Michael Bloomberg Pledges $100,000,000 on Anti-Trump Ad Blitz

November 15th, 2019 4:41 PM
Liberal megadonor and potential 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg illustrated why the ongoing bellyache over money in politics by the liberal media reeks of hypocrisy. The billionaire pledged to initiate a $100 million digital campaign “designed to attack and define President Trump in the top battleground states seen as likely to decide the 2020 election,” The New York Times reported Nov. 15.

Is Bloomberg News Preventing Its Reporters from Covering Their Owner?

November 15th, 2019 12:47 PM
Bloomberg News has relatively ignored reporting on their owner. Could that be because of a self-imposed gag rule on Bloomberg reporters? The New York Times reported a Nov. 14 story detailing liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s history of negative statements about women. The Times said that “the comments revealed a cruder side of Mr. Bloomberg, now 77 and a potential presidential candidate.”

Report: Amazon Billionaire Bezos Begged Bloomberg to Run for President

November 11th, 2019 4:43 PM
Amazon’s influence might bring another Democratic presidential candidate to the stage. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg recently filed to be on the Alabama ballot in the 2020 primary.

All the Moderates! CBS Cheers ‘Centrists’ Bloomberg, Biden, Buttigieg

November 8th, 2019 1:02 PM
CBS This Morning on Friday pushed the fantasy that the 2020 Democratic field somehow contains several “moderate” or “centrist” candidates, rather than far-left liberals. It started in the 7am hour when reporter Ed O’Keefe reflected on Michael Bloomberg potentially joining the race: “But recent polling shows Biden is slipping behind Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and moderate Indiana Mayor…

ABC, NBC Excited to Learn ‘Centrist’ Bloomberg Might Run in 2020

November 7th, 2019 9:34 PM
As one radical, anti-gun Democrat (Robert O’Rourke) drops out of the 2020 race for president, another appeared set to take his place. And the liberal media were loving it. In that vein, both ABC’s World News Night and NBC Nightly News kicked off their Thursday evening newscasts by hyping reports former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was readying documents to get on the Democratic primary…

USA Today Assails Natural Gas, Omits Links to Bloomberg, Steyer

September 9th, 2019 6:22 PM
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer are two of the wealthiest anti-fossil fuels crusaders. In June, Bloomberg promised to spend another $500 million eradicating coal and starting to target natural gas power plants too. Yet, USA Today failed to connect the dots between either billionaire and the left-wing groups, including the Rocky Mountain Institute,…

Gun-Control Groups Outspend NRA by 66-to-1 on Ads in Wake of Shootings

August 15th, 2019 5:55 PM
Recent shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, prompted left-wing anti-gun groups to go on a $2-million advertising binge calling for gun control. Liberal media mogul Michael Bloomberg’s group Everytown for Gun Safety led the pack of gun-control advocates with nearly half that spending.

Prince Harry and Meghan Follow Michael Bloomberg on Instagram

July 10th, 2019 1:40 PM

Liberal billionaire and former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg just gained two new Instagram fans: Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Greens Celebrate as Nets Ignore Bloomberg’s $500M Assault on Coal

June 14th, 2019 11:45 AM
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg reannounced a $500-million effort to eradicate coal and natural gas use in the U.S. on June 6. ABC, CBS and NBC news didn’t even flinch. That night the three broadcast evening shows made no time for the billionaire media mogul’s massive spending to shut down the rest of the nation’s coal plants by 2030 and start targeting natural gas plants. They also haven’t…

As Left Embraces Green New Deal, CEOs Blast Unaffordable ‘Fantasy'

June 6th, 2019 3:03 PM
Democratic presidential front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden gave Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal a big bear hug, with the release of his 22-page climate plan June 4. The Atlantic called it a “mini green new deal” and Biden claimed it will create around 10 million jobs while reducing U.S. net-emissions to zero by 2050. Sure. Business leaders have a very different opinion…

WashPost Gushes Over Left-Wing CEO's Push for Gun Control

June 4th, 2019 5:31 PM
Business leaders wanting praise from the liberal media only need to embrace some left-wing cause. Promoting a conservative agenda earns scorn. The Washington Post published a massive profile on Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack and his gun control advocacy on June 2. The profile, which appeared on the cover of The Post’s Sunday Business section took up a full three-quarters of the section’s…

Bloomberg Not Running for President, Still Drops ‘Bombshell’ on Coal

March 11th, 2019 11:27 AM
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg won’t be running for president in 2020, but the billionaire media mogul has vowed to continue trying to eradicate the coal industry. He’s also promised to target oil and gas. Left-wing Think Progress called that admission the “bombshell the media missed.” ABC, CBS and NBC barely noticed it. In the midst of Bloomberg’s announcement not to run for the highest office…

Fake News Scarborough: McCarthy Tweeted 'Don't Let Jews Buy Election'

February 14th, 2019 8:03 AM
Seeking to deflect criticism of Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar for her history of anti-Semitic remarks, Morning Joe swung into whataboutism mode today. Joe Scarborough flagrantly mischaracterized a tweet by GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy prior to the midterms. Scarborough twice claimed that McCarthy had said: "don't let Jews buy the election."

Bloomberg's 'Anti-Trump Moonshot' Underlines Big Conflict of Interest

February 13th, 2019 10:24 AM
The Drudge Report is highlighting a piece by Politico's Marc Caputo headlined "Michael Bloomberg’s $500 million anti-Trump moonshot: The sum represents a floor, not a ceiling, on the billionaire’s potential spending to defeat the president in 2020." Question for media critics: How do the journalists across the "Bloomberg News' empire not have a massive conflict of interest in covering anything…