Richard Durbin

Mika: Dick Durbin Was 'Not Race Baiting' With 'Back of the Bus' Attack
March 20th, 2015 11:44 AM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski defended Dick Durbin, saying his claim that "Loretta asked to sit in the back of the bus on the Senate calendar" was "not race baiting."
Following a recap of Durbin’s comments, Brzezinski mentioned in passing that black Republican Senator Tim Scott charged Durbin with race baiting, which she mockingly dismissed without so much as a…
Liberal Senator Bullies Company For Blaming Price Hike on His Legislat
November 3rd, 2012 8:27 PM
Parkmobile, a company that runs an app by which smartphone users can pay for on-street metered parking, recently found itself bullied by a powerful liberal Democratic senator, simply for exercising its freedom of speech. The company found itself on the receiving end of Sen. Dick Durbin's wrath for having sent an email to its users in which it chalked up an increase in its transaction fees to "…
NBC's Vieira Taunts Republican DeMint: 'Is It Now Your Party's Waterlo
March 24th, 2010 11:59 AM
At first glance it appeared Today viewers were in for a balanced segment with NBC's Meredith Vieira interviewing both Republican Senator Jim DeMint and Democratic Senator Dick Durbin about the health care bill bill on Wednesday's show. However Vieira saved her most slanted questions for DeMint as she mocked his earlier prediction of an Obamacare defeat being his Waterloo, "Is it now your party's…
Chicago Sun-Times Practically Runs Durbin Press Release on Gas Prices
May 20th, 2008 1:50 PM
News Flash!: Liberal politician decries price gouging, vows to use government to fix problem, mugs for cameras to hog credit.Oh wait, that's not really news at all. Unless you work for the Chicago Sun-Times.The online edition of the paper gave Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin a virtual press release with a 9-paragraph story by reporter Maureen O'Donnell. Here's an excerpt:The Second City has become…