
CNN Panel Chastises GOP for Using 'Innuendo' to 'Tar and Feather' FBI

January 26th, 2018 12:42 AM
In a remarkably oblivious segment during CNN’s The Lead on Thursday, host Jake Tapper and his panel ripped into Congressional Republicans for rushing to use the missing FBI text messages and ‘selective leaks’ to claim conspiracy. The exchange was mind-boggling since CNN conducted its brand of journalism in a similar fashion. It actually allowed them to win three out of their four trophies in…

ABC Dismisses Seriousness of FBI Texts, Knocks Those Who Are Concerned

January 25th, 2018 9:35 PM
On Thursday, it was announced that the missing FBI text messages were recovered and heading to Congress for review. With this development, the liberal media finally had an interest in the story, but they instead pushed a narrative that there was nothing to worry about, there wasn’t a scandal to be had, and anyone arguing as such were being political. And during the evening network newscasts, ABC’…

ABC Finally Covers Missing FBI Texts, Paints It as Wild GOP Conspiracy

January 24th, 2018 9:36 PM
After completely ignoring for the better part of three days the shocking revelations that the FBI had somehow managed to lose five months worth of text messages, ABC finally found the story during Wednesday’s World News Tonight. And with their late arrival came a heavy spin campaign to make it seem as though it was nothing more than baseless accusations from a panicked Republican Party.

MSNBC: FBI Concerns Are ‘Destroying’ America Using ‘McCarthy Playbook'

January 24th, 2018 8:32 PM

For the second straight day, MSNBC’s Hardball dismissed any and all Republican questions on Wednesday about bias inside the FBI as modern-day McCarthyism that’s a smoke screen “destroying” and “hurting” America. Host Chris Matthews predictably set the tone, referring to Republicans such as Senator Ron Johnson (Wisc.) as “toadies” being ordered by the White House to “do anything to deflect or…


ABC Still Not Covering Missing Texts, Nets Silent on 'Secret Society'

January 23rd, 2018 9:32 PM

The revelations concerning missing FBI text messages continued to snowball on Tuesday as news trickled out that, via the remaining 50,000 texts, the FBI was home to a so-called “secret society” that began meeting after President Trump was elected. And despite how the revelations have been reported by other major news outlets, the three major network news outlets have been reluctant to cover…

Advocacy: NYT Opinion Urges Calls to GOP Senators to Stop Tax Bill

November 29th, 2017 2:52 PM
On Wednesday, The New York Times editorial board and Twitter account arguably crossed a line into becoming a grassroots advocacy group, encouraging and providing both readers and Twitter followers with phone numbers to call select Republican Senators in order to defeat the Republican tax plan.

Senator Calls Out CNN for Censoring Dem Scandals

August 1st, 2017 12:33 PM
The media's obsession with anything that can be reported negatively on Trump is made so much worse by what they do not report. Networks like CNN refuse to cover stories that do not fit their leftist narrative. Tuesday morning on New Day, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) pointed out the blatant lack of coverage of Fusion GPS's ties to Russia and Debbie Wasserman Schultz's connection to criminal Capitol…

GOP Senators School CBS, NBC Moderators on Fake Cuts to Medicaid

June 25th, 2017 3:43 PM
The Sunday network morning shows were filled with discussion of the health care bill recently released by Senate Republicans on Thursday. That discussion was loaded with fake news about the bill drastically slashing Medicaid, which was being pushed by the program moderators. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos actually yelled at Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway because she refuted it. Meanwhile, on the…

CNN's Cuomo Wrongly Claims Illegal Immigrant Crime Lower Than Citizens

March 1st, 2017 11:22 AM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, host Chris Cuomo wrongly suggested that illegal immigrants commit crime at a rate lower than American citizens as he repeated the recurring myth from the left while debating Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson. As the two discussed President Donald Trump's address to Congress from last night, the CNN host posed: "Immigration was a big theme last night. The fact…

CNN's Cuomo Complains GOP Guest's Media Criticism 'Hard to Swallow'

November 9th, 2016 6:05 PM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, as Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson appeared as a guest to discuss the aftermath of Donald Trump's election to the presidency, co-host Chris Cuomo repeatedly pressed his GOP guest on what the new President would do to make it up to those who did not support him who might feel like they were victims of "division and anger" during his campaign. After…

Blogger: Current GOP Lawmakers ‘Dumbest We've Ever Had’

May 24th, 2015 1:36 PM
Today’s conservative legislators may not be as dumb as a box of rocks or so dumb it takes them an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes (HT: Rodney Dangerfield) but Daily Kos writer Hunter is willing to claim that they’re “the dumbest we've ever had. You have to credit the tea party Republicans for that one—they know what they want, and by golly if it can ooze its way into a suit and tie they'll…

Telemundo ignora iniciativa migratoria conservadora

May 22nd, 2015 9:22 PM
Aunque Telemundo usualmente cubre cualquier noticia relacionada al tema migratorio, la cadena no informó a su audiencia sobre el nuevo esfuerzo conservador para abordar el tema migratorio. Las televisoras rivales de Telemundo, Univisión y MundoFox reportaron sobre la iniciativa, que es impulsada por la American Principles in Action. Esta organización presentó la iniciativa en el Centro para…

Telemundo Ignores Conservative Immigration Initiative

May 22nd, 2015 8:31 PM
Even though Telemundo typically covers just about anything related to the topic of immigration, so far the network has failed to inform its audience about a new effort among conservatives to address the immigration issue. Telemundo rivals Univision and MundoFox both reported on the initiative, which is the brainchild of the conservative organization American Principles in Action and was unveiled…

MSNBC Host to GOP: Give on Amnesty So Obama Doesn't 'Have' To Order It

November 7th, 2014 10:01 AM
The Republican devil would make him do it! On MSNBC's Daily Rundown today, Kristen Welker repeatedly blocked GOP Senator Ron Johnson's attempts to talk about President Obama's threat to issue an executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. When she finally deigned to discuss the issue, Welker suggested that Republicans pass immigration legislation so that Obama doesn't "…