
CNN on Melania's Kenya Visit: 'African Queen--Stylist Should be Proud'

October 5th, 2018 7:57 AM
CNN international correspondent Farai Sevenzo says of First Lady Melania's Trump visit to a Kenyan game reserve: "she was dressed, really, in the classic Out of Africa by Sydney Pollack way, or even John Huston's, The African Queen: the jodhpurs, the boots. The color was all there. The stylist should be very proud of himself."

Megyn Kelly's Biggest NBC Regret: ‘Wish I Hadn’t Put on Jane Fonda!'

October 3rd, 2018 10:52 PM
Megyn Kelly marked her first year as host of her eponymous weekday NBC program by pointing to her only regret: “I certainly wish I hadn’t put on Jane Fonda! That didn’t go well!” The anchor of NBC’s Megyn Kelly Today morning series was referring to an interview she did with the liberal activist that took place during September of 2017, when she asked “Hanoi Jane” about her history of having…

Acosta Tries, Fails to Get Immigration Expert to Condemn Trump

August 10th, 2018 3:49 PM
Friday afternoon grandstanding reporter Jim Acosta filled in as host of Wolf Blitzer’s eponymously named CNN show. And -mid-program, Acosta desperately tried to get one of his guests to bash President Trump as a hypocrite for his stance on chain migration, and the Justice Department for accidentally deporting two asylum seekers. Instead, his conservative guest schooled the partisan reporter about…

NBC Knocks Melania Trump’s Parents Becoming U.S. Citizens

August 9th, 2018 9:44 PM
First Lady Melania Trump’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs took the oath to become U.S. citizens on Thursday but NBC Nightly News was not having it. The broadcast network speculated that they received special treatment in the process and possibly used chain migration, a program the President opposes, even though the process still exists and still legal.

Meow! Slate Gets Catty Over Melania’s Gardening Attire

August 1st, 2018 1:32 PM
Does Melania Trump garden? Do you care if she does? What about how she dresses when she gardens or pretends to? Slate contributing writer Heather Schwedel sure seems to, and she went full “Mean Girl” on FLOTUS.

NYT: Reality Equals CNN? 'Spotting CNN...Trump Rages Against Reality'

July 26th, 2018 2:14 PM
New York Times reporters Katie Rogers and Maggie Haberman were offended that President Trump doesn’t like to watch CNN, using a leaked anecdote from Air Force One for a full-page story Wednesday: “A Bit of a Stir’ Aboard Air Force One: A TV Tuned to CNN.” The headline writers went overboard. The text box: “A president who rages against reality wants to keep the remote control for himself.” The…

Colbert's Cartoon Bill Clinton Admits: 'I Should Be in Jail'

July 23rd, 2018 1:42 AM
From gags like President Donald Trump being beckoned to the situation room with promises of doughnut crumbs to Vladimir Putin's declaration that the Helsinki Summit was "a vibrant conversation of me telling him exactly what to say and do," Stephen Colbert's animated Showtime series Our Cartoon President, is a sophomoric, ham-handed attempt to make fun of Trump, his family and administration. But…

Eight Times Hollywood Used Melania to Attack President Trump

June 23rd, 2018 1:15 PM

Hollywood loves to mock the Commander in Chief, some leaders more than others. The industry takes a different approach to the First Lady. It’s either hands off completely, an occasional joke lobbed in her direction or a more collaborative connection. Remember when Michelle Obama dropped by Sesame Street to talk nutrition?What about when First Lady Barbara Bush chatted up Big Bird to spread the…


Colbert Slams Melania Trump in ‘Worst Moral Scandal in Recent Memory'

June 22nd, 2018 4:16 PM
Viewers who watch The Late Show weeknights on CBS have heard host Stephen Colbert slam GOP President Donald Trump on a regular basis, but on Thursday, the liberal comedian turned his venom onto a different target: Melania Trump. Colbert used his monologue to criticize the First Lady for wearing a jacket with the phrase “I really don’t care, do U?” on her back during what the late-night host…

CNN Panel Rips into Melania for Wearing an ‘Old’ and Ugly Jacket

June 22nd, 2018 12:06 AM
First Lady Melania Trump caused a stir with the liberal media on Thursday when she wore a questionable jacket with “I really don’t care. Do you?” written on the back. She headed off to visit the children at the border who were separated from their parents. Of course, the gossip-prone media spend a considerable about of time trying to divine the secret meaning of the wardrobe choice and there were…

Even Slate Can't Defend Peter Fonda Hate

June 21st, 2018 2:39 PM
Wednesday, actor Peter Fonda went on quite the Twitter tirade, calling for harm to be done to members of the Trump family. Not even the left-leaning Slate Magazine could defend Fonda’s remarks, calling them “obscene and sexist.”

Actor Peter Fonda Rages: ‘Rip Barron Trump From His Mother’s Arms!’

June 20th, 2018 11:39 AM
Actor and liberal activist Peter Fonda flipped out last night as he went on a profane Twitter rant where he threatened ICE agents and their children, used an ugly sexist term to describe Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kristjen Nielsen and demanded that Barron Trump be ripped from First Lady Melania Trump’s arms and thrown into a cage with pedophiles.

Morning Joe Crew Implies Trump Is an ‘Asinine’ ‘Scumbag’

June 8th, 2018 7:28 AM
It’s not unusual for viewers of Morning Joe to hear people attack President Trump. However, the crew of the MSNBC weekday series took the discussion to a new low on Thursday, when co-host Joe Scarborough and contributor John Heilemann criticized the GOP occupant of the White House on his reaction to rumors about the First Lady’s health. The clash began on Wednesday, when the President tweeted: "…

MSNBC Panel: Trump Women Are 'Dead Inside,' 'Paid Off'

June 7th, 2018 6:41 PM
Tensions were high on Thursday’s Deadline: White House as host Nicolle Wallace and her outraged panel fumed over Rudy Giuliani’s recent remarks about porn star Stormy Daniels. As the MSNBC host's frustration boiled over, she speculated whether the women in the Trump family were, “numb,” “dead inside,” or “paid off.”