Gloating Chris Hayes Suggests 'Neocons' Wanted 'Muscular Assertion of

November 27th, 2013 3:08 PM
On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, as he celebrated the "truly historic" news of President Obama's deal with Iran, Chris Hayes mocked "neocons"  for having a "dark day" and played the part of liberal caricature by suggesting that "neocons' nefariously wanted war with Iran for the "muscular assertion of military dominance." A bit later, as he admitted that even Democrats in Congress are…

Joe Curl: Current Christie Swoon 'Shades of the Media Love Affair With

November 11th, 2013 11:53 AM
As NewsBusters reported, James Pinkerton on Fox News's MediaBuzz Sunday predicted that all the press's gushing and fawning over Republican New Jersey governor Chris Christie will end if he gets the nomination to face Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.  Washington Times columnist Joe Curl echoed such sentiments Sunday while adding, "The kingmaking certainly has shades of the media love…

Daily Beast Contributor Jokes About Cruz and McCain Settling Feud in a

October 20th, 2013 4:49 PM
I'm fully aware that Daily Beast contributor Dean Obeidallah is a comedian, but would the following comment he made on Twitter Sunday be funny if made by a conservative comic about Democrats? "Anyone else hoping Ted Cruz and John McCain settle their feud in an Aaron Burr-Alexander Hamilton style duel? Id [sic] be rooting for John McCain":

As Shutdown Ends, NBC Invites GOP Moderates to Bash Conservatives

October 18th, 2013 11:51 AM
As the government shutdown was nearing it's end Wednesday evening, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted a live interview with John McCain, urging the Arizona Senator to slam fellow Republicans over the budget showdown: "Senator, let's talk about the damage in order, to the country, to your party, your profession, and how much of this do you lay at the feet of Senator Cruz from Texas…

Bozell Column: The New Nexus, Liberal Media and Liberal Republicans

October 15th, 2013 10:54 PM
The government shutdown has made it abundantly obvious that the anti-conservative news media and the anti-conservative Republican establishment have joined together to the point where it’s almost impossible to see where one ends and the other begins. Some might say they merge every day on the set of “Morning Joe.” The media have designated as Public Enemy Number One a recalcitrant bloc of Tea…

Tina Brown: Why is Mitch McConnell Rand Paul's 'Bitch' in Tea Party 'J

October 10th, 2013 6:09 PM
[***UPDATED*** October 11, 11:15 ET, More analysis and full transcript added] In an interview with Senator John McCain for The Daily Beast's annual Hero Summit on Thursday, the blog's editor-in-chief Tina Brown launched into an unhinged rant blaming conservatives for the government shutdown: "The story of this political crisis is really, you know, the culpability not just of the Republican…

Networks Give a Scant 65 Seconds to John McCain's 'Blistering' Russian

September 19th, 2013 12:22 PM
 The three networks on Thursday morning allowed a scant 65 seconds to Senator John McCain's "blistering" op-ed published in the communist newspaper Pravda, featuring a call for freedom and tolerance in Russia. Although ABC, CBS and NBC quickly summarized the Senator's international rebuttal to Vladimir Putin's New York Times op-ed, the morning shows offered the briefest of quotes and mostly…

Politico Gushes Over Obama’s ‘Dazzling’ Smile, Blasts ‘Extreme

September 19th, 2013 9:37 AM
In an effort to report on the popularity and status of President Barack Obama now that he's well into his second term in the White House, Politico website writers Todd S. Purdum and John F. Harris posted two articles on Wednesday. The first is entitled “What's wrong with President Obama?” and the second missive is called “And what's right with President Obama?” The second article claims that…

CNN Tees Up John McCain to Bash Republicans for Partisanship

September 16th, 2013 4:38 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo teed up Sen. John McCain to bash fellow Republicans on Monday's New Day, for putting partisanship before the country on Syria and the budget. "Do you believe if there were President Romney that members of your party would have the same resistance to going in that they are showing right now?" Cuomo pressed McCain on a Syria intervention. Would Cuomo ask if Democrats were…

John McCain: Great Britain ‘No Longer a World Power

August 31st, 2013 8:48 AM
Senator John McCain had harsh words for Great Britain Friday following that country’s decision to not participate in a coordinated attack on Syria. Appearing on NBC’s Tonight Show, McCain said, “I feel badly about the British. They're our dear friends, but they're no longer a world power. It's just a fact of life.”

McCain: Young Americans Believe Snowden Is ‘Some Kind of Jason Bourn

August 11th, 2013 10:45 AM
Senator John McCain made an interesting observation Sunday about National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, McCain said, “There's a young generation that believe that he is some kind of Jason Bourne.”

ABC’s Zeleny Prods McCain to Attack Fellow Republicans, Praise Chuck

August 8th, 2013 6:12 PM
There’s nothing liberal media members love more than a Republican who attacks other Republicans in front of the TV cameras. That probably explains the media’s rediscovered fascination with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. ABC’s Jeff Zeleny interviewed McCain last Friday for the ABC News / Yahoo News online series The Fine Print, and he used the veteran senator as a…

CBS Dubiously Implies McCain Supports Hillary Over Rand Paul For Presi

August 1st, 2013 3:26 PM
This just in: John McCain supports Hillary Clinton over Rand Paul for president in 2016! That was the message that CBS’s Gayle King implied during a news brief on Thursday’s CBS This Morning. King reported on a recent interview in The New Republic in which Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) was asked who he would vote for in 2016 if former Secretary of State Clinton faced Sen. Paul (R-Ky.) in the general…

Palin: McCain Campaign Banned Me From Talking About Obama - 'Media Wou

July 27th, 2013 11:02 AM
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Friday that the McCain campaign in 2008 prevented her from talking about Barack Obama's controversial background or his lack of job experience for fear "the media would eat us alive." Fox News's Greta Van Susteren responded by saying, "I think at some point [people are] going to look at us in the media and think we're just a bunch of fools.…