Jack Welch

Jack Welch: Clinton’s ‘Climate Justice’ Plan is ‘Lawyer Protection’
September 20th, 2016 3:13 PM
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch tore into Hillary Clinton’s policies on Squawk Box, arguing that her push for climate justice was de facto “lawyer protection." "Basically what it is, it just takes care of the lawyers,” Welch said on Sep. 20 of Clinton’s plan to promote “climate justice.”

Jack Welch Slams PolitiFact as ‘Communist Outfit’
December 17th, 2015 10:46 AM
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch said on Dec. 16, that PolitiFact was a “total communist outfit” and that employees at the organization should be arrested for naming Bill Clinton the most honest presidential candidate and Ben Carson the least.

Jack Welch: 'Obama Comfortable With High Unemployment and Huge Deficit
January 22nd, 2013 8:13 AM
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch had some harsh words Monday for the current White House resident.
Tweeting during the inauguration, Welch wrote, "[A]ppears Pres. Obama comfortable with high unemployment and huge deficits":

CBS's Rose Boosts Liberal Talking Point About Rich Wanting to be Taxed
February 22nd, 2012 6:32 PM
On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose promoted a talking point used by liberals, including President Obama, that Warren Buffett and other billionaires want their taxes raised. After playing a clip of Chris Christie ripping Buffett, Rose asked Jack Welch, "Do you agree with the governor of New Jersey, or do you agree with...Buffett, that there ought to be more tax on the super-rich?"…

Jack Welch: 'Romney Is the Most Qualified Leader I've Ever Seen Run fo
January 9th, 2012 9:00 AM
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch on Monday said, "In my lifetime, Mitt Romney is the most qualified leader I've ever seen run for the Presidency of the United States."
Appearing on CNBC's Squawk Box, Welch included John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama in this analysis (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Former Democrat Congressman Scolds NBC's Andrea Mitchell for Defending
October 23rd, 2011 3:05 PM
During the roundtable segment on Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC's Andrea Mitchell typically acted as Barack Obama's press secretary defending the President from any and all criticism lodged by other panelists.
Apparently having witnessed enough shameless advocacy from a so-called journalist, when Mitchell used the Occupy Wall Street movement to defend Obama's economic policies, former…
Scarborough Rips 'Cheeto' Chomping Bloggers For Criticizing Mika
June 22nd, 2010 7:01 AM
Yesterday, Joe Scarborough and Jack Welch ribbed Mika Brzezinski for her reading of White House talking points on the oil spill. But after bloggers including this one reported Mika's admission that she was "working with the White House" on the matter, Scarborough has this morning gone all Sir Galahad. The Morning Joe host said he wasn't going to "call them names," but then proceeded to…
Former GE CEO Jack Welch: China Overtaking USA in Manufacturing Much A
June 21st, 2010 4:35 PM
So you may have seen the headlines - the United States is slipping from its long-time position of economic dominance. Evidence: news that China is on the verge of become the top global manufacturer. But to former General Electric CEO Jack Welch such headlines really don't mean much. Welch, appearing on MSNBC's June 21 "Morning Joe," explained that yes China is about to take the manufacturing…
Mika Admits: I'm 'Working With White House' On Oil Spill Talking Point
June 21st, 2010 8:56 AM
Cut out the middle-woman and install Obama's teleprompter on the Morning Joe set . . . Give her high marks for candor: on today's show, Mika Brzezinski admitted that she has been "working with the White House" on oil spill talking points. But that still leaves the issue of the journalistic propriety of someone in Brzezinski's position serving as such a blatant shill for the president. H/t tip…
Former GE CEO Predicts 'No Recession' on MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe
January 14th, 2008 4:33 PM
A lot of journalists have written off the possibility the economy can avert a recession. However, it isn't conventional wisdom that the economy is heading for a recession outside of the journalism world. Jack Welch, author of "Winning," appeared on MSNBC's January 14 "Morning Joe" to discuss the economy, the presidential race and professional football. Welch told viewers he didn't anticipate…
Flashback: On Election Night 2000, NBC News Staffers Were 'All Cheerin
August 17th, 2007 2:02 AM
The MSNBC staffers who booed President Bush in 2003 were just following the tradition set in 2000 when those at the NBC News flagship cheered on Al Gore. In the wake of Joe Scarborough's revelation Thursday morning that on his first day at MSNBC, on the night of President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address, “people in the newsroom...were booing the President basically from the beginning to…