John Bolton

The Media HIDE the Stripping of Security Clearances from ‘Dirty 51’
The returning Resistance Media have begun to report on the Trump Administration very much the same way they reported on the previous Trump Administration: with glaring omissions in service of a narrative. In this case, half-reporting on the initial executive orders signed by President Donald Trump.

CNN’s Panelists Dismayed, ‘Distressed’ By Weak Trump Indictment
In the run-up to the formal indictment of former President Trump on Tuesday, many in the liberal media were chomping at the bit to see the statement of facts behind New York D.A. Alvin Bragg’s case. But following the release of the document, the wind was taken out of their sails early Wednesday night as even the most anti-Trump legal experts and talking heads were forced to admit the case was…

Mitchell Can’t Handle It When Told Biden Has ‘Failed’ on Ukraine
After desperately trying to blame Donald Trump for the current crisis in Ukraine – happening over a year into Joe Biden’s presidency – on her MSNBC show early Tuesday afternoon, anchor Andrea Mitchell couldn’t handle it when former National Security Adviser John Bolton told her that it was Biden’s foreign policy that had “failed.”

Revolving Door: 'New Day' Refuses to Note Biden Pick Worked for CNN
During Monday’s New Day, the partisan CNN took a break from their rhetoric assaults against President Trump to wax poetic about Tony Blinken being named as Joe Biden’s pick for Secretary of State. Throughout the three hour broadcast, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gushed over Blinken’s experience and what Biden’s foreign policy might be. Naturally, they missed one major plot…

Goldberg Continues Digging His Own Grave Despite GLOWING Praise
Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg must have thought early Tuesday evening that he was making matters better when he appeared on CNN’s The Situation Room to discuss his hit piece against President Trump, but despite host Wolf Blitzer’s gushing praise for his “amazing” “bombshell” we all should be “grateful” for, he continued to undermine the central claims of his tale…

CNN's Cillizza Sides with Atlantic Tale, Skips Over the Moustache Man
CNN's Chris Cillizza hyped the Atlantic magazine smear upon President Donald Trump on Friday (updated on Saturday) in "Here's the problem for Donald Trump with the Atlantic story." Well, to paraphrase that title, here's the problem for Chris Cillizza with the Atlantic story: it never even mentioned the one very prominent non-anonymous source that came forward to…

Amanpour Cues Up Liberal GOPer to Fearmonger Over Trump
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour gave former Senator William Cohen -- a liberal Republican from Maine -- an unchallenged forum to bash President Donald Trump and spread misinformation against Republicans.

Brent Bozell: John Bolton Went from Political COVID-19 to Media Hero
On The Evening Edit on Fox Business on Monday night, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell said the media treated John Bolton as the "political equivalent of COVID-19" and a knuckle-dragging, fire-breathing caveman....until he turned on President Trump. Then he was a hero.

Stephanopoulos Bullies Bolton to Vote Biden, Support Impeachment
After hyping John Bolton’s anti-Trump book endlessly on ABC, the news network brought Bolton on Monday’s Good Morning America to grill him...from the left. Anchor George Stephanopoulos spent a good deal of the interview badgering the former National Security Advisor to switch parties and support Democrats’ never-ending impeachment efforts.

Chuck Todd Prods Adam Schiff to Restart Impeachment with Bolton Book
One would think it’s a wacky idea to launch a second impeachment crusade a few months before an election, but NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd was prodding Adam Schiff from the left on Sunday to restart his engines, based on the new John Bolton “tell-all” book.

MSNBC Crew Questions John Bolton's Patriotism, He's Too Late to Help!
During MSNBC’s Deadline: White House segment Thursday afternoon, host Nicole Wallace just could not help herself as she invited Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff and analyst Michael Steele to rip into former National Security Advisor John Bolton over his new tell-all book. The criticism of Bolton did not focus on the veracity of his nasty claims about President Trump, but the fact…

MSNBC’s Hayes Calls ‘Duplicitous’ John Bolton the Leader of the GOP
On Wednesday’s All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes bizarrely insisted that the true leader of the Republican Party is John Bolton, not Donald Trump. Hayes described Bolton as “duplicitous, untrustworthy, extremely militaristic” in his Tuesday night rant on why the American people should trust what Bolton says in his new tell-all book. Hayes also called Bolton “morally odious.” But, the…

Morning Joe: Trump Would 'Execute' Journalists, Committed 'Treason'
MSNBC’s Morning Joe was certainly on a roll Thursday morning. While discussing the latest revelations hidden within former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s tell-all book that was leaked yesterday afternoon, co-host Joe Scarborough went on a rant saying that President Trump wanted to kill journalists.

Nets Hype ‘Bolton Bombshells’: Trump Wanted China to Buy U.S. Soybeans
On Thursday, all three network morning shows seized on excerpts from former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s new book trashing President Trump. The NBC, ABC, and CBS broadcasts repeatedly hailed supposed “bombshells” and “explosive” revelations in the nasty tell-all, including Trump’s allegedly treasonous attempt to get China to buy American agricultural products.