The Most Clueless Man in Chicago

October 7th, 2008 10:12 AM
Update | Hail Halperin: See incredible video at foot.  Pressed by Mark Halperin, Robert Gibbs admits Obama continued to associate with Ayers after learning his past. -----H/t Melody N. An Obama spokesman adamantly insists that in 1995 Barack Obama was the most clueless man in Chicago. Andrea Mitchell thinks talk of Barack Obama's ties to an unrepentant terrorist is a "distraction." Rudy Giuliani…

Fineman Justifies Link Between Obama and Lincoln, Disproves It, Restat

October 6th, 2008 9:33 PM
In a rapid fire display of flip-flopping that would make even the staunchest of liberals proud, Newsweek's Howard Fineman manages to change his opinion on the justification of an Obama-Lincoln connection three times in just under 900 words. The random logic is hard to see through all the gooeyness behind the concept of such a ridiculous comparison in the first place, but once you wipe the screen…

ChiTrib Religion Blogger: Palin Should Have Talked Pentecostalism at D

October 6th, 2008 12:34 PM
"Does Palin have explaining to do," Chicago Tribune religion blogger Manya Brachear asked in her post-vice presidential debate blog post. Here's how Brachear opened her October 3 entry at her "The Seeker" blog:Pentecostals have called on the mainstream media to stop mocking their sister Sarah Palin. But when will the Republican vice-presidential candidate answer the questions that swirl every…

'Is This Daily Kos or the Associated Press

October 6th, 2008 7:44 AM
The Associated Press has long been a bastion of liberal bias. But has it now sunk to the level of a left-wing blog in the throes of Palin Derangement Syndrome?  Yes, suggests the Morning Joe folks.  In a rare bit of unanimity, the panel condemned and ridiculed AP for its "analysis" item, "Palin's words carry racial tinge."  According to Douglass K. Daniel, the item's author, Palin's criticism of…

Salon: Palin Church One of the Most Extreme, But Jeremiah Wright Not

September 10th, 2008 11:41 PM
File this one under ‘Are you serious?' Salon writer Sarah Posner offers a scathing commentary on Sarah Palin's former church, the Wasilla Assembly of God.  In fact, the sub-title itself spells out her opinion in plain language. The church where Sarah Palin grew up and was baptized preaches some of the most extreme religious views in the nation. Yet it was only a few months ago that Posner ran…

MSNBC Mocks, Distorts Prayer Request by Palin

September 10th, 2008 10:02 AM
Monday night featured MSNBC hosts Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow finding fault with Sarah Palin's religious beliefs and some of the teachings of her former church in Wasilla, Alaska, as the two harped on a speech the Alaska governor delivered at the Wasilla Assembly of God last June. On the first episode of her new television program, the "Rachel Maddow Show," the eponymous host misinterpreted…

Time's Halperin: McCain's House Issue Harms Obama

August 24th, 2008 1:24 PM
ABC's George Stephanopoulos clearly had John McCain's houses on his mind Sunday, for during the latest installment of "This Week," the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's real estate holdings were discussed with every guest.What Stephanopoulos may not have expected was Time's Mark Halperin claiming that "this is going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for…

MRC Study: Jeremiah Wright, Edited and Censored

August 15th, 2008 5:07 PM

Olbermann: Hannity & Limbaugh ‘Haven’t Called [Obama] the N-Word

August 12th, 2008 2:17 AM
On Monday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann attacked Sean Hannity for his recent declaration on FNC's Hannity's America that Obama "can’t point to a single instance in which President Bush or McCain or Karl Rove or Sean Hannity or talk radio or any other major Republican has made an issue of Obama’s race." Missing Hannity’s point that conservatives are not attacking Obama for being…

WaPo Addresses Obama's Faith -- With NO Wright

July 6th, 2008 7:43 AM

Obama's Not Triangulating; He's 'Post-Partisan

July 2nd, 2008 6:41 AM
He ain't triangulating, he's my post-partisan.  That's Eugene Robinson's innovative new MSM means of covering for Barack Obama.  As Obama sprints toward the center and away from many of the positions that won him the nomination from the liberal Dem base, WaPo columnist Robinson has suggested that the nominee isn't engaging in the kind of cynical "triangulating" that made Bill Clinton famous.  No…

Morning Joe: Did Axelrod 'Lie' In Denying Michelle Makeover

June 19th, 2008 7:39 AM
It's rare to hear an MSM figure flatly suggest that a presidential campaign lied, but Joe Scarborough broke out the the l-word today in wondering whether chief Obama strategist David Axelrod did just that when he emphatically denied, on yesterday's show, that there is a concerted "makeover" of Michelle Obama in the works.View video here.An article in yesterday's New York Times, After Attacks,…

WaPo Feels Pain of 'Marginalized and Vilified' Church of Rev. Wright

June 15th, 2008 9:31 AM

NBC’s David Gregory Spikes Rev. Wright/Clinton Story; Cites Jewish B

June 13th, 2008 2:17 PM
Has NBC White House Correspondent David Gregory turned over a new leaf? Gregory, who has earned a lot of critics for having an anti-Bush/liberal bias, made it seem that way during a discussion about ethics in politics and journalism Thursday. He claimed to struggle with Jewish teachings about saying bad things about others - at least when it comes to Democrats. Gregory, who is Jewish, said…