Max Cleland

Brian Williams Accuses GOP of 'Disgusting Smear' of Max Cleland
November 11th, 2021 12:07 PM
On Tuesday's The 11th Hour show, MSNBC Brian Williams began his last few weeks hosting the show by spreading more misinformation as he accused Republicans of running a "disgusting smear campaign" against veteran and then-Democratic Senator Max Cleland when he ran for reelection in 2002.
The New York Times Just Keeps Getting the Max Cleland Ad Wrong
April 18th, 2011 3:58 PM
In her Sunday off-lead New York Times story on bipartisan senators looking for budget compromise, “‘Gang of Six’ In the Senate Tackles Debt – A Bipartisan Effort to Build a Budget, Jackie Calmes furthered the Times’s long-standing legend about the “nasty” campaign ad by Republican Saxby Chambliss that helped him defeat Democratic Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia in 2002.
Once again, the Times…
Olbermann Hypocritically Linked McCain to Bin Laden, But Decried Anti
June 18th, 2008 1:05 AM
When Georgia Republicans ran an ad against former Senator Max Cleland, which included a photograph of Osama bin Laden, attacking the Democratic Senator's numerous votes to apply labor union rules to the Homeland Security Department, liberals were outraged as they claimed the ad was an attack on the "patriotism" of war hero Cleland. MSNBC host Keith Olbermann expressed outrage by mentioning the…
AJC's Rhonda Cook Dusts Off Max Cleland Victimization Meme
November 12th, 2007 10:29 AM
A red meat speech to Gwinnett County, Georgia, Democrats was cause for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Rhonda Cook to whip up a 15-paragraph Max Cleland press release just in time for Veteran's Day. Not once were any Georgia Republicans quoted for balance in Cook's November 11 story, as the former senator and Vietnam veteran thundered about impending doom for Republicans both nationwide an in…