
Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’

July 6th, 2024 4:30 PM

Lefty journalists and celebrities all freaked out after the Supreme Court’s Donald Trump immunity ruling. MSNBC’s Joy Reid warned that if Trump won, the Supreme Court would let him rule as “King.” CNN’s Van Jones feared that the Court issued Trump a “license to thug.” The following are just a few of the most outrageous outbursts from enraged journalists and celebrities over the last month…

Hateful John Cusack Rant: America Is 'F**king Awful'

June 17th, 2021 9:25 AM

John Cusack is on yet another twitter rant, but what else is new? This time the actor and professional complainer is attacking Boeing for “funding insurrectionist gop members” and creating ads showing support for our military. Of course the Hollywood jerk just spouts off, regardless of truth. He just loves attention (and hating on people). 

Hollywood Thinks Trump’s Facebook Ban Has to Do with ‘Rule Of Law’

May 5th, 2021 1:50 PM

Hollywood’s worst are reacting to Facebook extending its ban of the 45th president for another six months, and they either gloated or complained Facebook hadn’t gone far enough.

‘Traitors’: Hollywood Actors Want to Indict Trump and Administration

December 8th, 2020 2:15 PM

The website for the Trump Accountability Project may have been closed down (though an LGBTQ version exists on, but the desire for revenge still lingers in the air. Just look at Twitter.


Celebrities Can’t Wait to Kick Trump Out of the White House

November 16th, 2020 9:51 AM

The following are just a few of the most obnoxious slams on Trump by celebrities since Election Day.

John Cusack Supports Suppression of Free Speech

November 6th, 2020 2:53 PM

Actor John Cusack won’t stand for any backtalk. In fact, he won’t stand for any talk at all, if he disagrees with it. Many people have been feeling stressed about the presidential race, mostly because they believe deep, moral issues are at stake. Everybody feels strongly about those issues, and the unusually long wait for the election results has exacerbated the tension.

Hollywood Actors: Trump Is a Nazi, His Voters Support Nazis

November 4th, 2020 6:27 PM

More leftist celebrities still can’t understand why millions of Americans would vote for President Donald Trump instead of a candidate with deteriorating mental faculties.

‘WE’RE WINNING THIS!’ Celebs Show Confidence in Nail-Biter Election

November 4th, 2020 2:53 PM

Despite there being more surprises in store, including recounts, lawsuits, maybe a SCOTUS decision and the shaking of the very foundations of the earth before the official end of this election cycle, Hollywood Dems are talking very confident about their slow candidate’s multi-day crawl to the finish line. How exciting.

Celebs Fume Over No Blue Wave, Blame Polls, Call Election ‘Damning'

November 4th, 2020 3:41 AM

Election Night 1, of possibly several more election nights, is over and the race between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden has become nail-bitingly close, much to the pain of both sides. This especially didn’t sit well with Hollywood lefties who felt robbed of the “blue wave” that the polls had promised.

Cusack Wants a ‘Reckoning’: Vote Biden, Then Pressure Him From Left

October 14th, 2020 3:35 PM

John Cusack is often a good actor. Politically, he’s an intolerant, unhinged radical lefty. And on a personal level, he sure seems like a jerk. But he’s a pretty reliable voice for that ever-more influential moonbat wing of the Democrat party, so it’s useful…

Unhinged John Cusack: Trump Is like Hitler, Pence Can Go to Hell

October 7th, 2020 4:01 PM

Actor John Cusack is at it again, attacking Trump and his administration with both guns blazing. Unfortunately for him, his guns are misfiring.

‘All Aboard the Manslaughter Express!’ Celebs RAGE At Trump Limo Ride

October 5th, 2020 2:36 PM

It’s week 190 or so of Trump’s presidency, and the meltdowns from the left have continued to grow in intensity and sheer stupidity. In the latest outrage, a Covid-infected Trump driving past supporters near Walter Reed Medical Center makes the president as or more dangerous than fictional Dr. Strangelove – the man who invented the nuclear “Doomsday device.”

John Cusack: ‘I’m Blocking Anyone Who Isn’t Aggressively Anti Trump’

October 1st, 2020 3:38 PM

For actor John Cusack, politics is thicker than blood and water. According to, Cusack tweeted on September 29: “I’m blocking anyone who isn’t aggressively anti trump untill election is over - sorry no time for your BS.” Poor Cusack, it must be on account of his delicate feelings. It must be difficult to see a tweet that doesn’t totally bash Trump into the ground with profanity-…

‘THIS IS WAR’: Hollywood Vows Extreme Tactics in SCOTUS Fight

September 20th, 2020 5:40 PM

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday September 18 and Hollywood is freaking out at the thought that President Trump may get a third SCOTUS nomination during his first term in office.