Press Virtually Ignores Obama's 'No Interference' Netanyahu Hypocrisy

February 2nd, 2015 5:43 PM
According to the Israeli publication Haaretz and many other news outlets, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry won't meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it's "inappropriate." Specifically, "The White House cited the proximity of the Israeli election to Netanyahu's visit, and the desire to refrain from interfering in the election." Certain blatant falsehoods…

ABC’s 'This Week' Insists GOP Shouldn’t ‘Run Against Obama’ In 2016

January 11th, 2015 1:09 PM
On Sunday, ABC’s This Week took some time away from discussing the horrific terrorist attack in France to examine the 2016 presidential landscape. The panel featured Robert Reich, liberal economist and former Labor Secretary under President Clinton, former Clinton official James Carville, and liberal GOP strategists Nicolle Wallace and Ana Navarro, all four of whom warned the GOP against running…

Liberal Pundits Rush to Reject MRC Study Showing Media Midterm Bias

October 24th, 2014 6:01 PM
Since the Media Research Center first published its study on Wednesday showing a glaring double standard in how the network evening newscasts covered the anti-Republican wave in the 2006 midterm election vs the likely anti-Democratic wave in 2014, various liberal pundits and journalists took to the airwaves in an effort to dismiss the findings.

O'Reilly Cites 'Stunning' MRC Study; Carville Tries to Dismiss It

October 24th, 2014 2:33 PM
On his Fox News show Thursday night, host Bill O'Reilly cited the Media Research Center study on the network evening newscasts censoring coverage of the 2014 midterms: "Eight years ago, the nightly network newscasts went full out to cover the campaigns, which Democrats were favored to win....But this time around, the graph is far different. At this point in time, ABC News did 36 election reports…

Journalism Review Explores Fox's Liberal Pundits, Confesses Fox Is Mor

March 3rd, 2014 12:43 PM
Alexis Sobel Fitts at the Columbia Journalism Review has tackled the subject of paid liberal analysts at Fox News, perhaps nudged by their hiring of conservative hate object James Carville. “Call them punching bags, foils, or the engines of honest debate,” she wrote, “Fox’s flock of liberal commentators lay out the nation’s partisan battles in real time—on a network where coastal elites…

'Ragin' Cajun' James Carville Joins Fox News Channel as Liberal Commen

February 6th, 2014 10:19 PM
The people at Fox News are apparently serious about being “fair and balanced” as proved on Thursday, when the network hired veteran Democratic activist James Carville to serve as a contributor of political commentary on the channel. The “Ragin' Cajun,” who led Bill Clinton's successful presidential campaign in 1992 and spent most of the past decade as a political commentator for the Cable…

Megyn Kelly Tells James Carville: You Never Saw Bush Complaining About

February 5th, 2014 11:38 AM
On Tuesday night’s The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly played self-defense against Hillary Clinton’s lame Super Bowl tweet about Democrats being “blitzed and sacked” by Fox News. Kelly recalled how Hillary lauded Fox for fairness when she was losing to Obama in the 2008 primaries. Guest James Carville reflexively said “I thought she was being funny...I thought it was just fine...It was a little-bitty…

Mother Jones Shocker: 'New Poll Shows Democratic Incumbents in Big Tro

November 1st, 2013 1:12 PM
Since the government shutdown, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some media member claiming Republicans are in a lot of trouble heading into next year's midterm elections. Breaking with the trend rather surprisingly Wednesday was the perilously liberal Mother Jones with a piece titled "New Poll Shows Democratic Incumbents in Big Trouble."

Carville Likens GOP Primary Voters To Low-Quality Jailbirds

September 24th, 2013 8:26 AM
Drag a $100 bill through MSNBC and there's no telling what you'll find.  On today's Morning Joe, the ever-classy James Carville likened GOP primary voters to low-quality prison inmates. Carville made his asinine analogy in responding to Joe Scarborough's suggestion that Republicans can still prevail in coming election cycles if they do the "smart thing." Carville said the situation reminded…

Andrea Mitchell's Pro-Obama Syria Spin Too Much Even For Carville

September 12th, 2013 8:40 AM
How do you know when an MSM member is pushing pro-Obama spin to the absurd?  When even the most partisan of Dems, in the person of James Carville, can't stomach it. On today's Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell, claiming that the world was "coalescing" around Obama's position on Syria, said that there was "a lot of optimism" surrounding the Obama team's negotiations with the Russians.  Mitchell…

Scarborough Suggests #1 Best-Selling Author Mark Levin 'Jealous' Of Hi

August 30th, 2013 8:33 AM
Although he didn't dare mention him by name, there's little doubt that Joe Scarborough had Mark Levin—who has taken strong shots at Scarborough's criticize-conservatives-first approach—in mind as a radio talk show host who is "jealous" of him and for whom Scarborough feels "sorry." On today's Morning Joe, James Carville told Scarborough that the hard core of the Republican party does not…

ABC Features James Carville for Weiner Lecture, NBC Frets Over 'Damage

August 1st, 2013 12:38 PM
ABC and NBC on Thursday continued to fret over the implications the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal will have on Hillary Clinton. Today's Matt Lauer worried, "By association, does this do damage to Hillary Clinton?" Over on Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton campaign operative, pointed out that Weiner refused to leave the race "even as another supporter of Bill and…

Bozell Column: Ted Cruz Has All the Right Enemies

May 7th, 2013 11:37 PM
The Washington Post offered a splashy profile of freshman Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday, and the most surprising thing about it was a lack of venom. The reporter described “the self-assured, nonstop talker who won national debate championships as an undergraduate at Princeton.” Cruz “honed his reputation early in his career as a dazzling Supreme Court advocate” and now “has bashed into the…

Carville: 'Ted Cruz Is the Most Talented and Fearless Republican Polit

May 5th, 2013 12:39 PM
Democratic strategist and former Bill Clinton adviser James Carville said something about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) on ABC's This Week Sunday that is guaranteed to raise eyebrows on both sides of the aisle. "I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years."