Tucson Shooting Survivor Arrested for Issuing Death Threat to Tea Part

January 15th, 2011 6:37 PM
In the middle of a taping for a town hall meeting to be aired on ABC's "This Week" Sunday, a survivor of last week's Tucson shootings issued a death threat to a Tea Party member in attendance. According to the website of ABC-TV affiliate KGUN, J. Eric Fuller was arrested and charged with threats, intimidation, and disorderly conduct:

Greg Gutfeld Calls Jane Fonda, Paul Krugman and 'The Creeps at Daily K

January 15th, 2011 5:54 PM
Greg Gutfeld on Saturday went after "hacks with an axe to grind" whose "rush to judgment" concerning last Saturday's shootings in Tucsocn "revealed the media's not so secret biases towards certain political personalities and movements." Offering his opinion at the end of "Fox News Watch," the "Red Eye" host specifically named Jane Fonda, Paul Krugman, and "the creeps at Daily Kos" (video…

Fox News Watch: Jonathan Alter, Paul Krugman and Markos Moulitsas 'Vil

January 15th, 2011 4:45 PM
Fox News Watch panelists on Saturday named some villains concerning last week's tragedy in Tucson. Aside from the shooter himself, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, and Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos were mentioned for their terrible coverage of this awful event (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Media Myth Busted: 'Americans View Palin as More Sincere and Believabl

January 15th, 2011 3:34 PM
Media outlet after media outlet panned Sarah Palin's video response to last Saturday's Tucson shootings with some going so far as claiming it ended any chance she might have of becoming president assuming that's even her goal. Destroying this myth was a new poll published by Media Curves that actually found Americans seeing the former Alaska governor as more likeable, sincere, and believable…

Pat Buchanan Smacks Down Bill Press: 'You’ve Got to Get Beyond Being

January 15th, 2011 1:04 PM
During an impromptu reunion of CNN's "Crossfire" Friday, Pat Buchanan told his old sparring partner Bill Press, "You’ve got to get beyond being a fringe talk show host." In the middle of a very heated debate on MSNBC's "The Ed Show," Buchanan strongly cautioned the host and his liberal guest, "I think this last week, there’s been a climate of hatred built up against [Sarah Palin] who did…

VIDEO: Media Blame Conservatives, 'Culture of Violence' For Tucson Sho

January 15th, 2011 12:00 PM
The liberal media wasted no time in trying to exploit the shooting in Tucson, Arizona by blaming Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and conservatives in general for creating a "culture of violence" that led to the tragedy. Here is a video compilation of journalists and pundits promoting the meme in the hours and days that followed. View video below  

Shields Asks Krauthammer 'Did Palin Unintentionally Make the Story Abo

January 15th, 2011 11:32 AM
Mark Shields on Friday actually asked Charles Krauthammer if Sarah Palin unintentionally made last Saturday's shootings about herself and not the tragic event. Krauthammer not only set the substitute host of PBS's "Inside Washington" straight, but also called for an apology from all those that shamefully tied the former Alaska governor to this awful tragedy (video follows with transcript and…

NYT's Blow: Case for Civility Harmed by Those That Used Giffords Shoot

January 15th, 2011 10:13 AM
A week after the tragedy in Tucson, the Left is beginning to realize it made a dreadful mistake immediately trying to tie the event to conservatives. New York Times columnist Charles Blow summed it up marvelously Saturday:

Bizarrely, Maher Blames Tucson Shooting On...Lack of ObamaCare

January 15th, 2011 9:12 AM
Two particularly peculiar bits of reasoning Friday night from Bill Maher on the season premiere of his HBO show, Real Time with Bill Maher, starting with his bizarre explanation for why Jared Lee Loughner was able to commit mass murder. After panelist Chrystia Freeland, global editor-at-large for Thomson Reuters, trumped how her native Canada has “universal health care,” Maher jumped in to…

Bozell Column: No Tucson Lectures for 'Artists

January 15th, 2011 7:12 AM
Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the news media immediately leapt to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse – led by conservative talk radio -- surely must be to blame. That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but…

Bill Maher: 'Because We Don't Have Government Healthcare, That's One R

January 15th, 2011 1:02 AM
More and more, the idea that Bill Maher has his own television show to advance his insane theories should be worrisome to right-thinking Americans. Case in point: during the first installment of the new season of "Real Time" on HBO, Maher actually said with a straight face, "Because we don't have government healthcare, that's one reason why a crazy person gets a gun" (video follows with…

Blame Righty: A Condensed History

January 14th, 2011 5:46 PM
I agree with President Obama. When it comes to politicizing random violence, he and his supporters have been "far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than" they do. Recognition is the first step toward reconciliation. It's time to recognize the poisonous pervasiveness of the Blame Righty meme. For the past two years, Democratic…

Where Will Obama Go From Tucson

January 14th, 2011 5:37 PM
President Obama is receiving uniform praise for his memorial remarks in Tucson, Ariz. Even conservatives are saying he hit the right notes, substantively and tonally. I agree, with a few qualifiers and gentle cautions. Obama was eloquent in his tribute to the victims and appropriately acknowledged that "none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack ... or what thoughts lurked…

MRC's Bozell Shares Thoughts on Civil Political Discourse on C-SPAN's

January 14th, 2011 5:13 PM
Earlier this morning, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) president Brent Bozell sat down with C-SPAN's Libby Casey for an interview on "Washington Journal." Among other topics, Bozell addressed media coverage of the Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona) shooting. "Where's the harm in having this discussion about civil discourse?" Casey asked Bozell. "I think it's a very…