ABC Touts Robert Byrd's Dedication to 'Health Care Champion' Kennedy

December 24th, 2009 9:10 PM
On Thursday's World News, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer took the time to devote an entire story to 92-year-old Democratic Senator Robert Byrd’s vote for the Democratic health care bill, which the West Virginia Democrat dedicated to former Senator Ted Kennedy, whom the ABC anchor described as "health care champion Ted Kennedy." Sawyer recounted that Byrd had to be brought into the Senate chamber in a…

Media Claim Coburn Hoped For Byrd's Death To Block ObamaCare

December 21st, 2009 10:21 AM
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) told people on Sunday they should pray someone misses Monday morning's crucial healthcare vote, and media members predictably gasped as if he was hoping a Senator would take ill or worse.Somehow all those hyperventilating missed that there was a major snowstorm over the weekend closing airports and snarling traffic, and that travel impediments might have acted to prevent…

CBS Leads with Byrd's 'Shame, Shame' in Story on GOP 'Delaying Tactics

December 18th, 2009 11:42 PM
Centering a Friday night story on how, as anchor Katie Couric explained, “Republicans are doing everything they can to block” the “health reform” bill, “including delaying tactics in this race against the clock,” CBS put front and center Senator Robert Byrd's “shame, shame” admonition of Republicans.Reporter Nancy Cordes began her story by showcasing the aging Democrat: “As he was wheeled into…

Hailing Kennedy As Defender of Senate Ideals, NY Times Ignores Bork Sm

August 28th, 2009 4:23 PM
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg paid tribute on Friday to Sen. Ted Kennedy as one of the last remnants of a more collegial, less combative U.S. Senate. But she neglects to point out how Kennedy himself corroded the institution he claimed to hold in such esteem.  In "For Better and for Worse, Senate Has Seen Changes in Kennedy's Time," Stolberg fretted that the Senate "has become…

'Bush Hurt Mine Safety' Meme Won't Yield to Facts

January 20th, 2009 12:21 PM
2008 was the safest year ever to be an American miner. The combined number of fatalities from all forms of mining was the lowest ever. 2007 (latest information available) also shows the lowest "all-injury" rate for miners on record by far. Yet Ken Ward Jr.'s early-January contribution at the Charleston (WV) Gazette to the spate of final-month Bush-bashing pretended that this data doesn't exist.…

Kate Calling For Coup

November 23rd, 2008 10:03 AM
In an MSM eager for the advent of the Age of Obama, Kate Snow may have taken the cake.  The weekend GMA co-host almost sounded as if she were calling for some kind of coup d'etat, musing whether Obama should be urgently "forcing" change before he takes office. How over the top was Snow?  She had to be talked down from her fin de regime fantasy but none other than . . . Paul Krugman.ABC reporter…