
Keith Olbermann: President-Elect Donald Trump's Behavior 'Not Normal'

November 18th, 2016 5:01 PM
Just when we thought we'd heard the last from Keith Olbermann, the former MSNBC bomb-thrower has created an online video series for GQ magazine entitled The Resistance, in which the former sportscaster and political commentator is lashing out at President-Elect Donald Trump as “the man who was elected by a minority” whose actions are “not normal.” The fire-breathing pundit also targeted former…

NYT's Feuer Hurls Psych Slurs at Giuliani for Trump Support

November 14th, 2016 4:27 PM
Sunday’s New York Times went from positioning race-baiter Al Sharpton as a credible voice of anti-Trump dissent, to hailing the wisdom of another liberal MSNBC host: Chris Matthews. Matthews' horrified reaction to Trump-supporting Rudy Giuliani led off a contemptuous profile of the former NYC mayor, written by the eccentric reporter Alan Feuer: “America’s Mayor Rolls the Dice.” Feuer threw around…

Chuck Todd Denies Hillary Attacked Bill's Sex Assault Victims

October 9th, 2016 4:09 PM
Viewers of Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC could witness the recurring elephant in the room with regard to the Clintons that journalists repeatedly try to tamp down, in the form of Hillary Clinton's reported history of threatening and trying to discredit women who have made sexual assault accusations against her husband. Liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus tried to minimize the issue to…

Trevor Noah Slams Media for ‘Misreporting’ Trump’s PTSD Comments

October 7th, 2016 3:08 PM
Trevor Noah just rocked the boat. In less than five minutes, the Daily Show host defended both Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, while simultaneously excoriating the media for misrepresentation and selective editing.   

Politico Mangles Giuliani Quote Into Trump 'Better...Than a Woman'

October 3rd, 2016 4:30 PM
Politico mangled a quote from Rudy Giuliani’s Sunday interview on ABC’s This Week.  Their headline was “Giuliani: Trump 'better for the United States than a woman'.” That misleading headline that leaves out half of Giuliani's sentence -- the half about Hillary's email scandal -- is also on top of the accompanying video, and in Politico tweets.

Networks Silent on Accusation Trump Used Cocaine Before Debate

September 28th, 2016 12:15 AM
The same liberal networks who sprinted to dismiss concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health as part of a “wacky strategy” by Donald Trump, turned a blind eye Tuesday to similar accusations made about the GOP nominee. Following the first presidential debate Monday night, Clinton surrogate Governor Howard Dean tweeted that he suspects Trump had a cocaine habit and used it before the debate. He stuck…

MSNBC's Mitchell Wonders If GOP to Blame for Clinton Hiding Illness

September 13th, 2016 8:15 AM
On Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, host Mitchell displayed the latest example of a journalist trying to push blame for Hillary Clinton's history of being secretive onto her political opponents "beating up on her" and causing her to feel the need to be defensive. During a discussion of Clinton withholding from the press that she had pneumonia, thus leading it to be a surprise when she…

Hypocritical NYT Sheds Fake Tears for Giuliani's Marred 'Legacy'

September 11th, 2016 7:00 PM
On the front of Saturday’s New York Times, reporters Jonathan Mahler and Maggie Haberman shed hypocritical tears over the risks to Rudy Giuliani’s “legacy” -- one the paper has spent over a decade doing its best to slur. The former New York City Mayor oversaw a record plunge in city homicides, led the city through 9-11, and currently advocates for Donald Trump. That last detail was the key to “…

CNN Whines About Public’s Lack of ‘Connection’ with Post-9/11 Clinton

September 11th, 2016 9:46 AM
September 11 is a sacred day for America where we try to put our political squabbles aside and come together to moan an unbelievable tragedy. But not on CNN’s New Day Sunday where they complained that American’s don’t know the “empathetic leader” Hillary Clinton was after the attack. “A British newspaper and New York radio station are claiming the Clinton of today is vastly different than the…

CNN Wants More Pressers from Clinton, Answer Conspiracies Not Scandals

August 21st, 2016 4:34 PM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources CNN’s Brian Stelter brought up a serious issue for journalists,Hillary Clinton's major lack of press conferences. He brought on NPR’s White House Correspondent Tamara Keith to discuss the importance of pressers. “So with a press conference, you can pull out more information, or you can -- or it will be more clear that the candidate simply isn't answering,” she…

Giuliani Schools Matthews on 'Bigger Story' of E-Mails, Not Trump

August 11th, 2016 3:17 PM
Former New York City Mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani engaged in a tense back-and-forth with MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews on Wednesday night over Trump’s Second Amendment comments, but it was Giuliani absolutely schooling Matthews on the latest developments involving Hillary Clinton’s e-mail and Clinton Foundation scandals that stood out.

Howard Dean Screams 'What More Do You Want?' About Clinton's E-Mails

August 9th, 2016 5:39 PM
While a guest on Monday's MSNBC Live program, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean could barely control his anger when host Kate Snow asked: “Donald Trump is zeroing in” on Hillary Clinton's “use of the term 'short-circuited.' Why is she struggling to answer those questions about her e-mail?” Dean, who is best known for his “Dean Scream” on January 19, 2004, after suffering a serious loss in the…

Lefty Pundits on Giuliani: ‘Unhinged’ and ‘Spewing…Nonsense’

July 20th, 2016 1:08 PM
There’s the entertaining kind of irascible old guy (e.g., Grampa Simpson) and there’s the scary kind, which several liberal pundits thought they beheld Monday night as they watched Rudy Giuliani speak at the Republican convention. Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall remarked that “ever since the late and great Molly Ivins quipped that she thought Pat Buchanan's speech at the…

NYT Puts Race Front and Center at RNC, Lead With Melania's Speech-Gate

July 20th, 2016 12:56 PM
Playing on long-established stereotypes of the melanin-challenged Republican Party, New York Times coverage of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday put racial controversies front and center, accusing speakers (particularly Rudy GIuliani) of lecturing and moralizing to blacks about law and order as an all-white crowd lapped it up. The paper led with Melanie Trump's speech with this…