Jeff Zeleny CNN This Morning 9-6-24

CNN's Zeleny On Whether Biden Should Pardon Hunter: 'Why Not?'

September 6th, 2024 2:02 PM

On CNN This Morning,  CNN correspondent Jeff Zeleny, commenting on the question of whether Joe Biden should pardon his son Hunter despite having said on national TV that he would not, says "why not?"

The 2024 GOP Convention Is Still Happening. Here’s What to Expect

July 14th, 2024 10:00 AM

 A review of coverage of past GOP conventions shows the establishment press consistently malign Republicans as an extremist, racist, sexist, mean-spirited mob that must be defeated at all costs.

FLASHBACK: Media’s 10 Tackiest Attacks on George H. W. Bush

December 2nd, 2023 8:47 AM

Five years ago this week, former President George H. W. Bush passed away at the age of 94. The media’s 2018 retrospectives of Bush and his presidency are an example of how liberal journalists can be like prehistoric bugs stuck in amber, frozen in biased poses struck decades earlier, regardless of how thoroughly they’ve been debunked.

Biden Doesn’t Seem to Be Having Any Success Fooling Voters

November 21st, 2023 10:29 AM

Few politicians say things that immortalize their words. Abraham Lincoln was a notable exception. The 16th president’s comment about fooling voters resonates today: “ You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” That wise statement is becoming increasingly evident as we head into the 2024…

How America Can Avert WWIII

October 24th, 2023 3:36 PM

In 1990, after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, President George H.W. Bush was considering the American response. He was torn: On the one hand, he saw the necessity of pushing Saddam out of the oil-rich state, maintaining the impression of American strength in the region. On the other hand, he wanted to avoid conflict altogether. Three weeks after the invasion, Bush had still not made a decision…


Flashback: The Media VILIFIED Clarence Thomas Even BEFORE Anita Hill

July 1st, 2023 8:50 AM

From the very moment President George H. W. Bush nominated Thomas to the Court on July 1, 1991, journalists employed nasty and often racist language to denigrate Thomas as unfit to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall, whose retirement had created the vacancy that needed to be filled.


PBS Show Trashes Thomas As 'Far-Right' Affirmative Action Beneficiary

May 10th, 2023 2:37 PM

PBS released their latest Frontline documentary on Tuesday with the subtitle of Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court that purported to uncover why the Thomases view the world the way they do. Ultimately, however, Clarence Thomas was portrayed as a far-right sexual abuser who benefited from affirmative action who rules the way he does on cases in…

With the Debt Limit, It’s the Same Old Song

May 3rd, 2023 1:54 PM

The very term “debt limit” makes a mockery of any kind of responsible budgeting. Each time the government reaches the “limit” it gets raised with the familiar scenarios that include threats of a government shutdown (an idea that increasingly appeals to some conservatives) and the claim that the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. is at stake. We have faith and credit? Who knew?

President’s Day Parade (of Quotes): Using History to Spin the News

February 20th, 2023 8:50 AM

Journalists love to use past presidents to measure today’s politicians, either to build up those who exemplify their historical liberal heroes, or to belittle conservatives with whom they disagree. Here’s a deep dive into the MRC’s archives showing how the media have used presidents from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to JFK as talking points in today’s political battles.


On PBS, Historian Jon Meacham Compares Liz Cheney, Bush Sr. to Lincoln

January 26th, 2023 12:51 PM

Firing Line host Margaret Hoover talked to liberal historian, presidential biographer, and current Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham, who made some bizarre modern-day comparisons to President Abraham Lincoln and denied he was a Democrat, in the latest edition of the relaunched public affairs show on PBS. Meacham predictably cited Lincoln, the subject of his latest biography, and found…

Why Is Putin’s Army Inept?

October 7th, 2022 9:54 PM

WASHINGTON -- Whatever happened to the Russian Army? For that matter, whatever happened to the Russian Air Force or the Russian Navy whose flagship is now at the bottom of the Black Sea? The answer is nothing. Nothing has happened to the Russian military for 50 years, and President Vladimir Putin should have thought twice before heaving his armed forces into war.

Jason Johnson MSNBC Deadline White House  9-15-22

Fact Check: False! MSNBC Analyst Paints Biden As a 'Retired War Hero'

September 15th, 2022 11:04 PM

On Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson falsely claims that Joe Biden, who never served in the military, and got four deferments for asthma, was a "retired war hero." 

The Noose Tightens on Putin’s Ruinous Reign

August 30th, 2022 9:29 AM

WASHINGTON -- Back in the days when George H.W. Bush resided in the White House, he told me rather cryptically that I would be getting an invitation to the White House. A few days later I had luncheon with his head of the CIA, Bob Gates, one of the brightest lights that I have ever known in government. Bob wasted no time getting down to business. He told me of his concern that the Russians,…


MSNBC: Saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' Is A 'Slow-Moving Insurrection'

December 28th, 2021 12:44 AM

In MSNBC’s ongoing obsession with labeling anyone who dares to disagree with their left-wing agenda an “insurrectionist”, Deadline White House host Nicole Wallace laughably claimed that the Oregon father who said “let’s go, Brandon” to President Joe Biden was part of a “slow-motion insurrection”.