Donna Brazile Hates Obamacare's Employer Mandate - Who Knew

July 7th, 2014 4:41 PM
Liberals really ought to make up their minds about this. As a general rule, it often takes little more than a stiff breeze to render left wingers confused and incoherent. The Supreme Court's ruling in the Hobby Lobby case has hit the left with the force of an early hurricane, and left wingers have responded accordingly. Textbook example of this was evident yesterday during an exchange…

ABC's Matthew Dowd Lectures GOP to Give Up on Repealing ObamaCare

April 1st, 2014 5:42 PM
After President Obama's victory lap Tuesday over the rollout of his health care law, ABC's Matthew Dowd told Republicans to let Obama celebrate and stop trying to repeal ObamaCare. "You have to give the President ground to have some celebration," Dowd insisted. "A little bit of dancing in the end zone. I think Republicans would be really smart, let him have the touchdown, don't ask for…

Bill Kristol Slaps Down ABC’s Matthew Dowd: 2014 ‘Will Be A Refere

March 30th, 2014 12:25 PM
ABC News Political Analyst and former Bush/Cheney advisor Matthew Dowd attempted to downplay the impact ObamaCare will have in the 2013-midterm elections. Appearing on This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos on March 30, Dowd asserted, “2014 is going to be about the direction of the country, the economy, and how people feel in their lives. It's not going to be about ObamaCare.” Despite the bizarre…

Matthew Dowd Rejects Obamacare as Reason for Jolly Election Victory

March 16th, 2014 9:18 PM
"It is becoming clear to me -- not that it needs to be any more clear -- that the Republican establishment does not want to run against Obamacare." And as if to prove that Rush is right, Republican consultant Matthew Dowd on This Week With George Stephanopoulos rejected Obamacare as the reason for the victory of David Jolly over Alex Sink in last week's special congressional election in…

ABC’s Supposed Conservative Matthew Dowd: Income Inequality Means

December 9th, 2013 7:26 PM
With the departure of commentator George Will to Fox News, the job of representing the conservative point of view on ABC’s This Week seems to have settled upon Matthew Dowd. Trouble is, Dowd is not really what anyone could fairly characterize as a conservative. Beyond the fact that he was a Democratic strategist for decades before switching to work for former President George W. Bush in the…

Politico's Purdum: Obama Had to Lie to Pass ACA Because Public Couldn

November 17th, 2013 8:52 PM
In a pathetic analyis piece at the Politico on Friday morning, Politico's Todd S. Purdum engaged in egregious excuse-making driven by a de facto admission that the Affordable Care Act would never have passed if the public had been told the truth about what was in it. This is the same Todd S. Purdum who recently, as Mark Finkelstein at NewsBusters reported earlier this month, accused…

Sour ABC on Obama: 'White House Fumble' Leaves President 'Exactly' Lik

November 15th, 2013 12:01 PM
 According to the journalists at ABC's Good Morning America, the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare has left the President in a perilous position comparable to George W. Bush after Hurricane Katrina. Co-host George Stephanopoulos opened the show by announcing, "White House fumble...The fix [Obama] is offering and why one state is already saying it won't work." Stephanopoulos connected the…

Matthew Dowd: 'I Wouldn't Be Taking Political Advice From Bill Kristol

July 1st, 2013 10:13 AM
As NewsBusters routinely reports, one of the tricks the liberal media employs to discredit conservatives is to seek opinions from supposedly right-leaning commentators who are really nothing more than Republicans In Name Only often sharing much the same views espoused by the left. One such "conservative" media darling is ABC political contributor Matthew Dowd who on Sunday's This Week said, "…

ABC's Matt Dowd Continues His Leftward Drift, Shocked Court Isn't Eage

April 1st, 2013 5:08 PM
ABC political analyst Matt Dowd on Sunday continued his evolution to the left, complaining about how disconnected the Supreme Court is from public opinion on gay marriage. Dowd, who worked for the Bush administration, appeared on This Week and chided, "To me, it's actually surprising that the Supreme Court is that actually far out of tune where the country is." He pushed, "So, the country is…

ABC Lauds Obama for Highlighting 'Modern American Families'; He's a 'D

January 21st, 2013 1:45 PM
Barack Obama's second inaugural met with much praise from the journalists at ABC. World News anchor Diane Sawyer hyped the President's mentions of gays as a recognition of the "modern American family." Jon Karl touted the "Democratic Reagan." After Stephanopoulos asserted that Obama made the "first explicit an inaugural of gay Americans," Sawyer seemingly worked in a subtle plug…

ABC's Matthew Dowd Mocks Grover Norquist; 'He’s Named After a Charac

November 26th, 2012 5:11 PM
On the November 25 broadcast of ABC's This Week, former Bush advisor Matthew Dowd continued his shift away from the Republican Party by bashing conservative anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, saying he’s a impediment to good government. For good measure he childishly drew the connection to the name of a Muppet character on Sesame Street. "Grover Norquist is an impediment to good governing…and…

ABC's Barbara Walters Assails GOP for Being 'Behind' on Social Issues

November 8th, 2012 12:48 PM
ABC journalist Barbara Walters took to the airwaves on Wednesday to assail the Republican Party for being "behind" on social views. Walters and her View co-hosts looked to analyst Matt Dowd for post-election spin. Per usual, he spent his time lecturing the Republican Party, repeating an assertion that the GOP represents "Mad Men" and not "Modern Family" America. Walters, who sometimes…

Liberal Lecturing Begins: ABC's Dowd Knocks 'Mad Men' Republicans in a

November 7th, 2012 11:59 AM
In the aftermath of Barack Obama's reelection, the lecturing and advice from the liberal media began on Wednesday's Good Morning America. ABC analyst Matt Dowd mocked the GOP as a "Mad Men party in a Modern Family America." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] (The Mad Men reference is to the AMC series set in the 1960s. Modern Family is a gay-friendly sitcom on ABC.)  According to Dowd, "And…

More Doom and Gloom from ABC: Romney Must 'Sweep the Whole East Coast

November 6th, 2012 1:06 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and analyst Matt Dowd on Tuesday offered one more day of doom and gloom for the Republican presidential ticket. Discussing the prospect of Mitt Romney winning Virginia, Stephanopoulos insisted, "But it's not even enough. He really has to sweep the whole east coast." (Of course, the east coast includes states such as Maine and Massachusetts, areas he…