
MSNBC Aims Massive Fire Hose of Venom at GOP Amid Celebrating Leak

January 31st, 2020 3:54 PM
Before Friday’s session of the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC’s hatred was in full display for those who wouldn’t be voting and thinking the way they’ve demanded, lobbing one firebomb after another while simultaneously decrying the lack of bipartisanship and civility.

MSNBC FREAKS Over ‘Jim Crow’ GOP Engaging in Ukraine ‘Cover Up’

January 31st, 2020 1:11 AM

In the moments after Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) announced late Thursday that he would not support witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC rhetorically curled up in the fetal position over the “Jim Crow” and “submissive” GOP engaging in a “cover up” and “an extraordinary act of self-abasement” that’s left America in “a very scary moment.”


Wallace: Not Voting for Witnesses Amidst ‘Volcanic’ News Is ‘Suicide’

January 28th, 2020 9:33 PM
Dispensing more of her supposed invaluable expertise, MSNBC’s Deadline: White House host and Republican-turned-lefty Nicolle Wallace boasted Tuesday about the barrage of anti-Trump breaking news developments (like those about John Bolton) being akin to “volcanic eruptions” and voting against witnesses would be “political suicide.”

Matthews Wails: ‘Bugs Bunny’ McConnell ‘Always Gets Away With It’

January 22nd, 2020 1:07 PM
During MSNBC’s special impeachment trial coverage on Wednesday, Hardball host Chris Matthews couldn’t help himself from comparing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to a cartoon character and whined that the Republican lawmaker supposedly “always gets away with” whatever he does.

Partisan CNN Boasts Day Was ‘Devastating’ for Trump, McConnell

January 21st, 2020 10:14 PM

During Tuesday night’s dinner break in the impeachment trial, CNN put forward a case that January 21, 2020 will be day of infamy for President Trump. AC360 and Erin Burnett OutFront offered guest after guest that not only agreed with one another, but plunged further into political analysis divorced from reality. CNN political analyst and resident drama king Carl Bernstein stated on AC360 at…


Scarborough Hypes ‘Devastating’ CNN Impeachment Poll

January 21st, 2020 10:07 PM
Since MSNBC and CNN are both liberal “news” outlets, it certainly comes as no shock when they quote information from each other and consider those assertions to be 100 percent accurate without verifying any of them. That was the case on Tuesday, when the co-hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe cable TV program quoted results from a survey conducted by CNN that claimed more than half of the people across…

Joy Behar’s Conspiracy: Trump Lawyers ‘Hiding’ ‘Something Gross'

January 21st, 2020 2:56 PM
While during the Clinton impeachment trial, the media was adamant that no additional witnesses were needed, they have completely flipped on that position, now that a Republican president is being impeached. Monday, as the Senate trial to impeach President Trump began, the hosts of The View took that same tactic, bashing Republicans for not doing what Democrats want, or as they put it, “the will…

Schumer's Line of the Day on McConnell: 'Hook, Line, and Sinker'

January 21st, 2020 9:55 AM
In appearances on both MSNBC's Morning Joe and CNN's New Day today, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer repeatedly accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of going along with an alleged "coverup" by President Trump of the impeachment trial, "hook, line, and sinker."  

What I’d Like to Hear from Candidates

January 15th, 2020 3:59 PM
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's strategy of holding on to the two weak articles of impeachment against President Trump was starting to rattle some Democrats, who felt they were losing the political battle. Last Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) told reporters, “If we're going to do it, she should send them over,” adding, “I don't see what good delay does.” On Friday, Pelosi sent a letter to…

CNN's Toobin Declares Trump 'Guilty,' Frets Biden 'Poisoned Pill'

January 15th, 2020 8:52 AM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared that President Donald Trump is "guilty," and seemed to worry that Senate Republicans might block the inclusion of witnesses harmful to Trump by demanding the "poisoned pill" of pushing for Hunter Biden to also give testimony.

Surprising Support By Politico Lefty for Senate Trial Without Articles

January 2nd, 2020 11:20 AM
Jake Sherman is no fan of Republicans in general or of President Trump in particular. He's the author of an unflattering book about the Trump White House, in which he also described Mitch McConnell's handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation as "merciless" and "Machiavellian." 

Poppy Harlow Slips Snide Merrick Garland Shot Into Impeachment Talk

December 31st, 2019 10:16 AM
During a CNN New Day discussion of the pending Senate impeachment trial on New Year's Eve, substitute host Poppy Harlow managed to work in a snide Merrick Garland shot at Mitch McConnell.

CNN: McConnell Like a Judge Making 'All-White Jury' for a KKK Trial

December 28th, 2019 7:49 AM

Every time the attempt to remove President Trump from office seems that it couldn’t get any more ridiculous, along comes CNN and that network’s guests to make the process appear even more bizarre. One such incident happened on Thursday, when a former GOP official -- Richard Painter, who was the White House’s top ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush -- compared the upcoming…


As Year Ends, MSNBC Panics Over Surge in Conservative Judges

December 23rd, 2019 11:30 AM
With 2019 drawing to a close, MSNBC took some time to reflect on the “greatest achievement of Mitch McConnell or President Trump,” namely the confirmation of scores of conservative federal judges. The liberal cable channel was certainly not celebrating the news, with anchors fearing how the appointments “will affect the laws of the land for years to come” and plotting ways for Democrats to “…