Jessica Lynch

Maddow Heaves NY Times Under the Bus in Ongoing Feud With PolitiFact
June 11th, 2014 11:50 AM
Don't hold your breath waiting for any (further) glowing profiles of Rachel Maddow from the Gray Lady. MSNBC's in-house Victorian Gent has upped the ante in her years-long pissing contest with media watchdog PolitiFact, which ran a post critical of Maddow last week at one of its offshoots, PunditFact.
The PunditFact post took Maddow to task for claiming on her June 3 show that the Pentagon "…

PunditFact Nails Maddow for 'False' Claim About Pentagon Pushing Tale
June 7th, 2014 8:09 PM
Update, June 8: one of the sources for PunditFact's reporting on Maddow, Media Myth Alert blogger W. Joseph Campbell, cited in this post.
Rachel Maddow prides herself as a stickler for accuracy, though she's more than willing to shed that inclination if it gets in the way of a good meme.
Her persistent penchant for the tall tale caught the attention of media watchdog PunditFact, a spin-…
NYT Uses False Jessica Lynch Narrative to Call for WH Honesty on Bin L
May 6th, 2011 4:37 PM
"Let's Clear the Fog of War," suggested Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Timothy Egan in a recent blog post for the New York Times. Egan criticized the White House's decision to simply stop talking about what happened at the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed on Sunday night. "They owe us a complete story, an honesty story, one for the record," Egan wrote.
But in calling for truth, Egan…

Olbermann Signs Off from MSNBC’s Countdown for Last Time
January 21st, 2011 9:58 PM
On Friday’s Countdown show on MSNBC, host Keith Olbermann announced that the episode would be his last, and spent a few minutes near the end of the show saying goodbye. He mentioned a number of infamous and pivotal points in his show’s history when he went after the Bush administration:
The show gradually established its position as anti-establishment from the stagecraft of "Mission…
NBC's Vieira: Jessica Lynch a 'Pawn' Used to Sell a War 'Hard Up for A
December 7th, 2009 4:20 PM
As part of an ongoing series called Today's Buzziest Stories of the Decade, NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Monday's Today, featured a segment with former Iraq war POW Jessica Lynch, and with it brought back some of the "Buzziest" bias of the decade as Vieira declared Lynch's story was "exaggerated to sell a war hard up for appealing heroes," and described Lynch as a "pawn of the military that was…