Mark Penn

Scarborough Disparages Mark Penn: 'Does He Have a Fox News Contract?'
May 24th, 2018 4:03 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough took shots at former Clinton pollster Mark Penn, who wrote an op-ed in The Hill entitled “Stopping Robert Mueller to Protect Us All.” Scarborough tried to impugn Penn’s motives for advocating an end to the Russia investigation, wondering “what is Mark Penn selling coming to the defense of Donald J. Trump” and repeatedly asking if…

Former Hillary Strategist Mocks Effectiveness of Russian Facebook Ads
October 17th, 2017 1:27 PM
The mainstream media has recently gotten all excited over the discovery that the Russians purchased $100,000 worth of Facebook ads during the 2016 election season. Of course, almost any rational observer would realize that $100,000 is mere chump change in the grand scheme of things during a campaign in which many millions were spent on ads and commercials.
One person who made a very detailed…

CBS Face-Plante: Reporter Claims White Men Helped Obama Win, When They
June 14th, 2012 3:43 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Bill Plante pointed out that "a new poll shows President Obama's support slipping in one key demographic that helped him win in 2008: white men." However, Pew Research Center's presidential exit poll from that year found that Obama actually lost 57 to 41 percent to Republican candidate John McCain.
Plante noted "concern in Mr. Obama's own party that his…

Former Clinton Adviser Calls Out Obama: 'Don't Bring Back Class Warfar
September 18th, 2011 11:10 PM
Hours before President Obama is to unveil a proposal to raise taxes on America's rich, one of former President Bill Clinton's key advisers has come out strongly against the current White House resident and this move.
For this reason, Mark Penn's "Obama -- Don't Bring Back Class Warfare," published at the Huffington Post Sunday evening, is destined to raise a lot of eyebrows on both sides of…

Chris Matthews Compares Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood
February 1st, 2011 7:19 PM
In just one segment, on Tuesday's Hardball, host Chris Matthews managed to hypocritically use violent "gun play" language, attack Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin and even likened the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood. Matthews, who made many absurd pronouncements on tonight's show, saved his zaniest comment for the Tea Party as he actually compared their potential primary challenges of…
CBS’s Smith: Is Sarah Palin a ‘Drag’ on the Republican Ticket
September 24th, 2008 1:13 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith talked to former Hillary Clinton campaign strategist Mark Penn and former Bush advisor Karen Hughes and asked about Sarah Palin’s effect on the presidential race: "Well, give us some perspective, Karen Hughes, first, on Sarah Palin, turned the world on its ear when her nomination was announced. It now seems, would you agree or disagree. Is it --…
Ex-Clinton Aide: Media Tougher On Palin, Losing Credibility
September 12th, 2008 1:58 PM
A former aide to Hillary Clinton's campaign has told CBS News that the media have been much harder on Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin than the other candidates in the race, and as a result "have growing credibility problems."In an interview posted at Friday, Mark Penn eviscerated the press for "going through every single expense report that Governor Palin ever filed"…
Garin Claims Reins, But Hillary's Attacks Smack of Penn
April 14th, 2008 2:28 PM
Can it be a coincidence that just hours after Bob Novak published his column reporting that it's unclear just who is directing Hillary's campaign--Mark Penn or Geoff Garin--the latter dashed off an email to supporters claiming to be in charge? But if Garin really does have the reins, why is the campaign employing tactics that Novak suggests would be worthy of the "kamikaze" Penn?Wrote Novak:
Schultz Defends His ‘McCain is a Warmonger’ Comment on CNN
April 7th, 2008 1:38 PM
Liberal talk show host Ed Schultz, appearing on Monday’s "American Morning" on CNN, defended his labeling of John McCain as a "warmonger" at a recent Obama campaign fundraiser, despite the statement being repudiated by Obama’s campaign. Twice, Schultz stated that "the man [McCain] is a warmonger" and used the term a total of five times during the course of the interview. Not only did Schultz…
Shuster: Penn's Advice 'Disaster,' Firing Too Little Too Late
April 7th, 2008 7:15 AM
Update 8:20 AM: Why Hillary's Hospital Story Matters. See at foot.Joe Scarborough and David Shuster came not to praise Penn but to bury him . . .Chatting on today's Morning Joe, the host and the MSNBC political correspondent agreed that the mistake in firing the chief Clinton campaign strategist was that it didn't come nearly soon enough.JOE SCARBOROUGH: For the Clintons, not a good weekend. Mark…
Team Hillary: Penn Skedaddle 'Disgusting' -- We'll Deal With Him Later
March 3rd, 2008 9:59 PM
"We'll deal with him later." -- Clinton co-chair Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, on Mark Penn."It's disgusting for him to do this . . . that's just disgusting." -- Clinton supporter Hilary Rosen.Mark Penn sleeps with the fishes. Metaphorically speaking only, of course.On this evening's Tucker, Clinton's chief campaign strategist came in for some industrial-strength opprobrium from two prominent…
NBC: Raul 'Officially Chosen'; Penn and Pile O' Donuts
February 25th, 2008 9:02 AM
Here in Ithaca and no doubt in other liberal bastions across the land, you can still see cars festooned with those bitter bumper stickers: "Re-Defeat Bush!" and "Bush: Selected, Not Elected!" Those sentiments remain reflected in an MSM still smarting from Florida 2000. All of which made Ann Curry's words on this morning's Today, announcing the ascendancy of Raul Castro in Cuba, so ironic.ANN…
Matthews Rubbishes Hillary Ad: I'm The Great Evita -- Worship Me
December 20th, 2007 10:32 AM
Chris Matthews shouldn't count on a Christmas card from Hillary after the way he absolutely unloaded on her on Morning Joe today. The topic was her Christmas ad [view YouTube here], which shows her "giving" a variety of government programs to the American people. CHRIS MATTHEWS: I always thought the problem with Hillary was, her notion of government was, "I am Evita, I am the one who gives gifts…
Bayh Pulls a Penn; Bill Fantasizes About Freedom
December 14th, 2007 4:37 PM
Those Clinton campaigners sure know how to slip the "subliminable" shiv in. Yesterday, chief Hillary strategist Mark Penn managed to work "cocaine use" into his comments while supposedly disassociating the campaign from charges of Obama drug use made by Hillary's New Hampshire chairman. See video of Penn in action here.Today, it was the turn of Hillary supporter Evan Bayh to whack Barack while…