Roseanne Barr to Prop 8 Backers: To the Gulag, Go

November 14th, 2008 3:48 PM
Comedian, radio talk show host and blogger Roseanne Barr has a special place she wants to send Californians -- including blacks, Catholics, and Mormons -- who voted for Proposition 8. Too bad they'd have to time travel at least 17 years back in time to get there. Picking up her never-ending screed against those she considers enemies of well, humanity, Barr wished to be able to send voters in…

Roseanne Barr Now Lecturing Blacks Over Prop 8 Vote

November 10th, 2008 12:00 PM
Update/Related Blog: Brian Maloney has a great post at Radio Equalizer, noting that Barr is a liberal radio talk show host, and asking where the outrage is on the Left about her arguably racist rant. Not content with stopping at her anti-Catholic, anti-Mormon, and anti-Semitic November 6 screed, comedian Roseanne Barr has decided to direct fire against African-Americans for voting in large…

Roseanne Barr: Register Mormon, Catholic Churches, Judaism As PACs

November 6th, 2008 5:56 PM
The Mormon and Catholic churches and Jewish synagogues should be forced to register with the IRS as political action committees because they have "crossed the line between church and state" and "hate our country" and want nothing less than the "complete overthrow of the us [sic] government." So bellows leftist comedian Roseanne Barr in a November 6 blog post, citing support for Proposition 8,…

Roseanne Barr, Staying Classy

August 19th, 2008 5:16 PM
Celebrity advisors/surrogates--like George Clooney--are a point of pride for Democrats. They like the "cool" factor these celebrities bring to their campaigns. Though their fame brings increased attention and makes their candidates chic, celebrity also elevates people with no other identifiable skills. What, exactly, does Clooney bring to Obama's team of 300 foreign policy advisors(?), for…

Bozell Column: Roseanne vs. Rush

May 6th, 2008 6:02 PM

C'mon, Roseanne, You're Just Trying Too Hard Now

June 29th, 2007 4:07 PM

Roseanne Barr: Wrong for 'The View,' Right for BBC

May 3rd, 2007 1:37 PM
Michelle Malkin noticed that comedian Roseanne Barr wrote recently on her blog that she's too biased against Israel to be hired for the Barbara Walters daytime gab-fest. Here's what Barr wrote: In reality, I could never host that show, or any network show, because I have opinions that are not sanctioned by the powers that be who refuse to allow even one dissenting voice over the airwaves of…

Rumors Rise of Roseanne for Rosie Replacement

April 30th, 2007 10:53 AM

Roseanne on 'The View': Limousine Class Warfare and Conspiracy Theorie

March 13th, 2007 5:19 PM

Roseanne Barr: I'm Like Totally More Intelligent Than President Bush

October 19th, 2005 3:59 PM
Actress/comedian Roseanne Barr, who claims to be a psychic (“I channel the higher mind, the higher universal mind”), used the made-up word “overcomeable” and employed teenage phrases such as “like” and “totally,” insisted on Monday night's Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC that she would win a battle of intelligence with President Bush. Barr recounted how she's “going around telling jokes about our…