Embarrassing: WashPost Writes Clinton 'Allegedly Cheated on His Wife'

August 21st, 2016 12:23 PM
Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine has two cover stories, one for Bill Clinton and one (if you turn it upside down on the other side) for Melania Trump. As expected, Bill Clinton is going to get a gushier treatment. Post writer Neely Tucker is so tender to the president that he mangles a fact, and the copy editors (also tender hearts) allowed it. “Fact Checker” Glenn Kessler will not be assigned…

Melania en la mirilla de Univisión

August 16th, 2016 9:37 PM
Fiel a su patrón de cobertura consistentemente anti-Trump, ahora Univisión se está enfocando en la historia de Melania Trump como inmigrante a los EE.UU., convirtiéndola en su tema de noticias más importante en el programa semanal, Al Punto.

Univision Goes After Melania

August 16th, 2016 8:15 AM
True to its consistently anti-Trump motif, Univision has now turned its attention to Melania Trump’s history as an immigrant to the U.S., making the subject the top story on the network’s weekly public affairs program, Al Punto.

Fashion Writer: Hillary in White, 'Hopeful'; Melania in White, Racist

August 2nd, 2016 9:26 AM

White is ok, so long as it’s worn by the Democratic nominee. Two weeks ago, Philadelphia Enquirer fashion critic Elizabeth Wellington bashed Melania Trump for daring to wear a white dress for her RNC speech. Wellington acknowledged that “on a strictly fashion note,” Melania pulled off an “angelic look.” But the white designer dress was a “scary statement,” and supposedly gave off the…


Atlantic Writer: Emigrant Melania 'Has Not Lived the Story of America'

July 26th, 2016 4:43 AM
In a rather bold display of liberal media bias on CNN Tonight, Peter Beinart a contributor to The Atlantic declared that Melania Trump’s American experience was somehow invalid compared to Michelle Obama’s. “She has not lived the story of America,” he slammed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, “She does not understand the story of America.” Not only did he try to tear down Melania Trump he…

Liberal Web Pundits on the RNC: ‘Zombie Reagan Is Good and Buried’

July 23rd, 2016 1:17 PM
The debate rages on as to whether Donald Trump has remodeled or vandalized the Republican party. In any event, left-wing pundits spent the week gaping at, and writing about, what they viewed as the grotesque spectacle of the RNC. For example, Daily Kos’s Hunter opined that the convention was "was barely one step up from an internet-peddled snuff film,” and Salon’s Heather Digby Parton declared…

Fashion Writer: Melania's Dress Choice Implies 'White Is Always Right'

July 22nd, 2016 3:01 PM
Apparently, Washington Post fashion writer Robin Givhan isn’t the only newspaper dress-grader to drop political bombs into her critiques. Philadelphia Inquirer critic Elizabeth Wellington loved Melania Trump’s dress as an “an exquisitely put together if not angelic look.” But on a strictly political note, it apparently underlines her husband’s view that “white is always right.” She was a “not-so-…

Alli & Kat: Media Cover Melania 178x More Than What Party Stands For

July 22nd, 2016 12:23 PM
Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention Monday night dominated the news this week, overshadowing other important stories and soliciting sexist attacks.

David Frum: ‘Doofus’ Trump to Blame For Melania’s Plagiarism

July 21st, 2016 1:50 PM
According to reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum, Republicans in Cleveland were feeling “embattled, defensive, and pessimistic” before the Melania Trump plagiarism story broke. Now, Frum speculated in a Tuesday piece for The Atlantic, “that mood of pessimism must be even grayer,” and since he lays out “ten reasons why Melania Trump’s speech matters and will continue to matter,” he…

Matt Lauer Demands Trump Campaign Manager Apologize to Hillary

July 21st, 2016 8:12 AM
Still harping on accusations of plagiarism against Melania Trump during an interview with Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer demanded an apology from the GOP operative for suggesting Hillary Clinton’s campaign was fueling the story: “You even went as far as to blame Hillary Clinton....you said, ‘When Hillary Clinton is threatened by a female,…

Cosmo Writer Says Defending Melania Is A Sign of White Privilege

July 20th, 2016 3:10 PM
Some folks, like Cosmopolitan writer Brittany Cooper, see racism everywhere. Melania Trump’s Monday night speech sparked ridicule and outrage from people on both sides of the aisle. Plagiarism is stupid and dishonest, and denying it in the face of evidence is…stupid and dishonest. But for the unhinged Brittany Cooper, any defense of Melania is just another example of white privilege. 

Nets Keep Hammering Melania Trump, Went Easy on Obama ’08 Plagiarism

July 20th, 2016 2:08 PM
It’s been a day and a half since the establishment liberal media sank their jaws into the Melania Trump “plagiarism” story, and they are showing few signs of letting go, with heavy coverage on the broadcast networks’ Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning news shows. Eight years ago, however, when a similar flap threatened then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the broadcast networks…

NYT Puts Race Front and Center at RNC, Lead With Melania's Speech-Gate

July 20th, 2016 12:56 PM
Playing on long-established stereotypes of the melanin-challenged Republican Party, New York Times coverage of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday put racial controversies front and center, accusing speakers (particularly Rudy GIuliani) of lecturing and moralizing to blacks about law and order as an all-white crowd lapped it up. The paper led with Melanie Trump's speech with this…

MSNBC Defends Past Plagiarism of Dems; Condemns Melania’s as ‘Moronic’

July 19th, 2016 5:13 PM
On Tuesday, the Morning Joe conversation was dominated by allegations of Melania Trump plagiarizing her highly anticipated speech last night from portions of Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. The mainstream media’s double standard radiated when the focus shifted to past allegations of plagiarism by prominent Democrats Joe Biden and Barack Obama.