
Amanpour Invokes Bush 41, Throws Pity Party for ‘Moderate’ McCaskill

December 7th, 2018 2:40 PM
While invoking the passing of former President George H. W. Bush, CNN International and PBS host Christiane Amanpour fretted on Thursday’s show that “[a]s President Bush One is laid to rest, one of the Senate’s true moderates heads home in defeat,” blaming it on “conservative dark money,” “negative ads,” and a refusal by voters to accept McCaskill’s manufactured image as someone right down the…

Sick: ABC Journalists Fantasize, Joke About Planning Trump Funeral

December 7th, 2018 11:05 AM
Thursday, the media continued bringing President Trump into their live coverage of former President George H.W. Bush’s funeral proceedings. Instead of comparing their presidencies, ABC took it a step further late Thursday, with two of its journalists crudely mocking how President Trump’s own funeral would be different.

NBC Spends Six Minutes on Negative GOP News Before Bush Funeral

December 6th, 2018 9:02 PM
With the nation still in mourning from the passing of former President George H.W. Bush, NBC spent six minutes, 19 seconds during their Thursday evening broadcast on stories that amounted to bad news for President Trump and/or the Republican Party before they finally got around to mentioning the final day of the funeral services.

Seth Meyers Invites Leftist to Trash Bush 41 for AIDS, Iraqi Deaths

December 6th, 2018 8:49 PM
On Wednesday's Late Night with Seth Meyers, aired early Thursday, NBC host Meyers provided far-left British journalist Mehdi Hasan an unchallenged forum to excoriate former President George H.W. Bush for the deaths of Iraqis and Panamanians, as well as the Willie Horton campaign issue and Bush's reaction to the AIDS epidemic.

More Bush Bashing: Remembering His ‘Racist’ 1988 Campaign

December 6th, 2018 5:50 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Amanpour and Company on PBS to discuss former President George H.W. Bush's legacy, The New Yorker editor David Remnick condemned Bush's use of convicted murderer Willie Horton in the 1988 presidential campaign as "racist." Host Christiane Amanpour also suggested that Bush had run a "racist" campaign ad. 

NY Times Makes Bush Tribute All About 'Snappish...Peevish' Trump

December 6th, 2018 12:55 PM
New York Times reporter Peter Baker marked the ceremony for former President George H. W. Bush on the front of Thursday’s edition, but his main focus was on attacking one of the attendants: President Trump, through biased interpretation of body language and some light mind-reading. At a moment that promised bipartisan respect, the Times wants to deepen the very divisions it pretends to deplore.…

Dan Rather Shares Highly Mockable Tweet After Bush Passing

December 6th, 2018 11:15 AM
Dan Rather, the longtime CBS anchor keeps showing he has no self-awareness, whatsoever. The veteran, disgraced journalist took to Twitter during George H.W. Bush’s funeral Wednesday to offer his thoughts, dripping with condescension for our current president, and completely obtuse in light of his own behavior towards both Bushes when they were in office.

CNN's Avlon: Don't Give Trump Medal for Not 'Screwing Up' H.W. Passing

December 6th, 2018 7:21 AM
On CNN's New Day, after former Bush 43 aide Scott Jennings praises President Trump's handling of the passing of George H.W. Bush, CNN's John Avlon says: "I don't think you want to give out too many medals for not screwing up a presidential funeral. The President was on best behavior this week, but that's a fairly low bar."

Matthews Urges Beto to Run for POTUS, Compares Him to Bush 41

December 5th, 2018 9:46 PM
In a “Let Me Finish” commentary that came from way out in left field, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews ended Thursday’s show with a plea for failed Texas Democratic senatorial candidate Beto O’Rouke to join the 2020 Democratic presidential field, citing his “magic” and comparing him to the late former President, George H. W. Bush.

Stop Partisan Corpse Abuse

December 5th, 2018 8:59 PM
Impolite question, but it needs to be asked: Is there a Republican dead body that left-wing partisans won’t use to bash Donald Trump? This week’s partisan corpse abusers callously exploited the passing of George H.W. Bush, America’s 41st president, to get in their digs at the current commander in chief. Their vulgar level of incivility was inversely propositional to their sanctimonious calls for…

Todd Slams Republicans for Ending 'Era of Good Feelings'

December 5th, 2018 8:48 PM
On MTP Daily's "I'm Obsessed With..." segment, MSNBC host Chuck Todd took the time to blame Republicans in Wisconsin and Michigan for bringing an "end to any brief era of good feelings" in the aftermath of former President George H.W. Bush's passing, as he condemned the GOP-controlled state legislatures for curtailing gubernatorial power now that Democrats will assume office as governors in…

Come On: Nets Made Bush’s Funeral About Trump’s Behavior

December 5th, 2018 8:36 PM
They just couldn’t help themselves. During their Wednesday evening reports on the deeply touching and emotional funeral service for the late President George H.W. Bush at the National Cathedral, broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC had to get in their digs against President Trump for his behavior (or lack thereof). One even touted how Trump managed to keep his mouth shut about Bush all week.

MSNBC Panel Obsesses Over Trump Sitting Quietly at Bush Funeral

December 5th, 2018 8:12 PM
It was a funeral for former President George H.W. Bush but all the MSNBC Deadline White House panel could focus on was Trump, Trump, Trump. Any mention of the recently deceased was only in relation to President Donald Trump. So what did Trump do at the funeral that caused such obsession over him? Actually, as they admit, nothing. He just quietly sat there but that was enough for host Nicole…

Gross: CNN Uncorks Trump Bashing Six Minutes After Bush Funeral Ends

December 5th, 2018 7:42 PM
On Thursday, it took CNN roughly six minutes and 34 seconds from the conclusion of former President George H. W. Bush’s funeral before CNN’s cast of analysts and journalists started attacking President Trump and, despite claiming otherwise, making the genuine and heartfelt tributes to a man of character and honor all about the current President’s supposed lack thereof.