Jim Moran

Not News: Wasserman Schultz and Moran Whine About Staff Budget Cuts
March 24th, 2013 8:03 AM
As hard as the establishment press has worked over the years to make certain politicians appear to be somehow out of touch with the situation of average Americans, you might think that two legislative leaders complaining about cuts in their Congressional offices' allowance might be news. One whined that her aides, some of whom "earn" in excess of $100,000 per year, are being "priced out" of a…

VIDEO: Anti-Gun Rights Rep. Moran (D-Va.) Dismisses Fear of Handgun Ba
March 12th, 2013 12:58 PM
On March 11, 2013, Rep. Jim Moran (D-Virginia) held the "Preventing Another Newtown: A Conversation on Gun Violence in America" forum in Arlington, VA. During the question and answer segment. MRCTV asked if they'd eventually go after handguns. Moran hesitated and said those who think government is intruding in their lives are "paranoid - "but he also said he supports legislation to limit the…

Despite CNN's Gun Control Advocacy, Polls Show Drop In Support
January 17th, 2013 3:48 PM
Despite CNN waging a crusade for gun control over the past month, and host Piers Morgan drawing attention with his incessant activism and bullying of his opponents on the gun issue, CNN’s own poll shows that support for some gun control measures has dropped over the past month.
CNN.com reported on its poll Wednesday: "According to the survey, 56% support a ban on semi-automatic guns, but that…

Dem Rep. Jim Moran: 'Older White Guys Most Insecure Component of Socie
January 16th, 2013 6:39 PM
Weird stuff. Then again, we are talking about Jim Moran. Appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this evening, the Dem Congressman from Virginia declared that "older white guys" were "the most insecure component of our society." Added Moran, possibly alluding to the difficulties in adopting additional gun control measures, "we're much the problem with these kind of things."
Joan Walsh was…

CNN Feeds Anti-Gun Talking Point to Dem Congressman
December 26th, 2012 5:39 PM
When Democratic Rep. Jim Moran (Va.) promoted his new gun control bill on CNN Wednesday, anchor Victor Blackwell spoonfed him a talking point from the anti-gun Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). Moran then claimed Congress would have blood on its hands if it didn't take action on guns.
Asking Moran about his bill's five measures, Blackwell simply prompted him with poll numbers that MAIG…

WashPost's War on Women: Congressman Moran's Son's Brutal Assault on G
December 13th, 2012 8:05 AM
Patrick Moran – the same embarrassing son of liberal Democrat Congressman Jim Moran who drew some national attention in October for being caught on camera by Project Veritas encouraging voter registration fraud – has now brutalized his girlfriend in an alcoholic rage.
A police officer saw “Moran grab a woman by the back of her head and slam it into a trash can about 1:23 a.m. in front of the…

Chris Matthews Compares Obama Speech to Troops in Afghanistan to Henry
May 2nd, 2012 11:28 AM
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother.
I have to wonder how the St. Crispin's Day speech by Henry V as written by William Shakespeare would sound if read from a teleprompter. The reason for this strange speculation is that Chris Matthews yesterday on Hardball compared President Obama's speech to the troops in Afghanistan to…

Protest Tilt: One George Clooney Gets Better WashPost Coverage Than Te
March 17th, 2012 9:13 PM
In January, many thousands of Americans coming in on planes, trains, and automobiles to protest abortion for the "March for Life" were relegated to the bottom of the front page of the Metro section (and about 11 pro-abortion activists got equal billing). But just one protester was awarded a huge splash across most of Saturday's Style section. That would be one George Clooney, going through the…
House Democrats Beseech Ed Schultz for Help: We Need You to 'Motivate
November 22nd, 2011 12:12 PM
So much for Democrats heading into 2012 with a full head of steam. Looks like there might be concern among the party faithful that they need to raise their spirits.
Who better for that than Ed Schultz, the closest approximation you'll find on liberal radio and MSNBC to "motivational speaker" Matt Foley as portrayed by the late Chris Farley on "Saturday Night Live." (audio clips after page…
House Dems Wage War on 'Stone Age' Styrofoam
July 15th, 2011 10:55 AM
In case you think the House of Representatives can only focus on the big issues right now, Debbie Siegelbaum of the newspaper The Hill corrected that notion on July 13. Once again, House Democrats are extremely agitated that the Republican majority is allowing the use of styrofoam cups.
Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) on Wednesday introduced an anti-Styrofoam amendment during an Appropriations…

In Story on Town Hall Meeting About Shutdown, WaPo Reporter Buries Com
April 8th, 2011 12:14 PM
Update (14:30 EDT): Joe Schoffstall of NewsBusters sister site MRCTV.org has video of Moran berated a 27-year military veteran who asked Moran questions at last night's townhall. Click here to access the video.
In his 20-paragraph April 8 article* on a congressional townhall hosted by liberal Democrat Jim Moran (D-Va.), reporter Ben Pershing buried in the very last paragraph the complaint of…
Blast From the Past: Backdoor 2011 Porker Moran (D-Va.) Used Expletive
March 7th, 2011 6:19 PM
Democratic Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia caused a bit of a stir last week when he said on CSPAN's Washington Journal program that, as paraphrased by Daniel Strauss at The Hill, "lawmakers are getting around the new ban on earmarks by convincing Obama administration officials to fund their pet projects."
Those who have followed Moran's less than illustrious career recall something he said…

WaPo Ignores Rep. Jim Moran Race -- Even As Moran Sneers His 24-Year A
October 19th, 2010 5:32 PM
A letter to the editor of The Washington Times really underscored how little attention the D.C. media are paying to Congressman Jim Moran, who represents the easternmost part of northern Virginia (including MRC headquarters in Alexandria). A letter writer complained:
Chris Matthews: Republicans Are Suicide Bombers Trying To Destroy Gove
June 27th, 2010 2:19 AM
Chris Matthews on Friday said Republicans are like suicide bombers trying to destroy the government for their own political benefit.In a "Hardball" discussion with Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) and Politico's Jim VandeHei, Matthews said, "Republicans have been able to get up in the morning every day saying our goal is to destroy the government. That`s our job. And somehow its cheering section back home…