
Dowd: Congress Treats Trump ‘Like a Child’ So ‘He Can’t Harm Country'

July 31st, 2017 10:21 AM
On Monday morning’s Good Morning America, anchor George Stephanopoulos spoke with ABC’s chief political analyst Matthew Dowd about Trump’s struggle with Congress, hyping the recent conflicts as if every president before Trump never had problems getting what they wanted passed. Dowd then compared Congress to the “parent” of the helpless infant, Trump, who Congress has to protect from the serious…

ABC: After N. Korea Missile Threat, World Is ‘Worried’... About Trump

July 5th, 2017 11:12 AM
Wednesday on Good Morning America, an ABC journalist casually compared our president to a tyrannical dictator of a totalitarian state, and no one batted an eye. The extreme comment came after ABC reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile this past weekend, that had the capabilities of reaching American soil.

Dowd: Trump Tweets Distract Like Someone Skinny-Dipping in Your Yard

July 3rd, 2017 2:19 PM
Matthew Dowd, ABC News’ Chief Political Analyst, never runs out of wacky analogies to hit Trump or the Republicans over the head with. On Monday’s show, Dowd slammed Trump’s tweets against the media, saying they were as “distracting” as seeing a stranger skinnydipping in the river in your backyard. The comment came during a discussion with Cokie Roberts about Trump’s retweet over the weekend,…

What? ABC Claims Trump's the One Who's ‘Obsessed’ With Russian Hacking

June 26th, 2017 10:36 AM
Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America, the network’s political analyst Matthew Dowd accused President Trump of having an “obsession” with Russia “hacking” the presidential election. Without a hint of irony, Dowd added that Trump was the “one person” that “questioned Trump’s legitimacy the most,” seemingly forgetting that he himself has questioned Trump’s legitimacy over and over again on GMA since…

Dowd: Senate GOP Like Children Who ‘Did Something Wrong’

June 22nd, 2017 12:07 PM
On ABC’s Good Morning America on Thursday, while discussing the upcoming release of the Senate’s health care reform bill political analyst Matthew Dowd compared Republicans to naughty children trying to conceal misbehavior: “It’s as if you walk in your living room and your kids are trying to hide something under the cushion. You know they did something wrong.”  

ABC: Comey Will State ‘Just the Facts' Because Trump 'Isn't Trusted'

June 8th, 2017 10:48 AM
Hours before former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate on the FBI Investigation into Russia, ABC was already predicting how the hearing was going to play out. On Thursday’s Good Morning America, ABC set up Comey as a man who could be trusted, no question, conveniently forgetting how much he was criticized by both sides for his handling of the Russia investigation and Hillary…

Dowd: Muslims Persecuted Worse Here Than Christians Across the Globe

May 12th, 2017 1:59 PM
Once again, ABC’s Matthew Dowd has proved that even Twitter can’t keep him from saying something so stupid in so few words. Responding to FNC’s Shannon Bream tweet announcement that she was going to be talking to Franklin Graham about the increasing persecution of Christians across the world, Dowd bitterly brought up anti-Muslim “persecution” in the United States as the real issue we should be…

ABC’s Pretend Republican Dowd Pushes for Socialist Health Care

May 7th, 2017 2:42 PM
ABC commentator Matthew Dowd is supposed to help the network have a sense of being non-partisan by being their token Republican guest. But during his appearance on Sunday’s This Week, he seemed to show off his true political bent as he pushed for socialized medicine. “We need to ask the question, should we go to a single-payer system? Because affordability hasn't been fixed by this or ACA. And…

Dowd Snarks: GOP 'Managed' to 'Make ObamaCare Popular’ With AHCA

May 5th, 2017 12:14 PM
Paul Ryan and the GOP finally managed to get the votes needed from the House to pass the American Health Care Act Thursday to repeal and replace ObamaCare and the news was a huge upset for the mainstream media. All three networks cheered Democrats taunting Republicans in the House for passing what they saw as a failure of a bill, as some sort of victory dance for the left. ABC, NBC and CBS also…

ABC: Special Election Win Could Mean ‘Real Chance’ Dems Take Congress

April 17th, 2017 5:16 PM
The journalists on Monday’s Good Morning America excitedly predicted that a special election in April of 2017, 18 months before the midterm elections, could mean a “real chance Democrats take back Congress in 2018.”  Discussing Democrat John Osoff’s chances in Tuesday’s Georgia House race, Matt Dowd enthused: “Can he win it without a runoff? If a Democrat wins that district in Georgia, there's…

‘No Evidence!’ ABC Excitedly Hammers Trump for Rice Accusation

April 6th, 2017 10:44 AM
Thursday morning on Good Morning America, the ABC News team were eager to bash Trump for his comment to the New York Times, stating he “thought” Susan Rice committed a crime in requesting the classified identities of Trump associates, while she was Obama’s National Security Advisor. Cecilia Vega centered her report on Trump’s claim instead of Rice’s actions, before George Stephanopoulos brought…

Dowd: Trump Needs to 'Channel' Michael Jackson and ‘Make a Change'

March 27th, 2017 10:17 AM
Monday on Good Morning America, ABC analyst Matthew Dowd used yet another wacky analogy to advise the president on how he should behave. After gleefully hyping Trump’s “stunning” and “devastating” defeat on repealing Obamacare, the panel wondered how Trump was going to be able to deliver on any of his other campaign promises. Dowd lectured that the onus was on Trump to “fundamentally change” who…

Nets Caught Flat-Footed by ‘Profoundly Different' Trump Using 'Hope'

March 1st, 2017 1:30 AM
Cue the sad trombone, folks. Despite the best efforts by Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Rachel Maddow, and other lefties, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered positive reviews of President Trump’s “profoundly different” Tuesday night speech to a Joint Session of Congress that “rested on words, including rebirth, hope, opportunity, and common good.”

GMA Gushes Over Kimmel, Hollywood 'Taking On' Trump at Oscars

February 27th, 2017 10:28 AM
The Monday morning following the Oscars on ABC was filled with excited reports on the biggest Hollywood awards show of the year. But over on ABC’s Good Morning America, the news team seemed just as excited about the anti-Trump tone of the night.