
Pressing Cruz on Counter-Terrorism, Cooper Invokes 'Internment Camps'

March 23rd, 2016 8:16 PM
As GOP presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz spoke by phone as a guest on Tuesday's special edition of CNN's The Lead, guest host Anderson Cooper quoted the Anti-Defamation League in invoking the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans in "internment camps" as he pressed the Texas Republican over his earlier call for more police engagement in Muslim neighborhoods to preempt terrorism in…

Blitzer Hits Rubio Fitness for Office, Repetition May Be 'Oops Moment'

February 9th, 2016 9:25 AM
As Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz -- who has endorsed Marco Rubio for President -- appeared as a guest on Monday's The Situation Room on CNN, host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly questioned Rubio's fitness for office, with seven out of his first nine questions and setup statements challenging the Florida Senator on issues ranging from his repetition of lines during Saturday's debate, to his level of…

Blitzer Presses Graham to Support Bloomberg, Clinton Over Cruz, Trump

February 5th, 2016 1:36 AM
As former GOP presidential candidate and Senator Lindsey Graham appeared as a guest on Thursday's The Situation Room on CNN, after the South Carolina Republican bashed candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump as possible GOP nominees, host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly pressed Graham to voice a preference for someone other than the GOP nominee, suggesting Michael Bloomberg or Hillary Clinton might be…

CBS Maintains Blackout on Bloomberg's Gun Control Stance; ABC Covers

January 26th, 2016 12:27 AM
Monday's CBS Evening News followed the example of CBS This Morning earlier in the day in failing to mention Michael Bloomberg's outspoken gun control stance in their coverage of the former New York City mayor's potential presidential run. By contrast, Jonathan Karl gave ABC's first mention of this liberal political position on Monday's World News Tonight: "He [Bloomberg] is a socially-liberal New…

‘View’ Hosts Declare Bloomberg a ‘Fiscal Conservative’

January 25th, 2016 5:48 PM
Talk about your wacky analysis. The women of The View on Monday weighed in on Michael Bloomberg’s potential third party run for the White House and deemed the former New York Mayor a “fiscal conservative.”  This is the same Bloomberg behind the soda tax, the man who endorsed Obama for president and ObamaCare.

Nets Tout Possible Bloomberg Run, Only NBC Notes His Anti-Gun Crusade

January 25th, 2016 12:07 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows hyped the possibility of former New York City mayor and liberal activist Michael Bloomberg entering the 2016 presidential race. However, only NBC’s Today made any mention of Bloomberg’s nationwide anti-gun crusade as a stumbling block for him.

On Gun Control NYT Celebrates Billionaire Pouring Money Into Politics

January 5th, 2016 2:52 PM
No more worrying about the corrupting effect of money in politics at the New York Times – as long as the loot is used to fight gun rights, state by state. Before President Obama’s executive actions on gun control announced Tuesday morning, Times reporter Eric Lichtblau helped paved the way, celebrating a billionaire’s vast political reach on Monday’s front page in “Battleground Shifts In Debate…

Scarborough: Haley Barbour Would 'Much Rather' Have Hillary Than Trump

December 17th, 2015 8:47 AM
A modern-day variation on "better red than dead" . . .  Joe Scarborough says that Haley Barbour and many Republican leaders would "much rather" have Hillary be president than to let Trump win and represent the GOP. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough said that if it looks like Trump will win the nomination, something Scarborough sees as very plausible, he envisions Mitt Romney or Michael…

Celebrities Chant ‘We Can End Gun Violence’ in New Gun Control Ad

December 10th, 2015 10:41 AM
After every mass shooting, well-meaning but empty-headed celebrities come out in droves to hold up signs with hashtags and lend their voices to anti-gun political ads. This week was no different in the wake of last week’s two tragic shootings. A new ad released today by Michael Bloomberg’s group, Everytown USA For Gun Safety, added a few new faces to the usual gamut of gun-grabbers. 

WashPost's 'Synthetic' Claim: 1994 Connecticut Gun Law Saved Lives

June 14th, 2015 9:56 PM
On Friday, the Washington Post's Jeff Guo hyped a study published in the American Journal of Public Health by four people with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study contends that "Connecticut’s handgun permit-to-purchase law (passed in 1994) was associated with a subsequent reduction in homicide rates" involving firearms. Readers wondering if there is a connection to…

Nets Ignore Michael Bloomberg Urging Police Take Guns from Minorities

February 18th, 2015 2:40 PM
On February 5, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg told nearly 400 people at an event in Aspen, Colorado that in order to save lives, police should actively take guns away from all male minorities between the ages of 15 and 25. The full audio was released on February 17, but the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks, who repeatedly promote Bloomberg’s anti-gun activism, have yet to…

CBS Defends Michael Bloomberg From NRA, Claims They Are ‘Getting Per

August 20th, 2014 2:59 PM
On Wednesday, August 20, CBS This Morning promoted a new ad campaign by the National Rifle Association “going after former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg” a major gun control advocate. During the news brief, CBS’s Ben Tracy played up how one ad is “getting personal. An NRA official called him an arrogant hypocrite who thinks knows what is best for people and their lives.” While the CBS…

WaPo's Kucinich Covers Bloomberg Ad, Misses How Having a Gun Would Hav

July 31st, 2014 11:08 PM
On Tuesday, Jackie Kucinich at the Washington Post wrote up a brief item about an ad released Monday by Everytown For Gun Safety, deep-pocketed former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun-grabbing group. Kucinich reports that the ad "will air on cable television in Washington, D.C., and on network stations in New Hampshire, Arizona and Nevada, according to a release," in an attempt to…

Study: Amid Deluge of Foreign Crises, Network News Shuts Out Obama Cri

July 24th, 2014 2:47 PM
Over the last 15 days, the world has been rocked by two troubling and growing international crises: the shootdown of a civilian airliner over the Ukraine; and the intense fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. While the three evening newscasts have offered considerable coverage of the unfolding events, CBS, NBC and ABC have made almost no attempt to evaluate the performance of…