
Fallon Becomes Latest Late-Night Host to Press Warren on Health Care

December 5th, 2019 7:07 PM
Senator Elizabeth Warren has learned first-hand that albeit unusual, even members of her leftist cohort, aka late-night hosts, are capable of asking tough questions when it pertains to Medicare for All. The latest to do just that was Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday’s Tonight Show.  

Late Night Hosts Cheer Impeachment: ‘Holy Crap!’ ‘Finally Happening?’

September 25th, 2019 10:11 PM
Liberals in the media the past two years seem to be a living rendition of the movie Groundhog Day. The same routine is repeated every day, always ending with an “explosive new scandal” that will supposedly lead to President Trump being ousted from the White House. Tuesday’s Impeachment Inquiry announcement from Nancy Pelosi led to mass celebrations in the media, especially on the part of the…

Comedian: SNL’s Lorne Michaels ‘Helped Get Trump Elected’

September 5th, 2019 8:41 AM
It’s been almost 3 years and yet liberals are still puzzling over how President Trump won the 2016 election. Comedian Anthony Jeselnik has a new answer: he lays blame at the feet of Saturday Night Live head Lorne Michaels. “I think Lorne Michaels helped get Trump elected,” Jeselnik said in an interview with Matt Wilstein on The Daily Beast’s The Last Laugh podcast, released on Tuesday.

Lefty Late Night Hosts Lecture Americans on Need for Gun Control

August 6th, 2019 12:20 PM
It is par for the course to hear demands of gun control from the media in the aftermath coverage of a mass shooting. The leftist brigade of late night hosts’ stood in solidarity Monday night in their opposition to the Second Amendment and calls for stricter gun laws.

David Spade’s New Late Night Show to Avoid Trump Bashing

July 24th, 2019 10:23 AM
If you gave up watching late-night talk shows because you grew weary of the constant and harsh criticism those programs deliver about President Trump on a regular basis, here is some news that just might bring you back to cable TV. Comedian and sitcom actor David Spade is joining the battle for weeknight viewers with a new program entitled Lights Out beginning Monday night on Comedy Central in…

Hollywood Reporter’s Lousy List of Unfunny Comedians

June 19th, 2019 2:54 PM
On June 19, The Hollywood Reporter fashioned a list of the top 40 “most powerful people in comedy” for 2019. It’s a predictable gaggle of reliable lefties and reads more like a Wanted poster for the gang that murdered comedy. The first big-name entry was Sacha Baron Cohen of Borat fame. Though since the 2006 blockbuster hit, the liberal Cohen has struggled to reclaim his “glory” days.

Tina Fey Doesn’t Think SNL ‘Can Really Sway People’

April 19th, 2019 10:00 AM
Tina Fey doesn't think Saturday Night Live can influence people because they're just so darn "fair" and they have their finger on the pulse of how the nation is "already feeling."

Tracy Morgan Mocks Jussie Smollett's Ridiculous Story: 'Come On!'

April 3rd, 2019 7:47 AM
Even after the prosecution mysteriously dropped all sixteen charges against Jussie Smollett, the actor still hasn’t won approval in the court of public opinion. When even your Hollywood peers are mocking you, it’s a sure sign your career is toast. On Monday’s Tonight Show, Comedian Tracy Morgan (“30 Rock”) took aim at Smollett’s ridiculous story, mocking each part of his tall tale.

Video: Great Moments in Celebrity Mueller-Love

March 25th, 2019 3:42 PM
There’s no two ways about it: Robert Mueller is a heartbreaker. He led the Democrats, the media and Hollywood on for two years, loving them and leaving them with “No Collusion.” To Hollywood lefties, there’s nothing for it but sobbing into a pint of Haagen-Daaz. Hopefully, it’s Chocolate Chip Crow flavored.

Get This: Even Dems Admit Beloved Late-Night Comedy Hosts Are Lefties

March 19th, 2019 10:59 PM
Given the ongoing anti-Trump onslaught in late-night television, it should come as no surprise that Republicans and Democrats have very different perspectives on how political content is used in those  “comedy” shows, whether they’re on the mainstream networks or cable TV. According to a recent survey, 54 percent of Democrats said they watch late-night talk shows, compared to 26 percent of…

Jay Leno: Comedy Was ‘Easier’ With Obama as President, We ‘Liked’ Him

March 13th, 2019 1:47 PM
Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno tried to walk back some of his comments he made this week about late night comedy, on The View, Wednesday. Perhaps because President Trump seized on the comments, Leno clarified to the hosts that he “loved” the anti-Trump lineup on television and peppered his interview with high praise for President Obama.

Kurtz Hits Media Hypocrisy on Liberal TV Stars Wearing Blackface

February 24th, 2019 3:10 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz show on Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz gave a commentary in which he highlighted recent media double standards on the issue of whites wearing blackface, including the firing of Megyn Kelly from NBC's Today show simply for mildly defending the practice, when several prominent liberals affiliated with NBC and in other places have openly done routines in blackface in the…

Megyn Kelly vs. Jimmy Fallon: NBC and Double Standards

February 9th, 2019 4:00 PM
Megyn Kelly, she famously late of NBC, was fired not long ago from her NBC morning show. The New York Post’s “Page Six” headlined the Kelly story this way: “Megyn Kelly out at NBC After Defending Blackface." The Post story began: “Megyn Kelly is out at NBC following controversial comments she made about blackface this week, a source told Page Six.”

Kimmel, Fallon Dodge Northam Controversy, Both Wore Blackface Before

February 5th, 2019 7:59 PM
For several years, late-night talk show hosts have regularly hurled their barbs at President Trump, but on Monday, most liberal comics instead made fun of Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, who was allegedly found in a 1984 yearbook that contained a picture of one man in blackface and another wearing a KKK costume. Most of the time, Jimmy Kimmel -- host of his eponymous show on ABC -- and…