Rob Nabors
On Saturday, Nets Gloss Over 'Scathing' Report on V.A. Scandal, ABC Ig
June 29th, 2014 4:56 PM
After Friday's World News on ABC ignored the White House report on the infamous problems with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC also ignored the scandal, while CBS This Morning Saturday and NBC's Today show -- both of which are two-hour programs - only ran short briefs, the one on CBS totaling 25 seconds and the one on NBC 19 seconds.
By contrast, the…

ABC Ignores 'Scathing' New Report on V.A. Scandal; CBS and NBC Cover
June 27th, 2014 9:48 PM
Friday's World News on ABC glossed over the release of Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors's report on the scandal at the Veterans Administration. President Obama had sent Nabors to look into the long wait times at veterans hospitals nationwide. Instead, the evening newscast set aside almost two minutes of air time to a woman, who is eight months pregnant, competing in a track and…

WashPost Saves Democrats From Blame in Sequestration Poll
February 26th, 2013 6:15 PM
The Washington Post has been around for more than 150 years and is the largest newspaper in the nation's capital. So there's absolutely no excuse why the paper recently commissioned and published a poll related to the looming sequester which failed to account for the Democrats controlling the upper chamber, even though Republicans were noted as controlling the House.
As Ed Morrissey at Hot…