Pundit: ‘We've Been Grading Republicans on a Curve For Decades'

September 13th, 2016 11:08 PM
To borrow the title of a Clint Eastwood movie, liberals are having trouble with the curve -- specifically, the curve which they claim the media are using to grade Donald Trump. President Obama and Paul Krugman are among those who’ve raised that objection. Esquire blogger Pierce agrees with them, but he also asserted in a Sunday post that the media’s supposedly lenient treatment of Trump is “…

Mitchell Touts Claim Reagan Dems Back Trump Due to Wallace Resemblance

February 28th, 2016 12:25 AM
In an otherwise dull and abbreviated evening of live coverage on Saturday night dedicated to the South Carolina Democratic Primary, MSNBC host/NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell touted the argument an anonymous former Democratic governor that Reagan Democrats were actually ardent backers of segregationist George Wallace: "The Reagan Democrats, many of them were George Wallace Democrats, and…

On CBS, Yahoo News's Bai Invokes George Wallace in Trump Discussion

December 22nd, 2015 5:45 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Yahoo News political columnist Matt Bai brought up 1960s era segregationist Alabama Democratic governor and former presidential candidate George Wallace during a discussion of Donald Trump's popularity: "There is a very dissatisfied conservative piece of the electorate, you know. It goes back really as far as George Wallace."

Russert Frets 'Hope and Change' Did Not Work, Invokes George Wallace

December 22nd, 2015 3:56 PM
As MSNBC's Chris Matthews appeared on Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports to promote his special on Donald Trump's life, substitute MSNBC host Luke Russert wondered why the "divisions that had ravaged the country" did not go away after President Barack Obama's election because "everybody thought that we were now coming into a post-racial society, that 'hope and change' was going to carry the day…

Andrea Mitchell Compares Trump and George Wallace Voters

December 12th, 2015 11:25 PM
On Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, as guest and NBC host Chuck Todd attempted to psychoanalyze Donald Trump supporters, host Mitchell compared Trump voters to those who supported segregationist Alabama Democratic Governor George Wallace in the 1968 presidential campaign, as she and Todd both suggested that Trump supporters believe America was "great" when it was more "majority white."

Bloomberg Guest: Forces In Trump Fans 'More Animalistic Than Human'

December 11th, 2015 7:00 PM
It's one thing to dump on Trump, as author Rick Perlstein did on today's With All Due Respect, calling The Donald a modern-day George Wallace, and floating "fascism" about him. But Perlstein took things a nasty step further, denigrating Trump supporters in the ugliest terms. Per Perlstein, Trump has unleashed forces in his supporters "that are more animalistic than human." Perlstein added that…

While Hitting Trump, Rather Smears Barry Goldwater as ‘George Wallace’

December 10th, 2015 12:43 PM
Disgraced ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather appeared on Wednesday’s Rachel Maddow Show to attack Donald Trump. In the process, the journalist smeared conservative icon Barry Goldwater. Asked about Trump’s policy of banning all Muslims from America, Rather excoriated, “[Trump’s] related to the candidacy of the late George Wallace. Barry Goldwater, if you will. Huey Long. He’s in that line.”

Wilmore Slimes Kim Davis, Likens Her to George Wallace, Jeffrey Dahmer

September 9th, 2015 12:35 PM
Comedy Central's Larry Wilmore vomited up the oft-used leftist insults of social conservatives on Tuesday's Nightly Show in a rant about Kentucky clerk Kim Davis. Wilmore hinted that her supporters were akin to the Ku Klux Klan, and mocked her Christian prayer gesture as a Nazi salute. The "comedian" later likened Davis to notorious segregationist George Wallace, and hyped that "going to jail for…

Al Hunt Calls Trump a Modern-Day 'George Wallace'

July 13th, 2015 7:43 AM
Liberal media types like Al Hunt haven't called Donald Trump a Hitler. Yet.  But Judy Woodruff's husband has branded Trump a modern-day version of an iconic personification of racism. On today's Morning Joe, Hunt declared that Trump is "George Corley Wallace, 40 years later."

Politico Mag Implies George Wallace Was a Republican

September 30th, 2014 11:09 AM
A number of center-right and New Media outlets have noted Politico Magazine's disingenuousness in the opening photograph in its "Race and the Modern GOP" article. At the item's top is the iconic "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door" photo showing onetime segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace "try(ing) to block the entry of two black students" into the University of Alabama. The aforementioned…

CNN Tees Up Comedian to Defend ObamaCare; 'Let's Give It a Chance

November 25th, 2013 4:07 PM
Chris Cuomo isn't the only CNN anchor helping with ObamaCare's PR. On CNN Sunday evening, anchor Martin Savidge teed up comedian George Wallace to stand up for the law and plead with Americans to "give it a chance. Let's get together instead of knocking it." "I think everybody deserves great health care. And even prisoners get great health care, free health care," Wallace insisted. Savidge…

WashPost Cartoonist Toles Compares ObamaCare Critics to Segregationist

November 8th, 2013 6:48 PM
We here at NewsBusters usually pay no mind to Tom Toles, the editorial cartoonist for the Washington Post. He's paid to render his opinion through his work -- although the quality of both his cartooning the cleverness of his observations are, to be charitable, debatable -- so it takes something really egregious to get on our radar. That happened today when Mr. Toles compared Republican…

Chris Hayes Apologizes for Tagging George Wallace As Republican: A

June 12th, 2013 2:47 PM
The laziness from the folks at NBC News has reached a new low for their sister network MSNBC. On Tuesday June 11, All In w/ Chris Hayes featured an on-screen graphic labeling arch-segregationist Governor George Wallace (D-Ala.) as a Republican. Alerted to the error via Twitter, Hayes apologized this morning. In a segment marking the 50th anniversary of Governor Wallace personally attempting…

CNN's Don Lemon Compares Mitt Romney to 60s Segregationist George Wall

May 14th, 2012 10:48 AM
CNN's Don Lemon Sunday evening compared Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to former Alabama governor George Wallace. At the beginning of a CNN Newsroom segment he calls "No Talking Points," Lemon played a clip of Wallace saying in 1963, "I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever" followed by Romney saying Saturday, "Marriage is a relationship between one…