NewsBusters Podcast: Don’t Let the Lefty Media Gaslight on the Border

November 15th, 2024 10:23 PM

With the liberal media’s post-election meltdown bullet train hitting breakneck speed, Senior Research Analyst Bill D’Agostino and I dove into the histrionics over this week’s personnel moves and the left refusing to consider its positions on illegal immigration in light of the voting public’s resounding support for President Trump’s deportation agenda.


Jennings Goes to Battle in CNN’s Thunderdome on Trump Picking RFK Jr.

November 15th, 2024 2:53 PM

CNN senior political commentator and possible future White House Press Secretary Scott Jennings entered into Thursday’s CNN NewsNight — which could easily be referred to as the Thunderdome — to do battle with liberal host Abby Phillip and a team of fellow progressives over the lack of trust in public health and President-Elect Trump’s choice of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the…


The Regime Media FREAK OUT Over Trump Picking RFK, Jr. To Lead HHS

November 15th, 2024 1:16 AM

The Regime Media’s shift into Resistance mode continues apace. The major media outlets uniformly melted down over President Elect Donald Trump’s decision to nominate Robert F. Kennedy to lead the nation’s public health apparatus as Secretary of Health and Human Services.


ABC Implies ‘Optimistic’ Harris Prevails Over ‘Dark,’ ‘Violent’ Trump

November 4th, 2024 1:39 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America projected an image of confidence Monday on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris, cheering her strategy of “end[ing] on a positive note” and “hoping to turn out every last voter by convincing them that she’s the candidate who can turn the page” while Donald Trump has hurled “violent and dark rhetoric” catering only to “angry young men.”


Epstein and Kennedy Jr. Decry Google’s Influence on American Elections

October 24th, 2024 4:40 PM

Former independent presidential candidate  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was terrified to hear of renowned  Dr. Robert Epstein’s study uncovering Google's election interference and censorship.

WATCH: Clinton Fears Losing 'Control’ if Censorship Is Not Implemented

October 7th, 2024 5:01 PM

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a twice-failed presidential candidate,  echoed cynical calls from Democratic politicians for regulation and censorship of social media platforms.


RFK Jr. Corrects Tim Walz for Outrageous Take on Important US Freedom

September 19th, 2024 5:51 PM

It appears Democrat vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has taken the Big Tech bait in calling for censorship of so-called "hate speech" and "misinformation." But former Independent candidate for president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. corrected Walz for his outrageous take on America's first principles.

ABC Gets Hots for ‘Coach Walz’ Giving ‘Pep Talk’ With ‘Queen’ Oprah

August 22nd, 2024 12:08 PM

On Thursday, the nervous sweat had yet to wear off on ABC’s Good Morning America from their weak knees and clammy palms from their Tuesday and Wednesday shows recapping the Democratic National Convention. This time, the played the role of Russia Today anchors promoting their party’s vice presidential candidate Tim Walz as a scandal-free “[s]ocial studies teacher, retired National…

Google Buries Trump Site Even in Thick of Republican Nat’l Convention

July 17th, 2024 10:05 AM

During the Republican National Convention, researchers from MRC Free Speech America found that Google has been burying former President Donald Trump's campaign website in its search results while promoting President Joe Biden’s site to the number one spot. A study conducted in a "clean environment" revealed that Google fails to display Trump’s campaign site within the top 100 results but…

Worst Censorship of May: Big Tech Targets Candidates and Hamas Critics

June 7th, 2024 6:08 PM

As some Americans celebrated the end of the school year in May, many social media users unfortunately graduated from Big Tech’s school of censorship.

Google Buries Trump Campaign Website After Bombshell Trial Verdict

June 4th, 2024 1:17 PM

Google buried former President Trump's campaign website in search results after a guilty verdict in a case backed by George Soros-supported prosecutor Alvin Bragg. Despite Trump's donation website experiencing high traffic, it didn't appear on the first page of Google search results a day after the verdict. An analysis by MRC Free Speech America found all other 2024 presidential candidates'…


Brain Worm Aficionados: The View Spouts Off on RFK Jr.'s Diagnosis

May 9th, 2024 3:13 PM

Masters of the subject, the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View kicked off their Thursday show by sounding off on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his past diagnosis of having a dead worm in his brain. The irony that they, of all people, were going to mock someone else for having a parasite in their brain was completely lost on the cast.


39 Times Facebook Interfered in US Elections Since 2008

April 23rd, 2024 11:09 AM

Facebook has interfered in U.S. elections multiple times since 2008. The platform has been involved in incidents of political censorship and policy changes that detract from free speech, despite CEO Mark Zuckerberg's affirmations to support it. MRC researchers have documented 39 instances where Facebook intervened in electoral processes, from removing political posts and ads to limiting users…


Mark Levin Rips CNN ‘Hack’ for Whitewashing Biden's Censorship Regime

April 4th, 2024 2:25 PM

Syndicated radio host Mark Levin tore into prominent CNN Biden flack anchor Dana Bash for trying to gaslight viewers on the dangers of the White House censorship regime.