PolitiFact's Taxes, Spending Double Standard Spares Dem a False Rating
February 26th, 2025 11:28 AM
PolitiFact finally found time to fact-check a Democrat on Tuesday. Unfortunately, writer Louis Jacobson refused to give Washington Sen. Patty Murray’s false claim a false rating when she declared that, since 2001, GOP tax cuts have done more than anything else to add to the deficit, instead giving the claim a “half true rating.”
Hey, Journalists: New Claim That Al Franken ‘Put His Hand on My A**’
October 1st, 2019 10:55 AM
It’s been more than 18 months since Senator Al Franken stepped down from his seat in the Senate, but thoughts of a comeback ran into some turbulence on Monday. That was when yet another woman accused the former comedian of inappropriate sexual behavior, the ninth to do so and the fourth to say that Franken “groped” her “ass.”
Andrea Mitchell Laments Democrat's Contraception Legislation Won’t
July 9th, 2014 1:23 PM
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is known for softball interviews with pro-abortion activists, appeared distraught during her Andrea Mitchell Reports program on Wednesday, July 9 at the chances of a Democratic bill meant to reverse the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby passing Congress.
Speaking with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), one of the co-sponsors of the legislation, Mitchell…
Big Three Networks Out to Lunch on Benefits Cuts To Disabled Military
December 18th, 2013 1:20 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts, which hyped the sequester's "deep, across-the-board spending cuts" earlier in 2013, have largely been silent about the reductions in the annual cost of living increases for military veterans – part of the budget deal proposed by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan and Democratic Senator Patty Murray. But more egregiously, these programs have…
CBS Berates Rubio For Opposing Budget Plan, A 'Rare Outbreak of Bipart
December 13th, 2013 1:03 PM
Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose predictably conducted a hostile interview of Senator Marco Rubio on Friday's CBS This Morning, badgering the Republican for his opposition to a budget proposal from Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and Democratic Senator Patty Murray. O'Donnell hinted that he was in the pocket of conservative special interest: "I want to ask you about the criticism that you may be more…
CBS Hails 'True Compromise' on Budget; Hypes Opposition From 'Some Con
December 11th, 2013 8:54 PM
Nancy Cordes heralded the proposed budget deal from Rep. Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray as a "true compromise" on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, and asserted that "the reason it's so important is that it could bring an end to this terrible cycle, where Congress can't agree on a yearly budget." Cordes also revisited her network's slanted language about sequestration, stating that the proposal…
Sen. Patty Murray Argues With NPR Anchor that Americans Are Ignorant o
September 27th, 2013 8:40 PM
Kudos to NPR All Things Considered anchor Robert Siegel, who on Thursday night pressed liberal Sen. Patty Murray to consider that perhaps Democrats might want to bend a little on Obamacare. He cited a Pew poll showing the partisan blame for a shutdown would be 39 percent Republican, 36 percent Democrat.
But it really got amusing when Murray wouldn’t budge – in fact kvetched that Obamacare…
Scarborough Ribs Shameless Schmoozer Ford, Jr.: Is There Anyone You Do
March 13th, 2013 9:45 AM
Five days ago, this NewsBuster wrote that Harold Ford, Jr. "seems more interested in cultivating friends and avoiding offense than in saying anything interesting." On Morning Joe that day, Ford had managed to praise a trio of pols, even breaking out the old "my dear friend" line to describe one of them. When Ford employed the same shtick on today's show, Joe Scarborough eventually had enough,…
MS-D&C: MSNBC Thoroughly in the Tank for Planned Parenthood
February 2nd, 2012 5:27 PM
MSNBC has been mocked as MS-DNC and MS-LSD by conservative critics. But given the network's constant drum-beat against the Komen Foundation for its decision to cut off grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates, it might be sensible to rename the liberal cable outlet MS-D&C, after the abortion procedure.
Throughout live coverage this morning and early afternoon, MSNBC hosts turned to pro-…
WaPo Casts Liberal Free-Love-for-Sixth-Graders Agenda As a 'Women's Ri
December 9th, 2011 8:52 AM
The Washington Post headline on a Friday story on over-the-counter abortifacients ("morning after" pills) for middle-schoolers was "Administration's Plan B move draws strong and mixed reaction." That's a terrible headline, because reporters Anne Kornblut and N.B. Aizenman only sought out liberal reaction, and then provided a Team Obama defense. Conservative reaction was omitted. (Why would…
The Debt Panel's Patty Murray Problem
August 12th, 2011 5:10 PM
Everything that's wrong with the so-called debt "super-committee" can be summed up in the person, partisan hackery and policy ignorance of Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray.
On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid named Murray co-chair of the dog-and-pony deficit-reduction panel tasked with identifying $1.5 trillion in spending cuts by late November. Murray, an unrepentant Nanny…
CNN Politics Reports 'Republicans Name Fiscal Conservatives to Debt Co
August 10th, 2011 4:42 PM
Today CNN's Politics Web site carries the story "Republicans name fiscal conservatives to debt committee," written by Deirdre Walsh and Tom Cohen. The piece begins:
"Republican leaders on Wednesday named fiscal conservatives for their six picks for a new congressional "super" committee charged with crafting a plan to cut the country's deficit."
OK, the GOP's selections would be seen by…
More NY Times Double Standards on Death Threats Against Congressmen
April 7th, 2010 1:04 PM
After harping on unsubstantiated reports of racial epithets hurled at black congressmen during protests against Obama-care, no reporter for the New York Times bothered to cover in print an actual arrest made in the case of an actual death threat against Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 Republican in the House. (The paper made do with an Associated Press brief.)Yet David Herszenhorn filed a…
Sell Us Marcelas: Fifth-Grade Protester Has Entire Family of Liberal A
March 10th, 2010 11:29 AM
Brent Baker recounted how CBS Evening News spotlighted fifth-grade protester Marcelas Owens on Tuesday night. David Shuster interviewed him on MSNBC on Tuesday morning. What neither network shared with the viewer is how Marcelas has become a constant talking point for his home-state Democrat Sen. Patty Murray, and how he is a spokesman for a liberal lobby, the Washington Community Action Network.…