Peter Orszag

New York Times Sent Unpublished Columns to the Obama Administration fo
September 15th, 2012 1:27 AM
The New York Times is developing a bad habit of sending its columns to the Obama administration for approval. Daniel Harper at the Weekly Standard reported yesterday on a no-no committed by then-contributing Times columnist Peter Orszag, former director of Obama's Office of Management and Budget and an Obama-care booster in an October 20, 2010 column, "Malpractice Methodology." Halper wrote in…
As Economy Stumbles, Obama's Economic Team Quits
September 30th, 2010 10:33 AM
After nearly two years in office, the "first rate" economic team that President Obama assembled to turn things around - Peter Orszag, Christina Romer, Larry Summers and Timothy Giethner - has itself nearly turned over. His E-team of "brainy" economists, as ABC's Claire Shipman called one of them, went to work even before Obama took office, ultimately crafting a massive stimulus plan…
CNBC's Kernen Declares Obama's Populist Tactics Proof He Advocates 'Re
September 8th, 2010 2:12 PM
To many, it's hardly a revelation to most, but when someone keeps taking the same action over and over again, even to his detriment, it can reveal a lot about that individual's belief system. This was an observation CNBC "Squawk Box" host Joe Kernen made about the Obama administration's willingness to embrace a populist "soak the rich" tactic against the wealthy in the United States, even…
Revolving Door Spins as Peter Orszag Takes NYT Columnist Gig
September 3rd, 2010 5:06 PM
The massive revolving door between the mainstream media and the Obama administration has spun once again, this time as former White House budget director Peter Orszag signs on as a New York Times op/ed columnist.Orszag is the eighteenth individual (that we know of) to transition between the White House and the mainstream press. He will surely not be the last. That amazingly high number again…
Adjusting White House Deficit and Spending Projections to Cash-Based R
July 24th, 2010 2:20 PM
Here's the White House's latest deficit projection, as illustrated at the Corner (HT Instapundit): As explained in two previous NB posts (here and here), FY 2010 is worse than it appears by about $115 billion.This is why, as explained previously:
Peter Orszag: Another Journolist Member With Government Ties? Klein Sa
July 24th, 2010 1:23 AM
NewsBusters posts Friday afternoon provided readers with a list of 65 known participants in the now-infamous Journolist (via Melissa Clouthier) and the special case of Jared Bernstein, Vice President Joe Biden's Economic Adviser (via Lachian Markey). (Aside: Does the fact that Biden has his own econ adviser explain why what the Vice President says in public about the economy is so often of sync…
Awkward: ABC Skips Report That Bianna Golodryga's Fiance Is Leaving th
June 22nd, 2010 5:55 PM
Good Morning America on Tuesday skipped the news that Peter Orszag, Barack Obama's budget director, is resigning from the White House. Perhaps not coincidentally, Orszag is also the fiance of GMA's weekend anchor Bianna Golodryga. CBS's Early Show and NBC's Today both covered the subject. Today reporter Savannah Guthrie explained, "It's a mix of the personal and the political. Most budget…
ABC Highlights Obama Cabinet Official to Tout His Fiancee, Reporter Bi
May 17th, 2010 1:16 PM
To highlight the announcement that Bianna Golodryga had been named co-anchor of the weekend Good Morning America, ABC blurred the lines of journalism on Sunday and brought on the host's fiancee, Barack Obama's Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag.In a fawning piece on Golodryga's life story, an onscreen graphic identified Orszag only as the journalist's fiancee. At the…
Despite Dismissive Media, Palin's 'Death Panels' Resurface in WH Ratio
April 27th, 2010 7:29 PM
PolitiFact called it the Lie of the Year, and journalists left and right (but mostly left) dismissed the claim as hyperbole at best, and fear-mongering propaganda at worst. But Sarah Palin's "death panel" comment may not be as off the mark as so many have claimed. Don't take her word for it. White House budget director Peter Orszag apparently agrees.Well, Orszag didn't specifically address Palin'…
Starvation by Stimulus: Federal Receipts Are Dropping Faster Than Obam
February 9th, 2010 12:17 PM
White House Budget Director Peter Orszag and Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf have a problem: They can't revise their budget estimates quickly enough to account for the continued bad news about tax collections arriving daily from the Treasury Department. Luckily for them, but unfortunately for taxpayers, an establishment media obsessed with PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome), TDS…
Media Dozes While Social Security Is on the Verge of Negative Annual C
September 23rd, 2009 1:28 AM
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air had the catch of the day yesterday when he revealed, based on Congressional Budget Office internal projections distributed to Congress during the summer, that the Social Security system will spend more cash than it takes in during the government's next fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. Read about it there, or here, because you won't see the establishment media…
Memo to Clueless Media: Obama's $17 Bil in 'Cuts' Aren't Real Spending
May 8th, 2009 12:01 AM
President Obama today announced $17 billion in "spending cuts" Thursday. Here are the substantive early paragraphs of the the Associated Press's coverage of what the President had to say: Obama sent Congress a detailed budget Thursday proposing to eliminate or trim 121 programs and save $17 billion next year — not a trifle, for sure, but only about half of one percent of the $3.4 trillion in…