Mario Cuomo

O'Donnell Backs Ginsburg; Argues Catholics Should Recuse On Abortion
July 14th, 2016 3:09 PM
On the Wednesday edition of MSNBC’s The Last Word, host Lawrence O’Donnell offered an baffling and exhaustive defense of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s outburst against Donald Trump by pointing to the first Chief Justice’s gubernatorial election record and opining that if Ginsburg is forced to recuse herself from any election-related cases, Catholics should recuse themselves from any…

CNN's Cuomo Wears Shirt from Fidel As He Covers Obama's Cuba Visit
March 21st, 2016 3:13 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo revealed that he was wearing his father's guayabera shirt, which was "given to him by Fidel Castro as a gift." Cuomo, who was covering President Obama's visit to Cuba, underlined that "it didn't mean something to him [his father] because it came from Fidel Castro necessarily, but because it marked conversations going on decades ago that were the same as…

CNN's King Inserts Qualifier 'Whatever You Think About Him' for Bush
November 25th, 2015 5:42 PM
During a discussion of Wednesday's interview with GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on New Day, CNN's John King gave a glimpse into the negative mindset of media liberals toward former President George W. Bush such that they have difficulty paying any sort of compliment toward him without having to insert a qualifier like "whatever you think about him."
'View' Crew Reminisces Over 'Smoking Hot' Cuomos: 'End of an Era'
January 5th, 2015 12:25 PM
The women of The View returned on Monday to reminisce about the legacy of the late Mario Cuomo and to praise the "cute" Cuomo family
Super Mario: Decades of Media Ardor for Cuomo’s Liberal Advocacy
January 2nd, 2015 1:25 PM
There is no right-of-center politician who has become a hero to journalists for their passionate rhetoric on behalf of conservatism, but former New York Governor Mario Cuomo was a hero to reporters precisely because of his ideology and the capability with which he espoused it.
Networks Remember Cuomo as a 'Spellbinding' 'Liberal Lion'
January 2nd, 2015 12:33 PM
All three networks on Friday offered glowing tributes to the "spellbinding," "liberal lion," Mario Cuomo, the Democratic politician who passed away on Thursday. Using phrases like "liberal beacon" and "political giant," Today, Good Morning America and CBS This Morning showcased just how much journalists have championed Cuomo's left-wing career.

Mario Cuomo in 1984: High on Passion, Low on Accuracy
January 2nd, 2015 7:29 AM
Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, who died on Thursday, is predictably being lionized today by USA Today's Aamer Madhani "as (a) giant in political rhetoric," and by others elsewhere in similarly glowing terms.
Madhani goes on to characterize the three-term Empire State chief executive's 1984 Democratic Convention speech in San Francisco as "what is widely considered one of the finest pieces…

Chris Cuomo Claims He’s ‘Completely Divorced From Ideology’ Whil
June 17th, 2013 7:45 PM
Before Monday morning's debut of the Cable News Network's New Day three-hour program, co-host Chris Cuomo was interviewed by Sam Thielman of in a discussion that ranged from his career choice of journalism over politics to his “tendency to advocate more than people are used to on television.”
Speaking of himself and co-hosts Kate Bolduan and Michaela Pereira, the 42-year-old…

Mostly Strong USAT Coverage of Federal Obligations Marred by Ideologic
June 7th, 2011 8:55 PM
Dennis Cauchon at USA Today has been one of a very few establishment press reporters willing to expose federal workers' disproportionate pay and benefits (previous examples here and here) as well as Uncle Sam's precariously dangerous financial situation.
Cauchon has two USAT items today on the latter topic (HT to NB commenter Gary Hall): "U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions,"…

New York Times Reporter Matt Bai: 'Something Awesome' About Sitting Ne
April 12th, 2011 12:48 PM
Matt Bai, chief political correspondent for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, celebrated the “grace and gravitas” of former New York State governor and perpetual Democratic presidential hopeful Mario Cuomo, “Papa Doesn’t Preach – Mario Cuomo would be a perfect elder statesman, if only his son’s generation wanted one.”
Bai talked to the elder Cuomo, whose son Andrew is governor of New York…
ABC Touts Chris Cuomo's Years Growing Up With Dem Governor Dad
January 8th, 2009 5:06 PM
"Good Morning America" on Thursday highlighted 1982 as the year Chris Cuomo, the future news anchor of the program, would see his Democratic dad become governor of New York. The segment was part of a new series on the years that most changed the lives its ABC's hosts. The piece never mentioned the fact that Mario Cuomo was a liberal or a Democrat. (And while older viewers might likely know that,…
MSNBC: Cuomo's Call for Nuclear Freeze Among Greatest Convention-Speec
August 26th, 2008 6:41 PM
To these ears, it sounded like a sophomoric line by, well, a sophomore seeking to impress classmates and perhaps his fuzzy-headed teacher. But MSNBC has proclaimed Mario Cuomo's call for a nuclear freeze because "peace is better than war and life is better than death" one of the greatest convention-speech lines ever.In the run-up to this evening's keynote address by former Virginia Gov. Mark…
Matthews Foresees 'Howards End' in Wolfson Move to Fox News
July 8th, 2008 9:36 PM
You'd think Chris Matthews might wish Howard Wolfson well on the news that the former top aide to Hillary Clinton has joined Fox News as a Dem analyst. Think again. The Hardball host has ungraciously predicted that the move to Fox could spell the end of Wolfson—and in doing so revealed his own pop-culture roots.Here was Matthews on this evening's Hardball:CHRIS MATTHEWS: Fox News loves…