Will Democrats Accept the Results of the 2020 Elections?

December 11th, 2019 3:14 PM
In the lead-up to the 2016 election, Democrats fretted openly about the possibility that Donald Trump, being a rather poor sport, might refuse to acknowledge an election loss. To be fair, Trump refused to state that he would accept election results, depending on the circumstances: “I'll keep you in suspense,” he stated in his Oct. 19, 2016, debate with Hillary Clinton. Clinton, for her part,…

IRONY ALERT! On MSNBC, Rhodes Decries Trump’s ‘Corrupt’ Foreign Policy

December 3rd, 2019 11:14 PM
That’s right, folks. On Tuesday’s Hardball, MSNBC contributor and former Obama administration lackey Ben Rhodes bemoaned President Trump’s foreign policy as “fundamentally corrupting,” “not how our government is supposed to work,” and “a criminal enterprise...that...was not in the U.S. national interest” that’s unrivaled in our history.

An ‘Unstoppable Push’; Cranky Matthews Badgers Nadler on Impeachment

July 26th, 2019 5:17 PM
With an embarrassing technical problem to boot, MSNBC’s Hardball featured on Thursday night an irascible host Chris Matthews nagging House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) to fulfill the wishes of his constituents (which includes CNN and other media organizations in dark-blue Manhattan) to see through “this unstoppable push” for impeachment.

Joe Scarborough Angry That Dems Put 'Challenged' Mueller on Stand

July 25th, 2019 9:10 AM
Joe Scarborough tried to rewrite the growing reaction to Robert Mueller's disastrous-for-Dems performance on Wednesday. On Thursday’s Morning Joe, Scarborough actually claimed that yesterday was “a very bleak day for House Republicans.” But ultimately, Scarborough had to concede the undeniable: Mueller's performance was not good and he failed to offer much in the way of new information. This left…

Even CNN Panel Criticizes Nadler Committee Treatment of Hope Hicks

June 21st, 2019 9:17 PM
Just how demeaning was the treatment of Hope Hicks by the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee and it's chairman, Jerry Nadler? So bad that even a CNN Inside Politics panel hosted by John King criticized those members and Nadler rather harshly especially after the latter referred to Hope Hicks as "Lewandowski" not once, not twice but three times.

NY Times Drives Impeach-Trump Momentum, 'Only Proportional Response'

June 5th, 2019 4:53 PM
New York Times reporter Nicholas Fandos expressed some hope for Congressional Democrats’ fishing expedition against Donald Trump based on the Mueller report findings in Wednesday’s encouraging “Talks Over Access to Report Might Be Back On.” Fandos expressed his usual hostility to the Republican side and deference toward the Democrats, while ginning up impeach-Trump momentum: "But there appears to…

Democrats Claim ‘Constitutional Crisis,’ Media Repeat It 386 Times

May 14th, 2019 11:38 AM
Watch cable “news” these days, and you’ll surely see talking heads parroting the Democratic line that the Trump Administration’s noncompliance with House Committee subpoenas amounts to a constitutional crisis. While a small handful of analysts and guest legal scholars disagree, TV hosts continue to push the idea uncritically, with some even urging the alleged crisis be used as grounds for…

‘Art of the Conceal’; Fake News Jim Claims Trump Has Caused a ‘Crisis’

May 8th, 2019 6:21 PM
All set with his hair sloshed to one side (presumably by the wind), CNN chief White House correspondent and carnival barking extraordinary Jim Acosta reported on Wednesday’s Situation Room ahead of a Trump rally that the President has plunged America “toward a constitutional crisis” while solidifying a reputation as a con-man, turning “the art of the deal...into the art of the conceal.”

Chuck Todd Grills Nadler: Why Haven’t Dems Started Trump’s Impeachment

April 21st, 2019 1:02 PM
It might be safe to say that NBC political director Chuck Todd was invested in or, at least, very eager to have Democrats start actively chasing down President Trump via impeachment. After seemly trying to goad Congressional Democrats into starting an impeachment case earlier on Sunday, Todd grilled Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) during Meet the Press on why he and party leadership had not done…

Stephanopoulos Berates 'Lying' Sanders, Urges Nadler to Impeach Trump

April 19th, 2019 10:07 AM
As we saw the media meltdown Thursday upon the release of the Mueller report which found no collusion between Trump and Russia, journalists quickly began renewing their push to impeach the president over obstruction, instead. On ABC's Good Morning America, anchor George Stephanopoulos interviewed both WH press secretary Sarah Sanders and Democrat chair of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry…

Not Journalism: Blitzer Plays Rhetoric Footsie with Dem Pal Schiff

April 2nd, 2019 8:00 PM
As my colleague Bill D’Agostino outlined last month, CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer is not so much a home for news, analysis, and substantive interviews as it is a green room for Democratic members of Congress. Tuesday’s show provided another illustration of that sad reality as arguably the most senior and prestigious CNN anchor allowed House Democrats Adam Schiff (CA) then Jerry…

Media Complicit in Collusion Narrative

March 28th, 2019 8:56 PM
What Sean Davis, co-founder of the web magazine The Federalist, wrote in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal sums up the disgust many Americans are feeling about the way big media handled the Russia collusion story: “It wasn't merely an error here or there. America's blue-chip journalists botched the entire story, from its birth during the presidential campaign to its final breath Sunday — and they…

Colbert Sneers: Fox News Would Be Just a Test Pattern If You Ban Liars

March 28th, 2019 6:19 AM
During Tuesday night’s edition of The Late Show on CBS, liberal host Stephen Colbert yet again slammed President Trump. He also trashed Fox News as full of liars. This is ironic, given how wrong the rest of the media was on the Mueller report. As part of his routine that evening, the late-night comic attempted to shift blame from Trump’s critics to the President himself “because he acted super-…

Nets Excited by Dems ‘On the Hunt’ for Trump With New Investigations

March 4th, 2019 9:31 PM
The liberal media were elated Monday after the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee sent letters to over 80 people and entities related to President Trump requesting documents they hoped they could impeach him with. And during their evening newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC hyped those Democratic efforts to probe every aspect of Trump’s life.