James Woods ‘Blacklisted’ from Hollywood

August 28th, 2017 12:26 AM
James Woods is a well-known veteran Hollywood actor who, prior to 2013, was frequently on the big and small screen. Things changed in 2013 when Woods became an outspoken critic of then President Obama, which is a big “no-no” in Hollywood.  Why? Because being a conservative in Hollywood can cost you jobs, it’s like modern-day McCarthyism and career death sentence.

James Woods on Left’s Hollywood Blacklist: ‘I Don’t Expect to Wo

October 10th, 2013 5:58 PM
Actor James Woods, one of the few outspoken, persistent critics of the Obama Administration in Hollywood realizes that he’s jeopardizing his career given the suffocating left-wing political correctness that so dominates the entertainment industry. After calling out President Obama for his rank hypocrisy in closing down the World War II Memorial but allowing a protest of illegal aliens to…

Actor James Woods: 'People Lock Their Car Doors When Obama Walks By

July 20th, 2013 12:41 PM
Emmy Award-winning actor James Woods had some harsh words for the President Friday. Shortly after Barack Obama finished his address concerning race and the George Zimmerman verdict - which included comments about people locking their car doors when black men walk by - Woods tweeted, "The only reason people lock their car doors when Obama walks by is they are afraid he'll tax them to death":

Celebrities Hammer Rolling Stone's Tsarnaev Cover as 'Tasteless,' 'Sic

July 19th, 2013 12:18 AM
Every musician and celebrity used to dream of being “on the cover of the Rolling Stone,” but that is apparently changing after the biweekly magazine for aged hippies interested in music ran a feature story and cover photo spotlighting alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The reaction has been explosive, with famous people ranging from wrestlers to actors and musicians slamming…