Rolling Stone Melts Over Canada’s ‘Seducing,’ Beautiful’ ‘North Star’

July 26th, 2017 3:58 PM
Barack Obama is gone and the liberals at Rolling Stone need another dreamy leftist to fawn over. Apparently, the magazine has found one in Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister. The August 10 issue is beyond effusive, describing the politician as “seductive” and “goddamned beautiful.” The various headlines give a small indication to the Trudeau love in the article. The print edition enthuses, “…

‘Google Three Words: Justin Trudeau Butt’; RI Paper Swoons for Trudeau

July 14th, 2017 1:27 PM
The National Governor’s Association (NGA) conference is set to take place this weekend in Providence, Rhode Island featuring a speech from Canadien Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The leftist state is clearly excited, seeing as how The Providence Journal spent the first 80 words of its lead story for Friday’s print edition touting Trudeau’s rear end.

Dickey Sees French 'Crypto-Fascist' vs. 'Thoughtful' 'Progressive'

April 22nd, 2017 6:45 PM
When MSNBC contributor and Daily Beast foreign editor Christopher Dickey appears to fill in MSNBC viewers on European politics, it's generally not long before his contempt for conservatives is made obvious. On Saturday's MSNBC Live, Dickey tagged right-wing French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen as a "crypto-fascist" and recalled that the French public believe President Donald Trump is "nuts…

Brokaw Frets to Canadian PM: Trump Trying to ‘Shut Down’ Immigration

March 16th, 2017 12:39 PM
During an interview with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau aired on Wednesday’s NBC Today, special correspondent Tom Brokaw complained about President Trump’s latest executive order temporarily suspending immigration from a handful of Middle Eastern nations: “He's made another effort to shut down or at least diminish the opportunity for immigrants to come here. Another judge has stepped in.”

Libs Swoon Over Trudeau’s Abortion Pledge: ‘Could He Be More Perfect?'

March 10th, 2017 10:41 AM
Justin Trudeau is a liberal woman’s dream. He’s attractive, progressive and a self-proclaimed feminist. What’s not to love? But on International Women’s Day, the Canadian prime minister made feminists across North America really swoon. He pledged to contribute $650 million to women’s health initiatives, including fighting “anti-abortion” legislation across the world.  

ABC Bemoans ‘Skyrocketing’ Numbers Illegally Immigrating to Canada

February 19th, 2017 10:06 AM
During Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC finally became worried about “skyrocketing” illegal immigration and the strain on resources. But it was not illegal immigration into the United States they were fretting about, but that into Canada. “Illegally crossing the border, fueled by fears after recent immigration raids and uncertainty over President Trump's executive order,” announced co-anchor…

Trump Skips Liberal Nets, Papers in Trudeau Press Conference

February 13th, 2017 4:01 PM

For President Trump’s third joint press conference with a foreign leader, the President skipped over the major broadcast networks, cable networks, liberal newspapers, and wire services on Monday with Canadien Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In lieu of those outlets, he called on Sinclair Broadcasting Group and The Daily Caller. 


Camerota Hints Breitbart Anti-Semitism Behind WH Holocaust Statement

January 31st, 2017 9:51 PM
On Monday's New Day on CNN, as liberal New York Times columnist Tom Friedman appeared as a guest, after CNN co-host Chris Cuomo brought up the White House statement for International Holocaust Remembrance Day that broke precedent and did not specifically mention "Jews" or "anti-Semitism," co-host Alisyn Camerota wondered if anti-Semitism at Breitbart News might be tied to the wording.

NBC Ties Canadian Mosque Attack to Trump Immigration Order

January 30th, 2017 11:04 AM
In a report at the top of Monday’s NBC Today, Canadian reporter Genevieve Beauchemin of CTV News wasted no time trying to connect a mass shooting at a Quebec mosque to President Trump’s executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven Middle Eastern nations: “Investigators say the motive of the attack remains unknown. It comes just days after President Trump's controversial immigration…

Justin Trudeau: Baby-Faced Commie Apologist Unmasked

November 30th, 2016 1:56 PM
Wasn't one vapid pretty boy named Justin from Canada enough? At least Justin Bieber is eye candy without the heartburn. Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, is the twinkly-eyed boy toy who makes informed adults wanna hurl. For more than a year, the liberal Canadian prime minister enjoyed drool-stained global press coverage as the "hot hipster" and "dreamy sex symbol" with great hair and a tribal…

Daily Show: Anti-Immigrant USA Should Learn from Enlightened Canadians

May 18th, 2016 9:30 AM
On Tuesday night’s Daily Show, host Trevor Noah and correspondent Hasan Minhaj spent a full five minutes of the show mocking Americans as hateful and stupid with ignorant attitudes towards immigrants. Minhaj played the part of a fear-mongering American who was schooled by the more compassionate neighbors to the North for their “enlightened”, welcoming attitudes toward Syrian refugees. In Hasan’s…

Nets Catch ‘Justin Fever,’ Infatuated With Obama-Trudeau ‘Bromance’

March 11th, 2016 11:52 AM
Continuing their unhealthy obsession with the “bromance” between newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Obama on Friday, all three network morning shows were thrilled by the pair exchanging pleasantries at a White House state dinner Thursday evening.

NBC Gushes Over 'Dreamy' 'Heartthrob' Canadian Prime Minister

March 10th, 2016 8:13 PM
In a segment sounding more like Access Hollywood than the evening news, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt hyped that "heads [were] turning" and "the White House abuzz" with the visit of Canada's new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Reporter Ron Allen continued the gushing, calling the young liberal PM "Canada's Obama" at "just 44 with a young family," and even describing the politician as "…

ABC, CBS Adore Canada’s ‘Hunky,’ ‘Handsome,’ Liberal Prime Minister

March 10th, 2016 11:33 AM
ABC and CBS have found another young, liberal politician to fawn over. This time it’s not Barack Obama, but the “hunky,” left-wing leader of Canada. Good Morning America’s Michael Strahan on Thursday gushed, “ Canada's young and handsome new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has arrived with his wife Sophie and three kids for tonight's state dinner at the White House.”