LAME: NYT Adores Beto While DeSantis Echoes ‘Conspiracy Theories'

August 22nd, 2022 10:16 AM

The New York Times skipped around the map to cover three state governor’s races, showing clear bias against a potential Republican presidential contender, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Trumpite Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. Meanwhile, the Times fawned over a liberal Texas long-shot Beto O’Rourke once again. In “DeSantis, Thinking of 2024 Election, Reaches Out…


MSNBC Pushes Disinfo About MO Pregnancy Law, Domestic Violence Stats

July 26th, 2022 11:55 PM

Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe catered to lefties once again by promoting abortion, disregarding the importance of the family, and making false claims about certain laws to further push their pro-infanticide stance. Leading the charge was former Missouri senator now MSNBC political analyst, Claire McCaskill (D).

Joe Scarborough Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 7-12-22

Freaks' and 'Weirdos': Morning Joe Repeatedly Mocks GOP Candidates

July 14th, 2022 1:18 PM

Morning Joe repeatedly slurs Republican candidates as "freaks," "weirdos," "crackpots," and "wackos," among other insults. And Joe Scarborough once again depicts Republicans as Cheeto-smeared losers living in their mother's basement. 


Morning Joe Mocks Trump's 'J.D. Mandel' Goof, Ignores Biden Gaffes

May 2nd, 2022 2:25 PM

Morning Joe leads its show by mocking Donald Trump fumbling over the name of J.D. Vance, the candidate he has endorsed in the Ohio Republican Senate primary. But the show rarely if ever reports Biden's frequent gaffes.

Washington Post’s Fairy Tale on Pennsylvania Voter Fraud

February 12th, 2022 4:00 PM

You can’t make it up. Unless, of course, you’re at The Washington Post. The other day, Post columnist Greg Sargent wrote a column, “GOP candidates add a repulsive new twist to Trump’s ‘big lie,’” in which he writes this of GOP Senate candidates in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio and Nevada: “It’s hardly surprising to hear that Republican Senate candidates are campaigning on the…

Krugman Whines: ‘Where Have All the Grown-ups Gone?’

December 9th, 2021 9:25 AM

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is the last person who should be complaining about the disappearance of maturity in today’s politics. Krugman exploited the death of former Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) to pontificate how “his life story also reminds us of a time when public figures were supposed to show some sense of responsibility — to possess basic decency, to admit to…

Study: Nets Back Censorship 12-0 as Big Tech Firms Earn Another ‘F’

November 9th, 2021 8:49 AM

Big Tech censorship was even worse in the third quarter of 2021. This was especially alarming considering the platforms didn’t have much farther to fall from their pathetic second quarter grades. Online Freedom on Google, Twitter and Facebook all continued to decline. Once again, this quarter saw widespread censoring of conservative content.


STUDY: Big Tech Censors GOP Congressmen By 54-1 More than Democrats

October 12th, 2021 11:31 AM

Big Tech censorship didn’t just repeatedly restrict and finally ban President Donald Trump. Social media companies overwhelmingly censored Republican members of Congress by a rate of 54-to-1 compared to congressional Democrats, according to a new Media Research Center study.


53-to-1: Big Tech Censors GOP Members of Congress Tons More than Dems

September 21st, 2021 9:45 AM

Censorship has hit Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ron Johnson (WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and other Republicans in Congress. But besides censoring those Republicans already in Congress, Big Tech has also…

Twitter Suspends Press Account for Senate Candidate JD Vance

September 7th, 2021 2:58 PM

Twitter reportedly suspended the campaign press account belonging to Hillbilly Elegy author and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance (R).

GETTR CEO Jason Miller Says New Platform Is Alternative to Big Tech

August 30th, 2021 6:10 PM

GETTR CEO Jason Miller says this new social media platform is just what censored conservatives have been looking for.

Bitter NY Times Smears JD Vance as Pushing 'Racially Charged Insults'

August 10th, 2021 10:00 AM

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel became the latest reporter to insult a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio: “J.D. Vance Converted to Trumpism. Will Ohio Republicans Buy It?” It’s the paper’s latest poorly aimed blast at Vance, author of the acclaimed best-seller Hillbilly Elegy, a moving chronicle of his life, from growing up poor in Ohio to Yale Law School. Now…

Jason Miller Slams Politico After Leftist Media Dogpile GETTR

August 2nd, 2021 3:31 PM

GETTR CEO Jason Miller fired back against Politico after the media outlet launched an attack against his new platform claiming that it is a hotbed for terrorist activity. Politico reported that free speech alternative platform GETTR was “inundated with terrorist propaganda spread by supporters of Islamic State.” The liberal media outlet further reported that GETTR “features…

NY Times's Answer to 'Media' Smears? Smear the GOP, of Course!

July 29th, 2021 9:40 AM

Five years after Jim Rutenberg got the ball rolling, New York Times media reporter Marc Tracy publicly angled for even less impartial coverage of conservative political figures in “Trump Is Gone, but the Media’s Misinformation Challenge Is Still Here.” The full deck of online headlines: Should news outlets contextualize false claims made by powerful people? Or ignore them completely?…