
Media Collusion: CNN, MSNBC Personalities to Trump Officials: 'Resign'

July 17th, 2018 6:27 PM

For all of the talk about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the liberal media seems to have engaged in a little bit of collusion themselves.  On six different programs over the past 24 hours, the hosts or guests either suggested or asked their guests to weigh in on whether Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats should resign due to President Trump’s refusal to accept the…

CNN: After 7 Days, Only 4 Minutes On Clinton Uranium Scandal

October 24th, 2017 1:12 PM

For the first seven days after The Hill published startling new information about the Clinton/Russia/Uranium scandal, the 24-hour cable news giant CNN had produced less than five minutes (3 minutes, 54 seconds) of actual news coverage about the case. In fact, from the morning of October 17 through the morning of October 24, CNN's reporters and anchors only mentioned the scandal twice.


Nets More Terrified by Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ ‘Rhetoric’ Than North Korea

August 9th, 2017 3:34 PM

On Wednesday, the network morning shows portrayed President Trump’s stern warning to North Korea as being more “dangerous” than the rogue authoritarian regime threatening the world with nuclear weapons. Going into full panic mode, hosts and correspondents warned viewers that Trump was “going to make a bad situation worse” with his “blistering rhetoric.”


CBS Goes to Ex-Clinton Aide to Claim Trump as ‘Crazy’ as Kim Jong-un

August 9th, 2017 1:52 PM

Who better than an ex-Hillary Clinton adviser who worked on the Iran deal to weigh in on the escalating conflict with North Korea? That’s who Charlie Rose turned to on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning. The co-hosts did not press Jake Sullivan on problems or scandals involving the Obama administration’s Iran negotiations. 

Blunt Hillary Book Contrasts with Journalists' Previous Cheerleading

April 12th, 2017 2:56 PM

When is the best time to get something written by liberals resembling the truth about a liberal politician? The answer is after, and only after, that liberal politician has lost the final campaign of his or her career. Such is the case with authors Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes who in 2014 wrote a mushy book about Hillary Clinton called HRC. Of course, back then Hillary was looked upon as the…

Podesta's Iran Admission Exposes Tragic Results of AP's 2013 Treachery

October 16th, 2016 11:40 PM

A search at the Associated Press's main national site on "Podesta Iran" (not in quotes) returns no items relating to a Wikileaks-released email exposing how Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign manager John Podesta agreed with a Republican senator in July 2015 that the deal which had been "negotiated" by the Obama administration with Iran would lead to "a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf." (The word "…


REWIND: Chris Matthews Said Cheney 'Created al-Qaeda,' 'Created ISIS'

August 14th, 2016 8:40 AM

Chris Matthews is scandalized that Donald Trump would call Hillary Clinton (or Barack Obama) the "founder of ISIS." On Friday night, after all the controversy, Matthews said "You know, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this." That's not true. Two years ago, after a presidential address announcing the United States would commence bombing raids on ISIS, as we documented at the…


Wallace To Schiff: 'We're Done With' Hillary's 'Powell Did It' Defense

May 29th, 2016 10:24 PM

On Fox News Sunday, in a segment comparing statements in the State Department Inspector General's report with claims Hillary Clinton has made about her emails and use of a home-brew private server while she was Secretary of State, host Chris Wallace had to endure Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff's obsessive insistence on bringing up former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who left office…

NYT Faults Hillary for Libya 'Rush' to War -- A War It Pushed Hard For

March 1st, 2016 10:01 AM

The failures of liberal internationalism meets the New York Times’ liberal hypocrisy on interventionism, in an enormous front-page Sunday story on Hillary Clinton’s decision to bomb Libya, and the catastrophic results:“The Libya Gamble,” by Jo Becker and Scott Shane. But left out of the thousands of words: How the New York Times itself aggressively pushed war in Libya hard on its news pages,…


John Dickerson Skeptical of Hillary's Classification Instruction Spin

January 11th, 2016 3:05 PM

Hmmm... I need some classified documents right away but the secure fax isn't working just now. Hey! No problem. Just strip off the data security headings and send me the info via non-secure means.  ...If I had been a normal government employee, I would probably be in a heap of legal trouble by now. However, if you are former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the security rules don't apply to…


ABC and NBC Skip Release of 66 Classified Hillary E-Mails

January 8th, 2016 12:05 PM

Despite a combined six hours of air time, ABC and NBC on Friday morning skipped the latest release of Hillary Clinton e-mails, 66 of which contained classified messages. According to Fox News, “In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels.” Good Morning America devoted five minutes and 52 seconds to the upcoming Powerball…

GOP Exposes Second Hillary Clinton Email Account NY Times Ignored

May 18th, 2015 11:51 PM

The New York Times has published two articles on the relationship between former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal. It has been known for some time that Blumenthal, barred by the Obama White House from working at State, nevertheless ran "a secret, private intelligence network" for Mrs. Clinton's benefit, "…


CNN Tries to Distance Hillary From Blaming Benghazi Attack on Video

April 28th, 2015 1:31 PM

Despite what you probably think, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not really blame an anti-Muslim video for the American consulate attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. What? You're sure you heard her make that claim? Well, according to the proposition of CNN Correspondent Elise Labott, quoting a Clinton aide, Hillary is absolved from blaming the video for the attack because she…


CBS, NBC Fawn Over Hillary In Iowa; Refuse to Cover Benghazi Bombshell

September 15th, 2014 9:57 PM

CBS and NBC continued to provide positive coverage of Hillary Clinton’s visit to Democratic Senator Tom Harkin’s steak fry event in Iowa on Monday night after both networks gushed over her appearance in their morning shows and NBC’s Meet the Press wondered on Sunday if she might not be liberal enough for Iowa Democrats in 2016. The nearly three minutes of coverage between the two networks was…