Media Ignore How Maduro's Death Squads Operate with Impunity Thanks to

March 30th, 2014 11:59 PM
Pushed back from the headlines, massive protests against the repressive Nicolas Maduro regime in Venezuela continue. So do the killings by the "colectivos." If this group of thugs enforcing Maduoro's Chavista socialist nightmare were instead right-wing paramilitary types, they would long since have been christened "death squads" and garnered international attention. A story about the…

Networks Minimize Coverage of Anti-Socialist Protests in Venezuela

February 21st, 2014 10:02 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC have largely punted in covering the protests against the leftist government in Venezuela. Since Monday, only NBC Nightly News has devoted a full report on the demonstrations in the South American country. Altogether, NBC has aired just over two minutes of reporting on the story. Brian Williams also stood out for explicitly mentioning the political ideology of the regime: "Many…

Venezuelan Dictator Threatens to Send CNN Packing for Reporting His Th

February 21st, 2014 12:37 PM
We're not always the biggest fans of CNN, but when they've provoked the ire of a leftist dictator, we have to give props. Reuters is reporting that Venezuelan despot Nicolas Maduro is threatening to expel CNN reporters from his country for daring to, well, do their jobs and report the news (h/t TV Newser; emphasis mine):

Venezuela Seizes U.S. Firm's Oil Rigs; AP Story Headlines Mislead

November 4th, 2013 10:41 AM
The Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro has put the country back into the expropriration business, seizing two oil rigs owned by Houston-based Superior Energy Services. Two different Friday headlines at Associated Press stories about the seizures, one at the AP's national site and the other at the Washington Post, appeared designed more to mislead than to inform.

Venezuela: CNN Inadvertently Reveals Moonbat Militancy of Carter Cente

March 9th, 2013 10:00 PM
CNN has just performed a valuable public service by revealing that the director of the Americas Program at the (Jimmy) Carter Center, Jennifer McCoy, is a complete moonbat. And how did they do that? Simple. They merely quoted her. Although McCoy is often cited in the MSM as some sort of expert on the subject of Venezuela such as in her recent USA column about the Chavez "legacy," her efforts…