for the Tucson shooting. “Giffords was one of 20 Democrats whose districts were lit up in cross hairs on a…

Bob Schieffer: Giffords Shooter Motivated By 'Dangerous, Inflammatory

January 9th, 2011 6:36 PM
24 hours after the senseless killings in Tucson, Arizona, liberal media members are still convinced Jared Lee Loughner was somehow motivated by inflammatory comments he recently heard or read. Despite there still being absolutely no evidence that this is the case, CBS's Bob Schieffer concluded Sunday's "Face the Nation" making the same silly point (video follows with transcript and commentary…

Chicago Sun Times Takes Low Road on Giffords Shooting

January 9th, 2011 4:54 PM
Leave it up to the Chicago Sun Times editorial page to take opportunistic privileges with the Arizona Shooting tragedy and post a shamefully rambling and incoherent smear against the right. With the claim that “we cannot walk away from this one” the newspaper rails against the tone of America’s political rhetoric, to end the fear-mongering and “quit the demonizing”. And then in an incredibly…

Debra Saunders Scolds Roger Simon for Tying Palin to Giffords Shooting

January 9th, 2011 4:31 PM
A conservative writer likely unknown to most NewsBusters readers scolded Politico's Roger Simon Sunday for trying to connect Sarah Palin to yesterday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona. Surrounded by liberals on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Debra Saunders of the San Francisco Chronicle said what would be obvious to most journalists if they weren't always so quick to tie extreme acts of violence…

WaPo’s Eugene Robinson Joins Olbermann in Linking Giffords Shooting

January 9th, 2011 4:13 PM
 Appearing as a guest on Saturday’s special edition of Countdown on MSNBC, Washington Post associate editor Eugene Robinson joined host Keith Olbermann in linking the violent attack on Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords to political rhetoric, presumably by conservatives, and suggested that such public figures must be careful to avoid inciting mentally disturbed individuals.  Moments…

Stones, Glass Houses, Etc.: Documenting Liberal Media's Use of 'Violen

January 9th, 2011 3:00 PM
It has become apparent in the last 24 hours that the mainstream media is bent on attributing some level of blame for yesterday's tragic shooting in Tuscon, Arizona to Sarah Palin. The chief piece of evidence for this claim is a map SarahPAC devised that placed crosshairs over a number of congressional districts the group would target during the 2010 election cycle. But if violent metaphors in…