
Real Oppression: CBS Crew Arrested in China, Shared Tiananmen Pics

June 3rd, 2019 9:09 PM

Tuesday marked the 30-year anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square massacre, when the Chinese government slaughtered upwards of thousands of student protesters demanding democracy. In true Orwellian fashion, the Chinese government had effectively erased it from their history and arrested a CBS News crew for showing pictures of the massacre to young Chinese citizens. Meanwhile, outlets in…


NBC Reporter Predicts Media Will Undermine Success of Trump’s UK Trip

June 3rd, 2019 6:02 PM

Appearing on MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin late Monday morning, NBC News foreign correspondent Keir Simmons assured viewers that despite how well President Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom was going so far, the British and American press would surely pick it apart and find negative headlines to write in the coming days.


CNN New Day Calls Trump Orwellian, Network Touts 'Global Reach'

June 3rd, 2019 4:56 PM

On Monday morning, President Trump kicked off his state visit to the UK. CNN New Day provided live coverage of the event, and was sure to bring up the an interview with The Sun in which Trump called Meghan Markle “nasty” in response to comments Markle made about Trump. When Trump denied that he called Markle nasty, Toobin stated that the U.S. was now in a “1984-like scenario.”


Todd Declares Trump Is ‘Interfering’ With British PM Election

June 2nd, 2019 12:52 PM

Perhaps driven by an obsessive belief in the collusion delusion, NBC political director Chuck Todd spent Sunday declaring that President Trump was “interfering” with British politics and trying to help get former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson elected prime minister. Meanwhile, Todd had either defended or ignored President’s Obama’s efforts to get his preferred leaders and policies voted in…


CNN Exaggerates Trump's Comment That Meghan Markle Was 'Nasty'

June 1st, 2019 11:13 PM

Human Events reports that CNN and others leaped at the chance to exaggerate comments by President Trump about Meghan Markle, the former American actress who married Prince Harry and is now known as the Duchess of Sussex. Trump granted an interview before his trip to London with "the pro-establishment, anti-Trump reporter Tom Newton Dunn" of The Sun. 

CNN Spills 2000 Words Warning Over Obsessing Over Royal Baby's Race

May 7th, 2019 10:09 AM

“It's already happened,” writes CNN’s John Blake. “People are obsessed over the appearance and racial identity of the new royal baby. That's going to go into overdrive now.” They are? It is? Well Blake certainly is, spinning out a long article speculating about the race and looks of an infant in another country he likely will never meet.


'Black-ish' Claims Whites Avoid Black 'Hoods' Because They're Racist

April 25th, 2019 12:27 AM

The racially charged ABC sitcom black-ish[sic] took to defending black, inner-city neighborhoods on Tuesday’s episode, “Good in the ‘Hood,” stating that they’re “stereotyped as dangerous” and that white people avoid them because they’re racist.


Maher: Smollett Could Have Been Assaulted 'For Free in Texas'

February 23rd, 2019 9:18 PM

Bill Maher had no problem working an insult against middle America into his opening monologue during the Friday night edition of Real Time. Maher talked about Jussie Smollett and how “he paid two men $3500 to assault him for being black and gay, something he could have gotten for free in Texas.”


Networks Ignore March for Life; CBS Promotes Women’s March Instead

January 18th, 2019 10:29 AM

ABC, NBC and CBS’s morning news shows all ignored the 46th annual March for Life happening today in Washington D.C.,the largest pro-life gathering in the nation where an estimated 100,000 people are expected to show up to protest the legalization of abortion. Even as President Trump is expected to address the crowd via video for the second year in a row, the liberal networks still couldn’t…


‘Time’ Person of the Year Shortlist Is as Liberal as You Expected

December 10th, 2018 1:07 PM

On Monday morning, Time Magazine released its top ten “shortlist” ahead of the Tuesday reveal for its annual “Person of the Year” issue and many of the nominees came as no surprise. Whether it was the March for Our Lives students or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, it was a liberal list made in heaven.

Four Score? No Network Mention of 4% Percent GDP Predictions

June 20th, 2018 12:20 PM

The official announcement of second-quarter economic growth won’t be out until July 27, but already the predictions look good. Just don’t expect to hear them on ABC, CBS and NBC. Economists and Wall Street firms have been crunching numbers and making predictions Amherst Pierpont, Oxford Economics, the Atlanta Federal Reserve and Moody’s all forecast estimates of 4 percent or higher growth in…


Freeform Show Delivers More Explicit Sex, Liberal Agenda for Teens

June 14th, 2018 2:08 AM

Freeform’s dramedy The Bold Type is (unfortunately) back for another season, and it’s disappointingly more of the same extremely liberal, sex-obsessed, storylines.

Daily Beast Scribe Likens Royal Wedding 'Rituals' to School Shootings

May 22nd, 2018 3:43 PM

On Friday, the Daily Beast's Michael Daly posted: "The All-American Ritual of a School Shooting, This Time in Santa Fe." In it, he failed to follow through on a promise to draw a comparison between the then-imminent "rituals" involved in British royal weddings" and Friday's school shooting in Texas.

One Amazon Story Longer Than Time Networks Spent on 2017 GDP Reports

January 30th, 2018 1:59 PM

Since the campaign trail, President Donald Trump has made an economic turnaround and prosperity a top priority. But the network news media have not made covering economic news one of theirs. Too often the networks focused on less important stories, such as Amazon’s unique “reinvented” office space called “The Spheres,” and skipped key economic news.