Liberal Marc Lamont Hill Gets Downbeat on Obama

January 5th, 2010 8:13 AM
It's New Year's Eve and you have the choice of ringing in 2010 by partying or watching Larry King. Most normal people would choose the former option but for the very few who watched Larry King that evening, they were treated to quite a surprise as they watched the show which was guest hosted by Candy Crowley (Was Larry ringing in the New Year at Nate 'n' Al's?). The surprise came in the form of…

Former FNC Lib: CNN and MSNBC Further Left Than Fox Is Right

October 21st, 2009 10:15 AM
Recently fired liberal Fox News contributor Marc Lamont Hill claimed Tuesday the White House attacks on his former employer reek of propaganda.Speaking with WOR radio's Steve Malzberg, Hill also agreed that the two other cable news networks he used to contribute to, CNN and MSNBC, are far more to the left than Fox News is to the right. These were fascinating comments from someone that was…

Obama Supporter On FNC: Jesus Would Be O.K. With Abortion

August 14th, 2008 12:16 AM
Un-be-liev-a-ble. Jesus would be O.K. with abortion. Not only that, Jesus's position on abortion would be even "more radical" than Barack Obama's! That was the wild, and patently false, assertion from Barack Obama supporter Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, a guest on Wednesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC (8/13/08). (Dr. Hill appears regularly on the program.)Dr. Hill, an Assistant Professor of Urban…

Hip Hop Professor 'Freaked Out' by Miley Cyrus's Love for Jesus

March 26th, 2008 8:46 PM
Last night on CNN Headline News's "Showbiz Tonight," so-called Hip Hop Professor Marc Lamont Hill noted that he was "freaked out" by Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus's claim that she loves Jesus. Host AJ Hammer played a clip from a YouTube video where Cyrus and pal Mandy answered fans' questions, this one dedicated to their religion:Are we Christian? Yes! Yes. We are. We love Jesus. Happy Easter…