Cooper's Soft With Obama: Patriotism's Going to Be Exploited

March 21st, 2008 8:34 AM

CBS Castigates McCain Staffer for Accurate Obama/Wright Video

March 21st, 2008 2:56 AM
“The McCain campaign suspends a staffer for circulating an inflammatory video about Barack Obama,” CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric intoned as “Campaign Controversy” was plastered on screen over a YouTube video which simply intersperses clips of Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright. Managing to twist Obama into a victim, a task made easier by the feckless McCain campaign, Couric set up a Thursday…

Moving on from Obama's Pastor, NBC Focuses on McCain 'Mistake

March 20th, 2008 2:04 PM
A day after Barack Obama's speech in reaction to the bigoted and hateful rants of his long-time pastor, the network evening newscasts moved on -- with only ABC briefly mentioning the topic -- while NBC Nightly News, which has run just one clip of Jeremiah Wright and on Friday had instead featured a whole story about Obama's childhood friends cheering him on, centered a Wednesday night story…

Another 'Close Religious Adviser' to Obama Old Media Has Ignored

March 20th, 2008 10:37 AM
Illinois State Senator James Meeks has endorsed Barack Obama for president. Here is how James Meeks and his relationship with Obama were described in a 2004 Men's News Daily report during Obama's 2004 US Senate campaign: Obama’s closest religious advisers -- Fr. (Michael) Pfleger, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, and Illinois State Sen. James Meeks, who…

Jesse Jackson Refuses to Answer Fox News's Questions Concerning Wright

March 20th, 2008 10:31 AM
Since the Rev. Jeremiah Wright revelations first shook the Obama campaign, one of America's so-called foremost civil rights leaders has been conspicuously silent about the subject. With this in mind, Fox News producer Griff Jenkins went to the Take Back America convention in Washington, D.C., Wednesday to get Jesse Jackson's opinions about the controversy that virtually everyone in America is…

Time Covers For Obama: 'The Incredible Ignorance of White Americans

March 20th, 2008 9:28 AM
Time editor Rick Stengel made his regular Thursday Morning Joe appearance today, revealing the magazine's cover to be published tomorrow. But while we learned that the Dalai Lama's photo will appear there, the bigger story is the "cover" Time is trying to provide for Barack Obama's Rev. Wright problem.Here's the gist of Time's defense of Obama, a distillation of Stengel's statements and Time…

ABC: Obama's Race Speech Doesn't Match Year of Wright Spin

March 20th, 2008 7:07 AM

Hume Recites 'Rave Reviews' for Obama 'In Much of National Media

March 19th, 2008 10:09 PM
Reciting three quotes highlighted Tuesday night on NewsBusters (and the MRC's Wednesday CyberAlert), plus one from CNN's Campbell Brown which we missed, FNC's Brit Hume led his “Grapevine” segment Wednesday night by illustrating how “Barack Obama's speech on race yesterday played to rave reviews in much of the national media.” Hume recounted:On NBC, the Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart said…

Hey Media: Lets Take a Look At Obama’s Other Radical Friends

March 19th, 2008 6:48 PM

NYT: Obama's 'Nuanced' Race Speech Like Lincoln, JFK

March 19th, 2008 2:54 PM

Sherri Shepherd: Reverend Wright's Words 'Taken Out of Context

March 19th, 2008 2:46 PM

Mika Bemoans Blue-Collar Whites Who 'Can't Hear' Obama's Message

March 19th, 2008 2:03 PM
There's a new entry next to Mika Brzezinski's name in the annals of MSM elitism. The Morning Joe panelist today lamented blue-collar whites who "can't hear" the message Barack Obama propounded. Poor benighted souls. Joe Scarborough called Mika on it.Brzezinski's comment came in response to Scarborough's exposition of why he didn't think Obama's speech would work with many blue-collar whites.…

Time's Klein: Can't Blame Obama for Not Rebuking 'Father Figure' Wrigh

March 19th, 2008 12:39 PM
Applauding Barack Obama's March 18 speech, Time's Joe Klein (file photo at right) argued that most people will understand why the Illinois senator could not throw his pastor under the bus, even as Klein applauded the fact that Obama made his grandmother a speedbump on the bus ride to the Denver convention (emphasis mine):The part about his grandmother is the real payoff, though: I'd say that most…

What Obama Should Have Said About Wright and Race

March 19th, 2008 9:18 AM
Despite the glowing praise from supposedly impartial press representatives across the fruited plain, March 18, 2008 could go down in history as the day Barack Obama destroyed his chances of becoming the first black President of the United States. Americans shouldn't be fooled by all the predictable fawning from the usual suspects in the mainstream media, for this was not a shining moment…