Leland Yee

Democrat Pol Who Tried to Sell Guns Illegally Sentenced; Nets Ignore
February 25th, 2016 3:00 PM
Leland Yee, a San Francisco Democrat and staunch proponent of stiffer gun-control laws was sentenced today in federal court on corruption charges tied to, among other things, a conspiracy to traffic weapons. Although this is off-the-charts hypocritical of Mr. Yee, a wonderfully sensational corrupt politician story ripe for national news, none of the Big Three broadcast evening news programs last…

AP Twice Fails to Tag Convicted Calif. Senator Leland Yee as a Dem
February 25th, 2016 11:38 AM
The political career of California State Senator Leland Yee, a Democrat who had been running for Secretary of State, came to an abrupt end in March 2014 when the strident gun-control advocate was arrested and charged with "six counts of depriving the public of honest services and one count of conspiracy to traffic in guns without a license."
Last week, Yee, who pled guilty last year to "one…
Jonah Goldberg: Media Herd Stampedes To Expose 'True, Feral Nature of
April 25th, 2014 1:20 PM
In his “Happy Warrior” column in the April 21 National Review, Jonah Goldberg reports on how “Press Shows Bias.” In this case, it’s the case of California state Sen. Leland Yee, whose remarkable attempts to smuggle guns and even missile-launchers went mostly ignored in the national media.
The most notable omitter was CNN, which tweeted it covers state officials “just about never.” (On April…

LA Times Cartoonist Scribe Deems Koch Brothers Worse Than Corrupt Demo
April 9th, 2014 6:54 PM
Wow, what a great year to work as a political cartoonist in California, especially if you're also a columnist.
Back in January, a California state senator name Rod Wright was convicted on all eight counts in his trial for voter fraud and perjury. Just a few weeks later, another state senator from California, Ron Calderon, was indicted on two dozen (!) counts of bribery, fraud, money…

CNN.com Finally Gets to the Leland Yee Story — 13 Days Late
April 8th, 2014 10:52 PM
Let it be noted that at 7:17 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, CNN.com finally broke down and posted a story on the alleged criminal behavior of California State Senator Leland Yee. The headline at the story by Matt Smith and Jason Carroll ("Feds: Calif. pol Leland Yee schemed to trade arms for campaign cash") gets to the heart of the matter — unlike the headline ("LAWMAKER YEE PLEADS NOT GUILTY…

Rachel Maddow is Shocked! Shocked! That Leland Yee Accused of Selling
April 6th, 2014 9:33 PM
Thoroughly leeward cable network MSNBC touts its slogan as "Lean Forward." There are times when "Look the Other Way" would be more accurate in describing its coverage.
On her March 26 show, Rachel Maddow reported that more than two dozen people were arrested by police and FBI agents across California and charged in a "huge corruption, gun-running, racketeering, drug-trafficking sting, and at…
Maddow Downplays Arrest of Leland Yee While Jon Stewart Pounces
April 3rd, 2014 3:21 PM
No wonder so many people, especially young Americans, get their news from Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show." They've learned from long experience that they can't get it from places such as "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC that proudly and repeatedly tout themselves as "news" shows.
While attempting to show how balanced she is, Maddow on March 27 responded on a flurry of Democrat scandals so…

Bloomberg Biz Week's Barrett Criticizes NRA For Non-Existent Gloating
April 2nd, 2014 9:15 PM
When an unmistakable embarrassment to liberalism occurs, a standard establishment press fallback tactic is to accuse conservatives of some form of incivility — and if there really isn't one, to make up a story about it anyway.
That's exactly what Bloomberg Businsessweek's Paul M. Barrett did on Tuesday in covering the NRA's reaction to the arrest of California State Senator and ardent gun…

CNN.com Hasn't Covered Leland Yee Arrest, Gets Snippy When Challenged
March 29th, 2014 8:39 PM
Although its report has its shortcomings, particularly the fact that it didn't identify him as a Democrat for 24 paragraphs (as noted this morning), the Associated Press has at least treated California State Senator Leland Yee's arrest on corruption and gun trafficking charges as a national story, with two bylined reporters and seven others assisting.
The same cannot be said of CNN.com. Web…
NYT Takes 'Gun' Out of AP's Original 'Gun, Corruption Charges' Leland
March 29th, 2014 9:03 AM
It's no secret that the folks who run the New York Times are big fans of gun control. It turns out that they also favor controlling the use of the word "gun" in headlines about Democrats.
Over at National Review's Campaign Spot yesterday, regarding the news of Democratic California Senator Leland Yee's arrest, Jim Geraghty noted: "The New York Times greeted that news with a one paragraph…

Even Maddow Can't Ignore Slew of Democrat Scandals, But She Can Bury t
March 27th, 2014 9:27 PM
Remember last month when MSNBC's Rachel Maddow could not bring herself to even whisper that corrupt convicted mayors in Trenton and New Orleans were (place finger to lips) Democrats ...?
Last night, the pendulum swung all the way to the other side. There are so many Dems answering awkward questions from police and FBI agents that Maddow threw ideological caution to the wind and repeatedly…
Daily Beast Omits Leland Yee's Party Affiliation, Gun Control Hypocris
March 27th, 2014 12:18 PM
In a 72-word Cheat Sheet item on their website today, Daily Beast editors failed to note California Democratic State Senator Leland Yee's party affiliation nor the fact that the alleged gun-running politician was an outspoken advocate of more gun-control laws.
To be fair, the Associated Press article that the Cheat Sheet item linked to mentioned both facts, but casual readers of the Daily…
Imagine That: LA Times Political Editor Worries That Dems in Handcuffs
March 27th, 2014 12:51 AM
Pass the smelling salts. Wednesday afternoon Pacific Time (early evening Eastern Time), someone at the Los Angeles Times actually noticed something quite a bit less than perfect about the Democratic Party and its politicians.
Okay, it's an analysis piece at the Politics Now blog by Political Editor Cathleen Decker. But most LA Times "analyses" are insufferably far to the left and consist of…

Bozell: Attacks on Limbaugh by Calif. State Senator Yee 'Reek to High
January 27th, 2011 12:53 PM
Editor's Note: In the last 24 hours, State Senator Leland Yee (D-CA) has incriminated Rush Limbaugh for a racist fax sent to him by an unidentified individual which allegedly read, "Rush Limbaugh will kick your Ch--k ass and expose you for the fool you are.”
NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding the media…